/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1972

► Detected: 134,513 ► Died: 4,970

Trump bans travel and cargo transfer between US and Europe

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

France closes schools and universities

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash

Duterte places Manila under lockdown, 13 million affected

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

Virus might spread through banknotes

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

Engineered bat coronavirus related to SARS caused polemic over risks

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash

Nurses refused testing by CDC

18:55: 595 new cases and 13 new deaths in France.
18:06: 53 new cases and 3 new deaths in Japan.
17:40: 91 new cases and 2 new deaths in Spain.
17:09: 2,651 new cases and 189 new deaths in Italy.
17:00: 546 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
12:16: 691 new cases and 29 new deaths in Spain.
12:03: 212 new cases and 2 new deaths in Switzerland.


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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.nothingburger.today/Videos/_zMisc/Spain Leak 2020-03-13.mp3

my body is ready

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We're getting an announcement from Kek soon.

► China 80,796 (3,169) ► International 53,675 (1,801): Italy 15,113 (1,016) Iran 10,075 (429) S. Korea 7,869 (66) Spain 3,146 (86) France 2,876 (61) Germany 2,745 (6) US 1,636 (40) Switzerland 868 (7) Norway 794 (1) D. Princess 696 (7) Japan 691 (19) Sweden 687 (1) Netherlands 614 (5) UK 590 (10) Belgium 399 (3) Austria 361 (1) Australia 156 (3) Canada 142 (1) H. Kong 130 (3) Greece 117 (1) Iraq 83 (8) Egypt 80 (2) India 74 (1) S. Marino 72 (5) Ireland 70 (1) Thailand 70 (1) Lebanon 68 (3) Philippines 52 (2) Poland 51 (1) Taiwan 49 (1) Indonesia 34 (1) Argentina 30 (1) Algeria 26 (2) Albania 23 (1) Bulgaria 23 (1) Azerbaijan 15 (1) Panama 14 (1) Morocco 6 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Denmark 674 Qatar 262 Bahrain 197 Singapore 187 Malaysia 158 Czech Rep. 113 Finland 109 Iceland 109 Israel 109 Slovenia 96 UAE 85 Kuwait 80 Portugal 78 Brazil 77 Romania 59 S. Arabia 45 Vietnam 39 Russia 34 Chile 33 Palestine 31 Croatia 27 Estonia 27 Luxembourg 26 Georgia 25 Brunei 25 Serbia 24 C. Rica 23 Peru 22 Belarus 21 Pakistan 21 Slovakia 21 Oman 18 Ecuador 17 S. Africa 17 Latvia 16 Hungary 16 Tunisia 13 Mexico 12 Bosnia 11 Macao 10 Senegal 10 Cyprus 10 Macedonia 9 Colombia 9 Malta 9 Maldives 8 Afghanistan 7 Armenia 6 Fr. Guiana 6 Moldova 6 Cambodia 5 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 Paraguay 5 Liechtenstein 4 Réunion 4 Lithuania 3 S. Lanka 3 Ukraine 3 Bangladesh 3 Bolivia 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Cuba 3 Martinique 3 Nigeria 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Faeroes 2 Honduras 2 Jamaica 2 Saint Martin 2 Andorra 1 Jordan 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Bhutan 1 Ivory C. 1 Congo 1 Fr. Polynesia 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Mongolia 1 St. Barth 1 St. Vincent 1 Togo 1 Trinidad and Tobago 1 Turkey 1

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Do you guys think it'll die down now or continue on or get worse and mutate?.

Remain in quarantine. Do not go somewhere else and give other people a hard time because you are selfish.

Redpill me on Jews.

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Quarantines are coming.

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should I buy this shirt?

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So this whole video was faked, yeah? How is Xi making the sun cast shadows in two directions??

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This could be it bros. I always thought we'd die in hellfire kicking, fighting and screaming but it's gonna be some shitty chink bat virus that kills us. At least I'm not a virgin.


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god damnit mods just sticky this shit already, the threads are moving at fucking light speed. also, yet another template.

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Sup guise

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are you prepared for the imminent collapse?

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Going into lockdown this weekend.
You didn't hear it from me.

soulless template desu


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still awake fr it by now
> 7th beer though... barely cant wait for it...


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And my bow!

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How do I buy water, just buy a tub and fill it from the tap or?
Also should a .22 that only holds one round get me by Incase shit goes down? It’s all I have

If I wanted, could I travel to Wuhan? 1way.

Digits and this blows over

>Nations are panicking, shutting down everything
>People are enjoying the NEET life as a result
>My country is just pretending nothing's going on
God fucking dammit.

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Wrong general sir!

is that way

I'm gonna go cough on Canadians.

>upgraded hazmat

>two bioweapon labs within 20 miles of ground zero
>samples stolen from canada and research bootlegged from universities funneled to the two
>premiere corona virus experts in both labs including the spy who stole samples from canada
>received numerous warnings from world health organizations that the labs where not up to standards
>in a country with notoriously poor health and safety standards
>lied and hid news for weeks, still suppressing info
>"the us did this" chink shilling starting back up as their media spams how charitable they're being to "lesser" western countries

Bruh what mask model is that?
>we will all die.


So how are you nothingburger faggots coping with the fact that you were completely wrong? Your countries are about to turn into Italy, everyone on complete lockdown. You don't even have a weeks worth of food. Your leaders are getting sick. And you are still here cope-posting like a bunch of faggots. LMAO! Gonna be fun watching all of you retards through my window, I'm pretty comfy with all these supplies and masks.

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We have 3 strains about a week ago. Hunker down because it's doing to be a long one.

>7th beer waiting for the seven sevens post

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Here is a very recent WhatsApp leak from one of Madrid hospitals. FUCK.

In Spanish:
archive.nothingburger.today/Videos/_zMisc/Spain Leak 2020-03-13.mp3

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I need smug pepe in hazmat (best if top right area is not cut off). It's last puzzle piece for my video. I know one of you has it.

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>That hairline


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ww3 incoming? was this the entire point of coronachan, to give China a "rightful" reason to declare War?

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Does this thing actually reinfect and kill? I’m really worried because half of you are saying anything from 6%-50% death rate and if you survive your lungs will be liquified and testicles will be mush, while the other half says it’s 0.1% death rate and only affects boomers, idk who to believe but I’m scared

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Lots of people saying these things now will end up in a ditch IMO by those with family members that died from it.

can we take a moment to appreciate the valiant efforts of the ccp in helping contain this epidemic? truly they are the most based leaders in existence
thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=5tCMI0uKbBE

>WHO has announce that canaines are incapable of contracting the new COVID-19 virus. All dogs previously in quaranteen have now been released back to their families.
>in other words, WHO let the dogs out

eternally based!

Pure audio Kino.

Saved for post-apocalypse music

Can someone tell me the point of closing schools, when children are mostly unharmed by corona, while working adults in 'essential' jobs get forced to work even more hours than usual so they can definitely get ravaged corona? Schools closing in all European countries literally won't change a fucking thing.

Shit just got real

>mfw I might have been infected deliberately

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Or clown one... yes clown one will be even better

fill your tub ahead of time either way. if nothing else that way you can continue to flush your toilet, unironically.

how do you counter the people saying "it's killed less people than the flu?"

For argument sake, I can't ignore them, as they're family.


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Australian Grand Prix cancelled. Add This.

Drinking beer and working my FAL. Ready here.

kys faggot

I've been having very weird feelings lately.

I feel headaches but I don't have fever.

I feel that my throat hurts but when I swallow something it goes down smoothly and doesn't hurt.

I feel like my stomach hurts but I eat normally and I'm hungry normally.

It's like my brain is being tricked into thinking that I'm sick but my body isn't sick.

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What does it say? Short summary please.

I have an option for the pandemic ahead of us:
1) stay in a remote village, with rural self-sustainig people
2) stay in the capital of the country, where safety is guaranteed via military means

wat do?

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Please go back where you came from Corona chan
I don't want my family to die
I don't want organ damage
I don't want my country to be ruined
I don't want this happening anymore
I will never wish for a happening again just please go away
I will accept the clown world I'll be nice to sjws and bernie bros
Pls don't kill my parents

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Chinks are being retarded, no one belives them

It's not our "freedom" that is the cause of the problems. It's the fact 50% or more of the country are basically traitors that put their feelies and racial interests before national interests. There are people in government right now that are doing absolutely nothing to stop the spread of the disease, except get on twitter and bitch about Trump. Meanwhile, Trump was more concerned about his re-election chances and the stock market tanking than he was about people potentially dying in the millions.

America isn't a country. It's a mall with the death penalty.

Shit dude, I feel bad for you guys, just picked this thing up for $500.

I think you’d be better off with a shovel honestly.

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Guys wtf I went to the grocery store today and it was basically empty I'm actually getting nervous now

Do you guys think they will bury men and women together in the mass graves? I wouldn't mind an eternal first hand hold

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can you summarize?

>tfw you were able to stock up on toilet paper, Clorox wipes, paper towels and food before it all sold out

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What if corna is not only a bio weapon but an excuse?

An excuse to kill off the most expensive to care for and least productive people?

What if it's an excuse to collapse the world economy?

What if after the onset countries start decoding the virus and everyone starts pointing fingers and we have world war 3?

What if the end game is really a massive reduction in world population leaving only the most impressionable?

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Does anyone have the image where it's the globalists talking about how they have successfully taken over the world then corona-chan says 'wassup bitches!'

meanwhile in peruvian tv a journalist try to interview a family in quarantine

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It will slow the spread of infection which is good for making sure a shitload of people don't get it at once and clog up the hospitals.

Rough translate?

I got the same mask and filter after that polish user shilling. Its bretty gud

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>MLB, NHL,NBA, MSL, NCAA tournament all cancelled
>More than likely Olympics will be cancelled too
how did one virus boi BTFO of every sporting event.

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stupid fucking proto mexican, you are dooooommmmeeeedddddddd!

Doesn't the Prime Minister of Canada have it?

Numbers decide if Trump is infected


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It says we're fucked, nothing new

retort with something equally as retarded like "cars kill more people than cancer, why does anyone care about cancer? cancer is nothingburger"

You stole that from twitter faggot

Not only that, but destroy the fucking economy. Billy boy’s melting down right now

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UFC is still on for this Saturday. Join the team.

Isn’t worse there than a lot of European countries? What’s the logic of not banning UK too when they are spiking in cases?

>It's like my brain is being tricked into thinking that I'm sick but my body isn't sick.
i know how you feel, my body has been itching all over since this shit reached brazil

3) bug out to a yacht in the middle of atlantic ocean

I hope it continues through the summer

All will be ok

How's Greece going? I have a house in a very rural area in Greece, it's my ultimate bug out plan.

companies here are sending non-essential staff to work from home. all unis are closed, schools close monday too

das some high IQ right there.

>make public your data
my sides, chinese can't question their own gov't without getting gulaged so why not ask democratic states lol.

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Yes, now that they have weakened the West with their lab-made virus it's the best time to attack.

Go to the village. Rural folk know how to get things done.

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Are they that retarded?

I wonder if quarantine fags are going to be worse than the summerfags now that schools have closed down.

Just like all of us.

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wtf aren't phones a thing there?


Toilet paper is a currency now
Normies left and rigth waking up
My mother who was laughing at me two months ago called me today asking for advice

This it it

The day you feared, the day i was dreaming about


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>Alabama still safe
Roll tide

Rolling for our faggot traitor PM to coof to death

what did it say????

Could you post a quick summary?

>over 50,000

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The virus will take care of that for me

Need translation

The Pope is Already DEAD

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Probably, all the jet setting social elite are getting it first.


Statistically speaking, how many anons ITT right now have corona? Has to be a least 5 or so

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Coronachan purge the jews

Based corona

Option 1. If shit hits the fan. The military is not going to be your friend to put it mildly. Staying in the remote village will buy you a few months.

It's not here yet
KEK is preparing an announcement about the virus for us


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damn straight,
grooving during the end of civilization, COWABUNGA