Attached: gookjak kim and chinkjak zhang_.png (1183x1331, 106.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Korea_Treaty_of_1905–Korea_Treaty_of_1910

Where's jap one?

Why are you so out of touch?

Attached: pYjiG0iAS-Cx-gqArW71_A.png (455x446, 23.81K)

The emperor has korean blood.

>The emperor has korean blood.

Attached: Gookjak Kim (Hwa-Byung)_.png (592x1312, 59.91K)

Why are those two Japanese gentlemen eating the Korean and Chinese flags respectively?

>Why are those two Japanese gentlemen eating the Korean and Chinese flags respectively?

Attached: Gookjak Kim (Hwa-Byung).png (592x1312, 47.63K)

>gookjak kim and chinkjak zhang

Attached: I Feel Coke (5).webm (654x480, 1.18M)

Why do japs think they're not yellow too?

Sorry, we fought on the Justice side.

Attached: Die_Samurai_-_Ritter_Des_Reiches_in_Ehre_und_Treue,_von_Heinz_Corazza_(1937).jpg (1154x1460, 1.1M)

Why do you always samefag despite being exposed several times? Like what s the point?

You missed one

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Argenchink spotted

Attached: tumblr_lbr0ef5lo21qaoem1o1_1280.png (439x593, 578.97K)

寝るネトウヨ wwwwwww

They are more tan/brown than yellow.
Gooks are bleached and chinks are chinks.

Chingooks and stealing memes, nothing new.

Attached: Untitled.png (1066x735, 456.33K)

China never forgets. Japan will receive divine punishment.

Is this considered a war crime in your cunt? Looks like just a bunch of superior Japanese dudes having fun decapitating weaker chink insects.

Attached: 2000_380_07_l_.jpg (1342x650, 358.61K)

U mad

China has already contained it. We already won.

Japan will suffer now. You mock us, but it will be you who will die.

What? Ching chong? Sorry, I don't understand an insect language. Speak human, you chink corona.

Attached: 9UOkLu9.jpg (1409x1500, 195.36K)

Ah yes my favorite samefag netuyou! You planning a trip to Santa Monica yet?

Attached: 9014AE4B-4FE0-4B02-B190-6131CDEEDA8F.jpg (1242x1940, 508.1K)

Reminder that a shit ton of stuff could've been prevented or slowed down had Japan annexed the chinks.

My English is much better than your's. Trust me.

1) Tokyo Olympics will be cancelled

2) Japan's economy will be devastated

3) Japanese women will flock to China to work as sex workers to send money back home to Japan

4) Japan will be the world center of the Japanese Coronavirus

5) More Japanese will die of the Japanese Coronavirus than in any other country

You mad chinkoid? Bend your neck down, I'll generously cut your boiling head off with my samurai sword. You ugly chink corona? kek

Attached: 1940-japanese-soldiers-executing-chinese.png (294x536, 238.43K)

You laugh now. You'll cry later.

Hey! I asked you a question! Are you planning a trip to Santa Monica?

Attached: 3D6197B1-E715-42E2-9EE7-39B38E75C2C2.jpg (1242x969, 766.48K)

You like this famous Nanking cuisine do ya?

Attached: chink_crispy.jpg (517x392, 201.67K)

What? Ching chong king pong ling dong?

Attached: beheaded chinchuria.jpg (250x442, 21.59K)

Eating chinks isn’t cannibalism

Attached: F10F031E-9593-4B68-8B6E-7CF36C3FA6FB.jpg (2249x1757, 880.63K)

It was just a colonial power and hanging gook scum for fun, get over it, gookman. kek

Attached: [ip0856] THE STRANGJING OF CRIMINALS KOREAN..jpg (1200x830, 156.59K)

>Nooooo, you can't spank a gook ass with 90 blows of bamboo, that's a war crime, you must apologize Japan, nooooo.

Attached: [ip0452] Rioters penalty Execution at Korea.jpg (1200x834, 136.18K)–Korea_Treaty_of_1905
Japan never colonized Korea, they only joined them. But what do I expect from a retard Abe shill kek!

Attached: 8A05D257-FCC7-4625-83EC-8EA19965C93B.jpg (2246x4029, 1.33M)

Is this why gooks are eternally butthurt cucks?

Attached: 0_hiroyuki-sanada.jpg (564x334, 67.92K)

HA! You just samefag on Yas Forums! KEK!

We can see your poster ID, retard.

I hate Ja*anese and I love Koreans. Fuck you gook

>Nooooo, you can't slash off a gook's arms to show off your skill with a samurai sword, that's a war crime, you evil nazi Japan, noooooo.

Attached: (Red_Cross_pamphlet_on_March_1st_Movement)_(KADA-shyun15-012~16).jpg (5136x3572, 2.34M)

You’re exposed Takeshi, give it up.

Attached: 998CD135-CE06-48A1-A562-8AE68879FE27.jpg (1242x1542, 216.2K)

How many times did you steal and shitty-edited my memes. Hit a nerver that much?

Attached: Gookjak_Kim.jpg (1696x1958, 1.15M)

It’s not you’re meme LMAO

Attached: 89935DEA-CF14-49C2-986C-5972B9416D5D.jpg (800x450, 40.46K)

Baka Op.

We all know Japan is not testing and not talking about Corona because Abe wants the Olympics.

You jelly of Japan successfully containing and killing chink virus? because we already knew how to do that.

Attached: chink_massacre.webm (426x176, 2.5M)

Whatever you say Abe shill

Attached: 007CC8FF-C27F-461F-A484-5639840E5EC3.jpg (1242x335, 212.01K)

lol good job

are you an actual jap or an engrish teacha

*banzais american harbor without declaration of war*
*banzais british colonies without declaration of war*
*leaves nazis to fight the soviets alone*
Japs were never on the white man's side, though they grovel and beg for our acceptance

why couldnt you do a better job there s a billion chinks now$

the pacific ocean will be 90% plastic soon because of your failure to act

Attached: nuke the fucking chinks.jpg (877x493, 96.69K)

China has already contained it. There was only 3 new cases yesterday.

China is doing an excellent job.

What is Japan doing? Absolutely nothing.

The Olympics will be cancelled. Japan is doomed. Japan will become the next Philippines.

t. kike shill

Attached: yum yum American meat.png (854x958, 568.1K)

blame yanks for constantly getting in the way of us butchering chinks for population control.

wait you fuckers eat people

What the hell do you have against Indonesians?

Why do people love wojacks so fucking much? What's the appeal of posting and looking at this ugly shit 24/7?

Attached: 1553736995187.gif (240x228, 857.69K)

Fuck off all bugs. Including Japs.

Nope, blame your retard leader for allying with the axis and bombing Pearl Harbor kek

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Is this your mom? Look like a rotten kimchi.

Attached: Murder of Yun Geum-i.jpg (401x401, 75.79K)

OK Boomer

Damn, even ching chong massacre in Nanpong ling dong wasn't this brutal.


Attached: C8136B04-9040-4B95-A912-9A92617F8D02.jpg (1142x1645, 382.91K)


Fucking die you filthy bat eating chink

We can mutilate people* kek

No worries, no amount of praising daddy America will change the fact you are a gook, conquered and enslaved by Japanese men, deal with it, you gook. kek

Attached: 85b07979.jpg (583x352, 48.25K)

看門人應用程序現已關閉。 謝謝所有申請的人!

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All the stereotypes they list are ones that are directed at Japanese too. So it's either davido or a really, really dumb jap,

This is why we will never achieve Asian unity.

Cope, Koreans were never made to be slaves of Japanese Empire–Korea_Treaty_of_1910
Koreans also volunteered in IJA kek

Attached: 9800E0E1-6877-4176-B594-5B5AC4ACF47A.jpg (220x330, 19.16K)

>All the stereotypes they list are ones that are directed at Japanese too. So it's either davido or a really, really dumb jap,

Attached: gookjak_.jpg (286x360, 45.53K)

Had they given us equal voting right and education, no harsh assimilation and lowered taxes, so called Great East Asia Co-Sphere might have been possible at least on the peninsula.

Netouyos are the literal cancer
I'm sorry for their autism, bro

Well they had no democracy to begin with, they had military faction take over which started the radical assimilation policy.
Also fun fact, there were Japanese comfort women as well

fun fact: you pushed your women into iron-made container and delivered to GIs as supplied goods like a literal cuck.

Attached: Class V Supply.png (480x360, 78.21K)