Trump is done

>Economy tanking
>Pandemic uncontrolled

The economy was his number one thing to run on for 2020... Now the US is crumbling under a massive pandemic and looking like the worst economic depression in history.
With how he's acting these days I'm reminded of the last days of Elvis / Nixon tbqh.

There is no way he can recover from this. He won 2016 by about 80k votes over a few key midwestern states. So it was kind of a 'miracle victory' in that sense.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Checked. If the economy had remained the same, he would have won by a landslide against Biden, but now I'm not so sure about that. It seems very likely that the virus pissed off enough of his base to effect his reelection.

Trump still wins easily, I mean, who's going to trust Sloppy Joe to get anything right?

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fuck off memeflag. he isnt losing any support.

True, unless the economy fixes itself before November , he's fucked.

Why do you only elect old shits anyways, they all are so far out of touch, they'd have made shit presidents 20 years ago

This 100%

He and Kushner decided to distance themselves from white people and focus on the economy more broadly and hope to win that way.


The only good thing during the trump presidency was the stock market, and now that's evaporating.

Come november 2020, Americans will be voting for change (again, again, again)

The fact that you memeflaggots feel the need to make 1000 threads of how corona will own Trump tells me you know he will win re-election. Only 5 more years, stay strong!

This is salvageable provided the pandemic ends before the election.

He's been a fountain of misinformation, lies and cringe since this whole thing started.

This is all on trump. he made the stock market a referendum for his presidency by taking credit every time it went up and every time he released a nigger rapist from prison or championed global faggotry he shreaked "muh economy". now he owns what will be unprecidented destruction. as for the virus, he spent weeks before it was public doing nothing, spent the next month claiming it was a imaginary or not worse than the flu instead of coming up with a real strategy. big plan to save the country from the virus: a tax cut? WTF? still doesnt come up with a comprehensive plan, dems do, and he and mcconnel shoot it down. were they right to shoot it down? yes, but since it didnt occur to them to come up with their own plan they just looked partisan and uncaring, unfit to lead. too little too late. NOW the republicans are going to try to come up with a plan. too late. senile pedofile wins presidency and dems take the senate

almost like its a hoax to diminish trump, huh? rudy gobert touches mics.

not if he dies because of the virus the brazilians gave him

yeah good. okay

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People aren't going to blame trump for the effects of this virus. How his admin handle the crisis will be the judgement factor.

If they are able to mitigate it or come out in top it will still be good for him.

>Trump still wins easily, I mean, who's going to trust Sloppy Joe to get anything right?

catch up. people are terrified and trump pretends the virus was imaginary then talks about a tax cut that would never pass?

I think he definitely has.


>meme flag
>every time
You scared of the hacker known as Yas Forums?

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What are you doing wrong?

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biden has personally transmitted the virus to the most vulnerable children in our society - and he did it ON PURPOSE!!!

Nah. Unfortunately his opponent is a senile pedo with dementia since his biggest competition Bernie is over. He has the highest Republican approval rating in the history of the Republican party with a historic 97% and overwhelmingly more supporters than in 2016. Thats crazy. America has never epseen anything like it. He has the most loyal base than any president in history. Reagan doesn't come close.
I'm a leftist But I've accepted the fact that Trump is gonna win. I might even bet on him and at least make some easy money

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>he isnt losing any support.
He will be when boomers start dying in the next couple of months.

He could mass murder a crowd of his supporters at a rally and still not lose any voters. Except the ones he killed of course. This is loyalty to a president that has never been seen. Only thing close to it is Reagan in 1984 and that's hardly even close to the loyalty Trump has. It's crazy

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If the memeflag tells me so, I know which direction to go

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itt: larpers and brainlets
tragedies like this reinforce the status quo in terms of government as change is unnecessary added risk, pick up a history book and look at any time there was a major issue (not caused by the person/group up for re-election) near voting time, vast majority of the time the sitting president retained with stability playing a huge role

sorry to disappoint :^)

NH doesnt matter. TX, FL are now blue. trump thought he could fuck over, and in some cases, arrest his base but still get elected cuz muh economy. now what does he have? a virus that he thought he could bluff his way through that is now going to kill the few remaining boomer retards that were going to vote for him

Nah, Trump's a strong person. Joe's mentally handicapped. Once Joe is in the limelight on the COVID issue people who were undecided will lean toward Trump.

>He could mass murder a crowd of his supporters at a rally and still not lose any voters.

he probably would murder his own supporters, he arrests them

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Things can't be that bad, memeflaggots like you are still getting paid shekels to try to shill on a Tibetan throat singing board.

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>What are you doing wrong?
The market was at 27,960 when chief White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow suggested that people “buy the dip.” Anyone who listened has lost 26% in 3 weeks.

This talking point doesn't account for the old people, particularly old POOR BLACK people, who will also die, who are Joe's base of support.

boomers arent going to die
pedos are though.
big shit coming

>There is no way he can recover from this.
There are three scenarios:
1. It gets better. In this case he can claim that he got us through it, that his steady hand on the wheel, courageous decision-making and clever deals won the day.
2. It gets worse. Supply chains are breaking down and the military is shipping in emergency supplies. In this case he can run as, effectively, a war-time President, with the basic theme of "this is not the time for a big shakeup because shit is fucking precarious as fuck". This is going to take a lot of spin, but Trump is really good at spin.
3. It stays about the same. This is the worst case scenario for Trump, where everything is meh, the economy is shitty but we're all "okay", our concerts and ballgames are all canceled and Disneyland is closed, but we have food. We've still got jobs, but we've got to go to work with masks on. All the drudgery of a crisis, none of the adventure. This is the worst case scenario for Trump, where we're pissed off about the current state of things but not so scared that we dread the alternative. This is where Joe could win.

So I disagree: there are TWO ways he can recover from this. He'll make it better if he can (because option A is obviously the best one) but short of that he could always go full martial law and scare the piss out of everyone instead.

Growth in America means non white growth
Before February 2019 - August 2019
Central American surge
After Surge
> U.S. authorities apprehended 29,200 people at the border in January, an 11 percent decrease from December, according to preliminary Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers obtained by The Hill.

if you think any rich people worry about a 3 week period or even a 3month period, you have obviously no interest in economics or how wealth is built.
stay poor.


It sucks man. Bernie was our last hope but now we got trump till 2024 for sure. No president in history has ever had such high support and turnout almost their voters. Fuck man this sucks. We tried spamming Bernie here but that backfired big time. Fuck fuck fuck I'm panicking

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>>What are you doing wrong?
>The market was at 27,960 when chief White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow suggested that people “buy the dip.” Anyone who listened has lost 26% in 3 weeks.

great point. contrast with onigger in march 2009 told people to buy stocks then started 12 year QE rally. trump on the other hand tells middle America to buy stocks as his NY jew friends are trying to gtfo. trump is a shiesty mother fucker

Stock markets literally back to early 2017 levels. Lmao

He didn’t arrest Michael Flynn. Comey did and he was charged instantly. They’re delaying sentencing as long as possible so he can’t be pardoned

>“buy the dip.”

Attached: buy the sheep dip.png (800x328, 50.88K)

Cope? That's what you have to say after Trump gauranteed another win? We have to deal with this Orange asshole for 8 years straight and all you have to say is Cope? Fuck you

>How his admin handle the crisis
So far: really badly
He literally used the "it's just a flu bro" argument days ago


and I didn't even vote for Trump in 2016

I'll vote for him this time, tho

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>almost like its a hoax to diminish trump
Yes the global economy is being collapsed by a pandemic to hurt your meme president in the soap opera known as Burgerland politics.


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Joe is basically President already.

Let's just cut our losses and start memeing for him, lads.

At least we can be on the "winning" team for election night.

Plus he seems kinda redpilled, so there's that.

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Learning lessons not really part of the job huh?

>Trump is done
You wish, commie fag.

Very good point tbqh.
It's going to look ridiculous with Trump shouting 'keep America great' while the country is in a depression and a pandemic is out of control.

>The only good thing during the trump presidency was the stock market, and now that's evaporating.

You're forgetting something even bigger than that.

Crazy crooked Hitlery never got her hands on the nuclular launch codes, and that is YUGE.

Remember in the 2016 campaign, where she said over and over and over that she was going to declare a no-fly zone over Syria and bomb Russian bases there if they didn't abide by her demands? And no one in all her campaign had the courage or the wit to walk out onto stage, grab her by the ear, drag her away from the microphone and say, "You know you just declared war on Russia, a nuclear power, right?"

Trump could spend the rest of the year at Mar-a-lago and I would still vote for him, because when he won the 2016 election, he literally saved the world.

>Reddit spacing
>Literal dumb nigger faggot retard
>Supporting an NWO globalist kike puppet
Just gas yourself now retard

>all in
think or know that turmp wiped out all of his 3 year "look what i did" market that steevo munchkin inflated.
now he owns it.

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Finally a fellow rèdditor. I'm glad to see another friendly face here. I wanna support Joe but I'm conflicted. Drumf is a monster but Joe is an actual racist. What should I DO? I feel so screwed without Bernie. He was our last hope. Joe isn't gonna pay for my transition. I'll literally die if I can't get it. Fuuuuuuuck

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Trump is lucky. Nobody who votes for Trump cares what the media thinks. The fact is, an economic downturn was due, and like this people will blame it on a Chinese virus and not on Trump.

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fuck joe biden

Oh i know you. Your my UK buddy from the discord. Nathan right? Why the flag? Nobody cares that you're in the UK here. Should I be using a flag now too? Did I miss the memo?

>Cities are dense blue
>Cities will be pounded the hardest

If there isn't outright national guard deployments and chaos and martial law, your gonna see more Dems eat shit and die than Repubs, even allowing for the Boomer vote. Now suck my fat flyover Star spangled cock.

>everyone who doesn't like god emperor is a commie xdddd

Ron Paul called out this economic collapse months ago and you pedes didn't listen. Now you look very silly indeed.

“Partially I endorse,” Paul said, before praising Trump’s efforts to lower taxes and decrease regulations. But he then ripped Trump for publicly attacking the Federal Reserve chairman in an effort to have interest rates adjusted more to his liking. “You want interest rates designed by the marketplace, not by putting pressure on the Federal Reserve saying ‘Get those rates down!,'” Paul said, before blasting Trump’s failed promise to cut the deficit. “Zero rate interest rates is the craziest thing, ever. It’s not going to work. The biggest problem with that overall is what a lot of people are admitting now. It creates a lot of debt. It’s huge. Just this week, $14 trillion This is unsustainable.”

“Yeah, well, we’ve been saying that for decades, the debt is out of control and keeps getting bigger and bigger. Neither party is going to do anything about that,” Watters responding, blithely contradicting decades of Republican talking points and Trump’s own boasts. “What was the grade — what was the grade for economic policy? You got to admit it’s a job boom, right now.”

“C minus,” Paul said, not biting on Watters’ argument at all.

“You are a tough grader!” Watters interrupted. “I would like to see your grades with Barack Obama.”

>orange man reeeeeeeeee
You faggots need a real hobby


Does Thorazine come in red now? Senile Joe's campaign theme song is now "Thorazine Shuffle."

Attached: senile-agitation.jpg (495x800, 63.54K)

After he masterfully handles this and stocks rebound mid summer he will be hailed a hero and the best president of our time! Mark this!

Seriously did i miss the memo in the discord comrade? Why are you now hiding your uk flag? Should I hide mine too? Are the facists here on to us?

>Voting for a mentally retarded child molestor that has no real presidential agenda?
Didn't vote Trump in 2016, but will this time.

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>$0.02 has been deposited in your PayPal account by George Soros
>Thank you for doing business with ShareBlue!

pulls out magnifying glass

Show your real flag, memefag.
The UN is toothless btw.

And of course these words of wisdom come from a filthy, non-hand-washing foreigner forced to conceal his shitty nation of origin with a pathetic "United Nations" memeflag.
You will always never matter.

Attached: target practice.jpg (1040x591, 77.29K)

Ok. Is this better british comrade Nathan? Or should I use a different flag? This will make the Trump facists think I'm a Nazi. They'll never even know. Fucking brilliant

>ad hominem


Attached: magapede shills.jpg (692x919, 249.3K)

You leftists need to just go away now.

I have no idea who 'Nathan' is.

It's true.
Show us your real color(s).

But really comrade nathan. Why are you now hiding your real UK flag? I didn't see that in the discord but I'm gonna do it to now. These idiots will never know we infiltrated them from Rèddit. They think I'm a Nazi with this flag lmao

Who ya fooling? We SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you, you glow-in-the-dark Soros niggers. You aren't nearly as anonymous as you think you are.

Attached: weseeyou.jpg (1080x774, 182.79K)

China already cured, even sending excess supplies to Italy.

This will be over by June with less deaths in America than SARS in 2009.

Fucking kike run media creating a circus just because they hate Drumpf.

What a chad. He does what he wants.