he's right, ya know
He's right, ya know
sorry kid, i dont listen to commie retards
i'm convinced this guy has no idea what he's talking about
i mean, he's right
Neck yourself commie cunt.
I know his policies are so far fetched that only 32 of the world's 33 first world nations have been able to make it work
You don't have to be a commie retard to know that this is true.
Why do Americans think universal healthcare is communism when every country outside Africa has universal healthcare expect America?
> federal reserve
> government
Pick one, you uneducated commie.
>Bernie thinks the Fed is the federal government
Whew lads, people actually vote for this demented jew
via a nominal tax rate of 65% for normal people and a performance at a fraction of ours. Good job, faggot.
So I take it this faggot wants to eliminate independent monetary policy, as well.
kinda curious what is the actual relationship between the two?
also who got lucks septs
How does this free money for Wall Street thing work? Does that $1.5 trillion become debt? Who does the money go to? Does it have to be paid back?
"free" healthcare to all isn't a 1.5 trillion dollar cost. Injecting that into the market to prevent it from crashing and wiping out people's retirement accounts, something he wants to do anyways
why do conservashits pretend to care about Debt when Blumpf has spent more than Obama?
sorry. but america isnt a white nation. we can't afford to do that
It's a handout to billionaires, which is the only thing Trump ever does.
It's not given away to banks it is lended out. It's not even an increase in the total amount of money lended out to banks, since it is just meant to cover the decrease resulting from the market conditions.
>kinda curious what is the actual relationship between the two?
The Fed is basically a private bank with the chief nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. There is no federal government oversight of its operations. The Fed can manipulate the money supply at its leisure with no regard for any elected official.
>lended out
Has the central bank ever actually paid off any of the shit that's lent?
lefts can't meme as always
>Muh FREE and UNIVERSAL healthcare!
Of those 32 first world nations, their healthcare is either shit, or not really free.
The Federal reserve is a Jewish establishment that controls inflation and keeps the government in a stranglehold, you fucking retards.
I wanted a more intelligent answer.
He is a loser and a quitter. I hope he dies of Corona.
>he actually thinks our corrupt and incompetent Zionist government could make this work
Yea, it's worked out very well in Italy, my fellow comrade
Because we pay for them.
Take the 11 million a day for Israel and give it back to US.
T. Guy that killed audit the fed bill with shit legalese
This...OP is a cum guzzling commie faggot.
there's honestly no way to defend the fact that he's wrong
>Don't want money to be given out
Just because the government is wasting peoples money on gibmedats (that aren't the ones you want) doesn't mean people automatically like it. Who's the real "Boot licker" when you're actively the one polishing the boot the lick?
It's not a hand out. It's a loan. It's expected to be paid back with interest. Giving $1.5 trillion to nigz for free STD treatments is not the same thing. All jews need to stop talking.
The Fed is not handing out money. The repo market is quite complex. Banks purchased US bonds. The Fed is giving short term loans to banks with the collateral for the loan being US bonds held by the bank. It's like the bank is cashing in the US bond early, but also temporarily. Very complex, but it's something the Fed can do without asking Congress.
Is he implying that his single payer plan would help? Let's put this in perspective. If hit hard with Corona virus, the United States will run out of hospital beds in June. Canada is already out of hospital beds and the virus has barely even hit them yet
Yeah you'd rather suck jew cock instead
>You don't want to suck this particular Jew cock?
>Well you'd rather suck other Jew cock instead
user, If you love Jew cock so much you should just become a Mohel.
>have a full larder and stockpiles of TP
i don't understand how this is a shortage.
Why do leftists think they are entitled to other people's money?
32 of those countries dont have 40 million niggers as citizens
rekt with racism facts and KNOWLEDGE
Money given to the stock market doesnt breed more niggers and attract economic migrants the way gibs do
>and a performance at a fraction of ours
t. burger that will only live to be 78.87 years old
They will soon enough. Trotskyism wills it.
But it wasn’t the government at all. It was the fed.
Why do people vote for stupid?
The Fed is owned by jews
The government is just run by jews
Bernie, if the economy goes into a depression, what will that mean for the healthcare industry?
oy vey he is the most anti semitic motherfucker how much more must my people suffer?
It’s a short term loan to banks who hold govt bonds. The bond market must survive
>wanting to get old and shit in diapers
>I know his policies are so far fetched that only 32 of the world's 33 first world nations have been able to make it work
The countries that are currently in lockdown because they don't have the medical resources to treat their citizens?
The economy is more important than some low iq mentally ill person getting his weiner chopped off.
Sure he is. But the solution isn’t communism.
Is that so hard to grasp?
We're literally going to be going back to bartering by the time this shit ramps up to 11. $ is an imaginative asset that we established to trade labor. But soon labor won't mean shit, only goods will.
Elbows and assholes. Maybe some bacon too.
none of that was government money
kill yourself kill yourself
kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
It's still feeding parasites. Do you think (((speculators))) and bank jews are any less of a cancer?
>65% tax
Jesus you're brainwashed.
Enjoy your lifelong debt-servitude to ZOG bankers if you want to heal something or if you want to get a higher education (read real education, like engineering, not social studies).
Meanwhile I can just walk in the hospital without worries if I break something and come out debt free. Or I can go learn whatever I want for a fraction of what you pay.
Americans truely are jewish slaves, you're like cattle that only serve to pay back debts to jewish banks and Israel. The worst part is you're proud of it because "muh commies". There's a third way, goy.
Enjoy your lockdown next week. Plenty of engineering to be done.
>socialism for thee but not for me
Just how much of a cuck do you have to be to think like this?
You are not okay with people getting government aid but perfectly fine with these bullshit bailouts? What kind of hypocrisy is that?
You can't go to prison for not paying medical debts. Really you don't have to. Anyways, it's not like anyone here wouldn't mind universal healthcare, as long as it doesn't go towards anyone who doesn't contribute to it (spics and niggers).
Did the stimulus simply purchase (overpriced) stock that the federal government now owns?
You have communism right now boomers. It's corporate communism. Unlimited free money for the rich. Poverty and death for the poors