>$1.5T donated to the stock market for free in 1 day
Does your country even MAKE $1.5T a year?
For us, yes. We make $1.7T in 1 year.
>$1.5T donated to the stock market for free in 1 day
Does your country even MAKE $1.5T a year?
For us, yes. We make $1.7T in 1 year.
Did it actually help anything?
I don't know
I don't give a fuck
Also fuck it
Fuck it really hard
Damn, if I lose in a casino can I get my loses donated to me too pretty please?
Yeah you see where it rose for an hour
Look at his eyes, he looks super tired and ill
lmao no
Isn't that socialism?
Obama donated $800B for his stimulus package when he was in office. We don't know if that did anything, but Trump doubled his donation.
>imaginary money
every country can do that
>look up Russia's GDP
>it's $1.5T
>Canada's is $1.7T
>Russia's population is 150 million
>Canada's population is 30 million
Yeah one of the core tenets of socialism is helping big banks
It's not Socialism when it happens in sports,in the armed forces or on the stock market.
Why? Isn't literal tax money that's going to those filthy jew banks?
Lol no, Russia is behind France, Germany, India, Japan and some other countries
only if they shared that equally on everyone, this is to help the poor billionaireinos
Yes, but it's not socialism. Socialism is evil. Wage cap is not evil. The lack of relegation is not evil. Giving healthcare and pensions and subsidies to soldiers is not evil. Saving banks is not evil.
Not sure. It looks like literal socialism to me
>Does your country even MAKE $1.5T a year?
we make $4T a year, we could properly efford it.
janny = socialist
Stolen, you mean
Not how it works leaftard
but in the end it will help everyone if you help the rich ones, so it's ok? everyone will benefit
We could have used that money, and told every person in the country to stay home for a few weeks, not worry about paying rent/mortgage or food costs.
Then the problem would be over. but no, piss that money away in the market
Small government fiscal conservatism at work!
Haha! Money well spent!
Kek actually believing this is a fucking mortal sin and you deserve to die in the outbreak. But, you're italian, so I'm sure you'll have fun with that
It's not Socialism. Socialism is for brown people like AOC.
Hyperinflation incoming and mass looting I assume
these clowns were sitting in the oval office and thought their announcement is the bomb just to see it vanish in minutes, absolute brainlet admin
It's not tax money. It's imaginary Monopoly money printed by the fed or borrowed out of thin air.
Love these thread wheres it becomes clear no one on Yas Forums has any idea how capital markets work.
You're right. If we don't pay tribute to the wealthy job creators then they won't be able to so selflessly give us $7/hr jobs with no benefits. Without that, we'd all starve!
That's like saying that everyone will benefit from a robber having a gun. The more money they have, the more they can use it to make your life a living hell. Which is exactly what they have been doing for the past few hundred years, perhaps for all of history.
im rich therefore i cant die, simple as
i can afford to stay at home while commoners gotta go to work or they will starve
It's waking up my leftist friends at least. Socialism for the rich.
it's not socialism because it's not actually helping anyone
It's not socialism when Trump does it!
Russia is the definition of a paper tiger. It's been really funny hearing the media stoke Russian fears for the last 4 years when they're a weak nation, with a poorly trained army handling bad equipment, crappy economy, and aging manlet as a dictator.
if they bankrupt it's 0$/h for everyone, how do you like that wage
Bailouts to those sectors dont go directly towards breeding more shitskins the way welfare does, making it much more tolerable
that is an extremely nice golden lel, I'll be saving that
This but unironically
Why doesn't he just bomb china. Problem solved. If germany 'accidentally' released a bio-weapon that made it all over the globe like this we would already be marching on their soil again.
Yes, it significantly stalled the panic. He'll probably have to do it again depending on how much the media can keep the hysteria up
>the french
kek, Trump is 'tarded
yes it will just trickle down bro :)
Checked and kek'd
Only as long as they can use their military to force you to buy oil in their currency, and only as long as that oil is worth something
It's the media's fault the economy is crashing! Trump had to give a trillion dollars to a bunch of billionaires!
That was only 500 billion. There will be 2 more installments.
Printer go brrrr
Trump did no such thing it was the Fed you dishonest piece of shit
Nothing to do with the media.
The fed is just getting warmed up. They will inject several times this and congress will approve some sort of trillion dollar stimulus before this is all over.
Isn't this illegal?
Like, suppose you buy the dip when it's at the lowest. Then the government dumps money and the stock market jumps. You sell, making lots of money.
Yas Forums iq
Why not just donate $500trillion and be done with it? Pussy trump
The Fed isn't the US government you retard.
The president does not control what the FED does.
Literally everything to do with the media. A flu has never shut down life before. Media panic did that.
Best to fix the hole before you scoop out the water. WAIT WHERE'S THE BOAT?
>It's just a flu bro
Effectively they are. They set the value of your currency, there's not much more impacting.
Most powerful force on earth is Compound Interest.
The money wasn't for the stock market, it was for the bond market. Liquidity was about to dry up; which was driving bonds even lower. The fed stepped in to try to keep the bond market afloat for just a little bit longer.
If the bond market completely breaks down, the stock market will follow anyway.
Thanks mr president. I was feeling generous. How much will this cost in interest payments over the next 100 years?
You’re confusing nominal GDP with GDP ppp (purchasing power).
Sure, Canada has higher GDP, but the purchasing power of having the same $ amount in Russia would get you 2.5x stuff by the very least
Why not use that money to pay off student loan debt?
hahahahahah this retarded leaf actually believes the federal reserve is part of the government. Holy shit you retard. Youre on pol FFS you should know the FED is enemy number 1. Thats like not knowing jews are behind everything
The inmigrants, hans...
>he thinks the president controls the Fed
Glass houses and all that, user...
No matter how many times you say this, it's just a flu, low fatalities and I hope people like you who fear monger are put on a list that is accessible by every human being.
You took out the loan, YOU pay for it. The US don't do handouts.
>trillion burned
>futures crashing and burning right now,historic red friday incoming
Nope. Lmao. DOW will literally be under 20k tomorrow. This is a recession.
technically the fed isnt a real central bank and is a division of the american government. it would have to be connected to canada mecixo the the keys cuba and hati to be a real central bank for 1. all of north america . also the president can fire the fed chairman
Yeah, China shut down the whole country because CNN told them.
The Fed is basically forced to do this if they want to avoid a complete and utter crash.
Okay boomer
He says as the US gives over a trillion dollars to a bunch of corporations.
They aren't a part of the government
What does that actually mean? Does the government buy 1.5 trillion in stocks that they can then sell back slowly when the economy bounces back?
Why contain it?
>paper tiger
Russia is the only country in the world that can turn the USA into a pile of ashes, yeah real paper tiger.