TOM HANKS GOING TO GITMO? Jan. 06 2020 this guy predicted Tom Hanks getting some kind of disease. he said Hank's speech at the golden Globes speech he gave sounded an awful lot like a farewell speech.what the fuck is going on?

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let the bodies hit the floor.
here's Tom Hanks speech at the golden globes. it's sounds like hanks knows he's done for, Tom mentions he's sick, starts ugly's very weird. judge for yourself. pic related

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the culling of the elites begins

So why is Speilberg running around just fine?

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let the bodies hit the floor
>Big month coming your way. take your theraflu. don't get what i have
>I'm sick so I have to go to Australia and play the bad guy

Tom hanks backstage at Golden Globes 2020. What did Tom Hanks mean by this?

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Why wouldn't The Patriots want the world to know of these people's crimes? Why would they allow them to escape or die under the guise of disease?
>in b4 don't want to piss off the Left
Fuck the Left let them riot for a couple days

Cripplechan's analysis of Hank's golden globe speech. was Tom speaking in code? were the celebs in audience aware this would be Tom's last day of freedom?

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Video taken down? here's Chet Hanks, Tom's son, shirtless and Illuminati tats, updating his parents' status. its this some sort of coded message?

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no's working on my end here's another link just in case >
read the comments.... they say tom was speaking in code. anyone agree?

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Speilberg is one of the good guys in this world. Seriously. You cant just assume berg on the end of the name is bad. There are good jewish people in media too, particularly people who got into media long before the current political nonsense

The link comes up as ‘this video is not available’. This link too

Meant for

We will all be okay. Just posting this because that’s a lot of 7’s coming up

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Jesus christ this guy looks like a fucking retard

ok rabbi

To be fair i am jewish lol but i consider myself white

>There are good jewish people in media too

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when it’s convenient of course

Its true though. Those guys made indiana jones

Whatever happened to Prince Andrew?
Epstein, his good friend "killed himself" in jail, but then he gives a ridiculous nervous interview where he says he couldnt have raped that girl because she said he sweated on her, and he doesnt sweat, even the interviewer was like wtf
Then the queen, summoned him and was like " Andrew, my favorite son... youre fired"

Seems weird that they would act like Epstein was alive and testifying

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>I’m fucking (((white)))
Oy vey

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Go oven yourself, Jew.

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You can find your way to the door now plebbitor

He's not. He just pulled out of Indiana Jones 5. Rumors are interviews he had with children from 30ish years ago are going to be coming out soon.
>Spielberg good guy
You're out of your fucking mind.

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End The Fed
Done in [30]
HOLY SHIT! look at dan scavino's tweet >

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Oh okay. I hope thats not true but fuck

he got an early vaccine

Dude...Spielberg is evil.

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Has anyone got a copy of the spech that works in aus? Seems to be blocked here

Sorry to tell you, but if you enjoyed mainstream movies at all, prepare yourself. Pretty much all big directors are suspect. Scorsese is apparently pretty bad as well. Rob Reiner is most likely dirty.

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8/pol/ was the greatest thing to ever exist

he also says "first station of the cross"
the first station - Jesus is condemned to death

fuck tom hanks. I hope his pedo ass dies and rots away for eternity in the lake of fire and razorblades

all those tats outside the safe zone. Tats are bad enough on their own, but this? Guarantees he doesn't get any serious showbiz or business world work. Lives off daddies money I guess

>that .jpg

Thanks Yas Forums

Ain't work on invidious for me either.

Forgot pic

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seems like he's lecturing the audience for not following the "script"

go to dailymotion and after the name of the website paste /video/x7q6wim
it's near 36:00 minutes, he keeps mentioning "the cold" he has.
Near the end he breaks up into tears and says "it's the cold"


He will be there right next to McCain and Epstein

Who is that?

Does he have the same writer as Biden?

what is the meaning of this ring?

the Iranian general you guys killed

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A fun lil conspiracy for ya Yas Forums. So the quarantine in New Rochell,NY...

Just so happens to be in the Jewish "power" center of the United States. There is no other higher concentration of Jewish power and influence in the US. Theyre afraid, they know we're walking up and pissed, they know what's coming. I mean come on we're supposed to worried about all of us getting "Corona'd" and here the establishment is worried about one ol little square mile!?!? This doesn't serve any larger objective other then to protect themselves... Think about it!?!?

TIL: It's afraid.

>The current political nonsense
This has been going on for hundreds of years you new nigger

That ring means: "child killer" in the satanist faith.

Ever see clubs make you wear rings? Many societies make their members wear a sigil for identification. This is an identifier, the lowly retards like us aren't supposed to notice. Oprah Winfrey is also a demon talker. She's an evil woman.

where did you hear that from?

he has chosen the poison goblet
all to save face
as pay to not reveal his dark deeds
he wants to be remembered in a certain way

>black light bulb headed jesus on right arm Remember when this faggot started a fight with closeted homosexual Howard Stern?

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Did Kobe have a ring like this?

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>current political nonsense

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What the fuck is with the faces his making? Why do grown jewish men think they are handsome?

Give me some time, I have so many files and they're not organized at all. I need to get my shit together.

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Did anyone notice that in his final words at 7:24 he says,

"all the struggles you all go hit your marks... to tell the truth... I have checked the gate."

I feel that the, "to tell the truth" doesn't fit the narrative oh his story. He also adds,
"I have checked the gate" so quickly afterwards.. is he referring to himself or saying that they, the audience, "told the truth"?

2 still searching

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I can view it but I only lasted 4 minutes. Didn't hear anything weird.


I've been trying to find out what percentage of this town is Jewish, but all I can find is generic population information. Nothing specifying the Jewish percentage. Can you help me verify this information? Census is useless.

What the hell does that even mean, "I have checked the gate"?

Tom Hank explains it in the speech

it's a behelit

I can't find the website where I found out what the rings signified. It's like it vanished. Normally, it would take me less that 1 minute to find it, but it's gone. I can't find any saved files about it on my pc, but I was one of the people that was researching the rings of pedos a couple of months back, and I remember that ring showed up lots of times, and the site I found said it meant: "child killer".