Are you ready for it /pol?
The millions of jobs that are about to be cut.
The millions of people who can't afford their mortgages and car payments anymore.
Cheap housing and a flood of cheap used couple year old cars and trucks.
Are you ready for it /pol?
Nah trump said they were suspending all interest on credit until the emergency is over.
I’m moving to Alaska and I’m going to live in a cabin and hunt for my food
I just got a job 2 weeks ago goddamnit
Back into mom's basement you go. Hope she stocked up on ur fav tendies, lad
Step 1. Retain employment
Step 2. Wait for people with mortgages to fail
Step 3. Buy back my childhood home we lost in the last recession.
>mom’s basement
Nigger i have to pay rent, im gonna be homeless
Why Alaska . Just go to Montana or Idaho
Trump put a freeze on all firings, it’s literally illegal for your boss to fire you until corona is under control
I was fired today. This system is done.
Millions more jobs are going to open up dude to corona virus deaths
>implying Trump can do anything to stop this
No president could.
Start looting get the ball rolling
Implying this wont be under control in at most 2 months. Then the markets will rebound to levels not seen before.
I'm an emt. I'll have work forever
Fuck off we're full
whitoid have nothing to lose
kill niggers
I want some land
>virus mainly lethal in boomers
>boomers working an extra 20 solely to prevent future generation from having those positions
>boomers dying finally opens up job
>giant financial social security burden lifted
Has the day of the pillow finally arrived?
Left my job in the residential construction industry a few weeks ago. Will be hauling freight over the road here in about a month. I’m recession proof.
I'm unemployed already
That’s like the least recession proof job you could possibly have
my job might be safe
i'm hoping i stay employed and house prices crash so i can buy one
even if i get laid off though, it's not a huge deal i have a good nest egg
I have a USDA Direct mortgage and live on autismbux. If there's no government to pay me, there's no government to pay my mortgage to either.
white people are about to be welcome to poverty
Panic! Panic! You stupid fucker!
I’ll be there to snap up your shit cheep.
Full of califags already.
i'm a janitor guys am i gonna be alright?
Buy a gun. Just don't move out. Shoot your landlord and any law enforcement that show up to evict you. Enough people do this they'll get the idea.
they were forced to pay into social security their entire working lives. now they get to collect and youre happy theyre getting wiped out by a virus?
so youre saying they way to deal with the governments egregious mismanagement of ss funds is to kill off the people they owe money to?
thats pretty fucked up
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I just wont leave my house or pay my truck Bill's. Come and take it and you'll get shot. The jews wont do shit when all the police dont have a job anymore.
Ever been to Alaska? The millennials and zoomers are basically Califags, at least in Anchorage.
you're the White Knights of the futire. everyone will show you reverence and bow before you for your heroic line of work
Alaska is the only state that will allow you to keep land if you can upkeep a fence around it for a year or two.
Sounds good to me
Start with the bankers like Europe used to do
110 times
They’re not collecting.
They continue to build up 401ks to leave to their children, who cannot get a meaningful career, family or home BECAUSE EVERY OTHER BOOMER IS STILL STICKING AROUND
ill just shoot u instead faggot
you are the firefighter of the coronavirus
Grand opening grand closing
who the fuck will come to take your home?
When's a good time to go house hunting?
>Corporate finance for a very large privately owned health insurance company that has no debt
A-am I safe? They’re saying we might be working from home for a couple months
It worked for a lot of people in 08-09
Multi-billion dollar corporations always have shit to move.
It's definitely coming, the virus outbreak is going to leave a LOT of people jobless in the coming months as businesses that rely on heavy foot traffic start shutting down one after another as people stay home, or, die from this shit.
Others, like myself who sell long-term storage food items online, are actually busier than ever and will weather the storm as long as my supply chains remain uninterrupted.
deport immigrants to heaven and should free up jobs
BCP states we can just remote into our desktop from home until this shit storm blows over
I have about $60,000 to buy vintage high quality musclecars when the sellers get desperate. Then when they're back in demand in a few years I'll make a nice chunk of change.
>Others, like myself who sell long-term storage food items online
>i'm a janitor
Yeah you're fine. Working from home sounds comfy. I'm a commercial driver. Not sure if I'm fucked or not.
lol obviously. i mean, if the elites really want to hang in there, and hang in there, in the most comfortable kind of way. they should do that
>as long as my supply chains remain uninterrupted.
1 week. That amount of time is 1 week.
Most of those people are immigrants who just come here for the good life.
NOTHING changed for rural white people in the last 10 years, and nothing is going to change.
There's a solution mentioned a few times in the bible (and it's not a punishment).
Clean out your desk now.
i didnt watch but i dont think he said this
Social security is nigger tier gibs. The money you "paid into the system" is already long gone.
Sorry nigger, gibs aren't unlimited.
because it's super low-stress, flexible hours, and i get paid enough to survive. also i dropped out of high school.
i used to be in construction but i like this better actually.
Yeah my job is with a government contractor, so unless the government decides to stop spending money (spoiler: they won't) I'll probably be fine. If I'm not my dad is worth 40 million and 20 of it is out of the market as of mid Feb. Of course banks could all collapse but in that case everyone is fucked and we own a ton of guns and ammo.
>when Chinese factories were still pumping out cheap shit