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The FED did it and no one controls them...sooooo
nigger the world ends tomorrow
The fed will be abolished by the end of this year
lmao no, the american tax payer did
when the FED takes out a 1.5 TRILLION dollar and buys financial assets with it(basically injecting it into the debt market to bail out banks), who do you think guarantees that cash that was just made out of thin air?
he, you or the usa doesn't own the money in the first place. learn to central banks and money printing.
the only reason the fed is pumping money in is to stabilize the markets long enough for rich people and banks to pull their money out. Market crash rock bottom end of march early april
Capitalism, communism and all your shitty economic ideology faggot.
It was never real. It only signifies an expectation that workers will produce that much profit for share holders over the next few years.
How do you know that is the five hundred billion dollars though?
What stage of capitalism is this?
Well if you think you can restructure an economy better and faster, go do it instead of complaining about what the market is doing to your tampon.
He basically robbed the American people so (((they))) could cash out.
"Maybe it wasn't a good idea to rely on a totalitarian bat soup shithole for all our manufacturing" stage.
The American worker.
Monday's coming soon, goys!
And by share holders you mean (((share holders)))
lol we'll just print more bro
if i were a drinking man i'd be fucking tanked right now
Sure, give me 320 million slaves and limitless power and I'll make a fine economy with that.
>(((no one ))) controls them
>ITT no one knows what Repos are
And it's gone
Nooooo =(
Time to go load more boxes for $10 an hour =(
You’re one of those lgbt liberal faggots who say they hate racism but use the nigger word constantly huh?
No. It's just not in the stock exchange anymore. It's out in the wild where it belongs.
So I’ve been under a rock for a year. What exactly is happening now? This isn’t one of those bullshit hype happening like the swine flu or -800 dip or something is it?
This is the part where we stop doing business with commie cunts.
How can I be as dumb as you OP? Tell me your secrets.
Dollars to donuts the US stock exchange is the only exchange dumping at a historic rate. Remember when they said Trump would fix the economy, poppycock
Tom Hanks has the wuflu, but it’s racist to say it’s chinese, and liberal corporations are cucking but will ask gubmint to reimburse them no doubt.
People are pulling out and putting all their money in toilet paper. It doesn't matter who wins the election, because we'll all be ruled by a Kimberly-Clark-Georgia-Pacific oligarchy this time next year.
The Fed is not handing out money. The repo market is quite complex. The Fed is giving short term loans to banks with the collateral for the loan being US bonds held by the bank. It's like the bank is cashing in the US bond early, but also temporarily. Very complex, but it's something the Fed can do without asking Congress.
"Allowing Communists to exist was a mistake" stage
can someone explain to me in layman's terms what's going on
To think, that all those years of Koch brother super pac money and lobbying were ineffective, it would take a chinese bio weapon to put them in charge.
capitalism failed
socialism time, for the rich not the poor people :)
If we tank the economy we can have Biden for president.
Do you guys know what's funny though? Dow is now at 20800
God I sure hope so.
Nobody will listen. Trying to correct misinformation about the stock market this month has been like raking the ocean. Most people complaining the fed actions about don't even know what repo stands for.
>Central banks
>Minimun wages
>Thousands more forms of regulations to benefit corporations that are in bed with the State
well its a fraud jew
Trillion dollars going in tomorrow.
you forgot about welfare and gender quotas
muh stonks, its annudah shoah
Hemp paper is the best. But yes, I noticed the paper and wood industry making huge bank. They'll spend the money on new cars, homes, etc. The money will spread, it never just goes away, it turns into something else.
The federal reserve is printing 1.5 trillion dollars to dump into the stock market. It went up for about 2 hours after injecting 500b of it. Tomorrow they are injecting 1 trillion into it.
1.5 trillion*
when do we bring the guillotines out
Privatized profits, but socialized losses with bailouts. Let that shit crash and burn. Why is there no circuit breaker for exaggerated exhuberance????
If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with millions of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to "mix in", until no people of that kind were left. If anyone objected, I would scream the R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.
If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that. Anti-whites are doing it to White people in all & only White countries.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Repos are not quantitative easing you retard
They're almost 100 years late at this point my dude.
It actually is handing out money. It's giving cheap loans to underperforming (((entities))) which no one else is doing because they are too toxic. If this were a real Capitalism (not just a Kike casino party screwing Goyim over until the music stops), the market would determine the proper lending rates.
Reminder that US student loan debt is roughly 1.5 trillion dollars and paying it would permanently destroy the fabric of US society, but 1.5 trillion for 20 minutes of stock market gains is very cool.
First you buy a US bond. Then you get a loan from the Fed for the amount of the bond. Then you pay back the loan. If you don't pay back the loan, the Fed takes back the US bond so they are paid back. Because it starts with buying a US bond, money is not being printed.
Wait wtf I remember a habbenin post about world ending. I think it was this month but can’t remember the day
Today will be a good day.
Are you equating debt with stock activity?
>could have handed out a check of $1250 to each one of all 400 million or so americans
>pisses it away gambling to try and make his stonks numbers go up and get reelected
i voted for this orange retard
A repo is still printing money and handing it over to the banks who agree to pay it back tomorrow. They have been doing this nearly everyday since Sept.
checked and truthpilled
Yes printing 1.5 trillion dollars of debt to dump into the stock market which is what they are literally reporting that they are doing.
the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good
That money doesn't exist, economy is a cult, who cares ? Next time try $500 zillion dollars.
uh oh
>pay my loans, goy
>nevah mind my dad’s a wealthy lawyah, i’m poooooooouuurrrrr!!!!!
you know people have to buy it in order for the price to drop, right?
they cashed out.
they do it again when the dow gets close to 50k
fucking checked