Ohio Health Officials claim 100k infected, but the world ticker says 12ok globally...
wtf is going on?
>expecting ohioans to have any concept of mathematics or statistics
It's a fucking HOAX user
it's 10x higher than the official numbers. the numbers are only confirmed cases, nothing more.
>this is accurate guise
it is a prime drive-through state so would not be entirely surprising if they had that many
Based. Fuck Ohio.
>bottle of verners
Fucking based
>We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today," Acton said. "We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly.
>tfw live in ohio
oy vey! a million people you say?!
DeWine said in that press conference that there are 5 confirmed cases. So there are 100,000 people walking around with it? I'm confused.
meanwhile here in Texas we call it a nothingburger and schools will resume on Monday because we need all these kids and families to suffer
let the happening begin
>test 5/5
>all positive
>no further testing required, pack it up boys
>implying there's only 5 infected people
impervious logic user, that's why you get paid over $100,000 a year like all these professionals
It's almost like the government, businesses, and media are working together to crash the economy or something
wait, what? this is a joke right?
it was a lie - an excuse for martial law
think i'm kidding? he just banned assemblies of more than a 100 people statewide. for reals
Read an article this morning about the first case confirmed in Ohio, I took a nap and now you’re saying 1 million huh? Ask me if I give a shit anymore, not trusting this until I see whites drop dead in front of me
Ohio is the most nigger state in the great lakes region. I'm not suprised.
i would estimate ohio to be around 500 infections by noon today but it isn't unlikely 100k if literally nothing is done. so probably scaremongering against government negligence
This should calm people. It proves that the death rate is bullshit because the majority of cases are actually asymptomatic and this is no worse than the flu.
And the horse you rode in on.
London has 10000000000000000000000 infected according to latest estimates. Muh world collapse!!!!
2 week onset and hyperactive transmission user
exponentials user.
I go to a grocery store or airport and touch/breathe on people. This shit is infectious^2. Now over 100 people have it. Next day, they infect ^2 more. Now we have an epidemic
My ex lives in ohio. Im ok with this.
Ohio is rightful Pittsburgh clay
512 looks like business as usual. Although fortunately SXSW is canceled so that's nice. I don't need even more retarded drivers on the street.
it's an "estimate" based on....bullshit
they've latched onto this "community spread" theory. The 4th and 5th fag have it and they did not travel anywhere and wasn't around anyoen with it like the other 3 were.
Ergo, they claim that total of 5 infected + the great mysteries of "community spread" = 100k
nigger 3 weeks ago 50 people in italy had it.
now look where we are.
looting and shit is gonna hit the nigger cities in the USA like crazy when laquisha and lamar can't get their shit at walmart
I hope every fucking nigger dies
They're all on opioids up there
give it a month and you'll have people being bagged up in hospital hallways
Actually per the story it's 5 positive confirmed 30 confirmed negative.
never been to Michigan?
>Ohio Health Officials claim 100k infected
The real numbers vs. confirmed cases are much higher everywhere. This is good though because it also means the death rate is lower overall.
yeah I'm in Dallas county and pretty much nobody gives a fuck. my bosses would probably tell me to come in even if the city gets locked down
Probably way more
We have no idea because they aren't allowing testing unless in critical condition. Dead not tested. Supposedly no tests. I think this is meant to cull most so antichrist can come and offer global remedy and new way
All these salty faggots jealous of our peaceful state of maple and peanut butter.
They need to come up with a test to see if you have antibodies, given how contagious this virus is I would bet a lot of the younger generation have already had it.
>100k infected
Given the r0 that seems like a fairly reasonable estimate. I think it's on the low side, personally, but time will tell.
ohio here, corona chemtrails just flew over my house
How does Ohio have 100k infected and nobody even notices. But Italy went to complete shit when they had 10k infected? Something's fucky, boys.
This. If a Democrat was in office this would be 100x worse but the news would be "everything's fine, quit being a racist"
Ew. People from Ohio are gross and stupid, arent they?
Amay Action. Lol. Sounds like a comic book name.
Sooo OH didn't have any classes until last week & right now there are 3 confirmed, but if you extrapolate and project that equals 100k?
This is just dumb and Amy should get canned for using bad math to create a panic:
"We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today," Acton said. "We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly."
>This is good though because it also means the death rate is lower overall
Except they're ALSO been recording coronavirus deaths as "ILI pneumonia" since January, meaning the mortality rate is if anything unchanged (but likely higher).
Italy doesn't only have 10k infected, it has 10k confirmed cases, a conservative estimate with the rate of spread would put Italy at over a million cases, and the ones clogging the hospitals are the severe ones
It's an overestimation to give the Gov. power so he can close down events etc. He's postponed school for 3 weeks. If you don't have a health care crisis you can't have any of these powers and stop school, large gatherings, etc.
It's a political move because they anticipate what Italy is dealing with right now and the Ohio health system will probably crumble. It's a proactive play, very smart chess play that governor!
You're talking about confirmed infected vs. suspected infected. The incubation period can be as long as 40 days, where the infected is asymptomatic but contagious. Add on top of that that the tests have a 60% false negative rate and you see a VAST difference between the numbers of "suspected" vs. "confirmed".
No fag
Literally. They give themselves away in moments like this
Live here in Ohio bodies are everywhere. Every video I post gets instantly deleted good luck brothers
This was done with swine flue as well
Look for the CDC to stop testing
>In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases. The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?
yah that's her claim
2 guys don't know where they got it. they didn't leave the country. so that somehow means that 1% of the state population MUST HAVE IT TOO
Either way, I commend Ohio for taking this action. We should've done this 3 weeks ago and kept everyone inside for a month. States who don't do what Ohio is doing right now will end up like Italy.
Imagine you're pregnant or have a heart attack and the hospitals are full of pneumonia patients. You're fucked. Corona isn't scary as a disease, its effects on the economy and the healthcare system as a whole is what will destroy society.
Biggest happening since 9/11
Yet no one knows anyone that has it.
China and Italy have already stopped testing and begun just taking people in and "confirming" cases based on symptoms.
numbers are probably based on people calling in since they arent testing for it.
H1N1 killed 700k-1.4mil worldwide, settle down you fucking drama queen.
Could have used a bag over her head but oh well
infected*, killed around 500k, my mistake but still.
If the numbers infected are 100k the death rate is extremely low.
>China and Italy have already stopped testing and begun just taking people in and "confirming" cases based on symptoms.
UK has also stopped testing except for cases of people seriously ill in hospital and/or dying
wait 2 weeks bro
cases which could just be normal flu, since the symptoms are so similar
Those were almost entirely in China though
Be real, the numbers in Europe have probably been way more that 100k for more than a month now.
Ohioanon here. Shits fucked. So many niggers and white trash here. Please send Corona here in bulk. Desperately need a cleansing. Thanks.
t. Ohaioanon
It's so good.
I'm from Ohio. The statement that the official made is true of every state and you are delusional if you think otherwise
exact statement she made yesterday: Generally once we see 2 separate instances of community transmission, we can conclude 1% of the state's population is infected (in our case, about 100,000)
No it wasn't you fucking retard, it spread almost exactly the same as we see now, almost like trade routes and such are how diseases spread you fucking sperg.
So the wild guess is right everywhere? Interesting, glad to have such an insider in this thread with information that no one has.
>The Shill
>Generally once we see 2 separate instances of community transmission, we can conclude 1% of the state's population is infected
***citation needed
when was this ever true?
Washington state had the first case on 2/28 two weeks ago. Still nothing
Where are the protesters marching up and down hospital emergency lanes demanding tests? When does that happen?
This. Cleveland is fucking thrashed, Akron isn't far behind. Hospitals are overrun. The only thing that can help us now is to buy more toilet paper
Not my ohiorinos