>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Carbs: Pasta for a week Rice for at least two weeks Tortillas Flour
Fat: Coconut Fat in blocks Olive Oil
Proteins: Chicken + Fish frozen for 3 Weeks Kidney Beans Protein Powder
Extras: Frozen Berries Frozen Veggies mixed Chocolate (the hard melting stuff, not Nestle shit) Hard candy like Wärters SUPPENBRÜHE Chilli, Pepper, Salt
Necessities Fuckton of soap Deo toothpaste Ibuprofen Vitamin Stack 1st Aid Kit Hochprozentiger Alkohol
couple gallons of water
EQUIPMENT Axe Shovel Bycicle
Hudson Morales
if youre threatend by the chink virus you are old or genetic garbage anyway
Nolan Reed
Odds of German airports getting shut down in the next two weeks? Have a flight from Toronto to Frankfurt to see family.
Aaron Lewis
nigger verpiss dich mit deinem hartz4 prepper spiel
Christian Myers
Given that his predictions were largely correct so far (even the failing ECB incentive plan), he probably made bags of money off of this. Comfy Hawaii Krall.
instead of searching the entire internet you ask this sorry ass sperg thread. congrats you are the reason why we need a fucking plague to kill off at least half of humanity.
frag nicht so dumm, aber mach dir nen guten mit den hustenden boomern, wenns zugeht wie bei den italienern
Josiah Wright
Me: 2 boxes of macaroni, 1 bag of rice, 15 packs of ramen noodles, 4 cans of tuna, and 1 can of ham. that's it and all. Total: $15.
Hunter Torres
>very Mittelstandy
Inertia mostly and failure to innovate. Also, the crucial design step for alternative method was patented but that ran out a few years ago.
>other costs
Yep, I factor these in already. In fact put quite a hefty multiplicator on the pure Einstandskosten. Sales and bloated Fixkosten sure are another factor but much comes from the materials used ... calculated through how others build it, the specialty resins alone are filthy expensive (and without going into details here: you just don't need those if you build it a bit differently) and the lifetime is not great either (that's why most companies with a bit of understanding don't buy these as they know the costs for resin replacement are horrendous). Maintenance and training are partially an issue, I am playing around with some sensor technology right now to maybe get better degree of automatization (dunno yet if feasible though) and less necessary operator intervention. Market is there, especially in countries where infrastructure (acid disposal) is weak ... today the competition mostly offers a totally different system (works by cooling) but it is known in the industry as cumbersome and hard to maintain. Market has a lot of potential (you can use the same physical principle for all kinds of acid/salt or base/salt mixtures depending on concentrations ... don't even know yet what kind of new sectors you could open up here), "hardest" part is to get through the technical doubts of the plant operators due to bad experience in the past ... but that is manageable for me. The economy guys you just show the operating cost spreadsheet and you got them! Tech has ONE disadvantage but that I communicate honestly: it needs a waste water treatment on-site as you need to process the metal salts removed, can't just pour those down the drain. But I think full picture here, already have several "extensions" engineered for such cases.
Nobody has made this clear: If you come into contact with this shit, like it gets in your eye or lung, are you guaranteed to become infected? Because if you fuck HIV person, you're not guaranteed to get it, and that's a virus too, right?
laber keine scheisse du Spastenkind der Discounterhandel ist bisher nicht im geringsten von irgendwelchen Panikkäufen ausgeräumt worden. Wie kann man eigentlich so behindert sein diese Boomer Panik mitzumachen.
Andrew Campbell
Incubation period for this virus is like 5 days or so. Each of us in this thread might be affected without knowing it yet.
I was eating running sushi from a disgusting dirty jap restaurant on a fucking train station on monday. So it's most likely me. I'm the most retarded nigger in this thread.
Anthony Turner
>Moreover, we also 44 found that the positive rate of ACE2 in testes of infertile men was higher than that of 45 normal men, which indicates that SARS-CoV-2 may cause reproductive disorders 46 through pathway activated by ACE2 Sauce: The ACE2 Expression in Sertoli cells and Germ cells may cause male 2 reproductive disorder after SARS-CoV-2 Infection >Coronavirus: Hubei government deletes report claiming Covid-19 could damage male fertility scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3074945/coronavirus-hubei-government-deletes-report-claiming-covid-19 >In addition, due to the potential pathogenicity of the virus to testicular tissues, clinicians should pay attention to the risk of testicular lesions in patients during hospitalization and later clinical follow-up, especially the assessment and appropriate intervention in young patients' fertility. ACE2 Expression in Kidney and Testis May Cause Kidney and Testis Damage After 2019-nCoV Infection
I could quote more, but you get the idea. We have no idea what the long-term consequences of infection are. It's not just about fertility.
Stimmt nicht. Klopapier ist im Laufe jeden Tages alle und Handschuhe sowie Desinfektionsmittel sind komplett aus.
Aiden Gray
Happy I could convince you on it. Test bestanden I guess. You see, this is one of many example products I have in development or available. Most is not even "innovation", just good old sturdy know-how thought through to the point of autism. The big companies, both the tech suppliers and customers ... they all have gradually lost that know-how over the years because instead of being managed by some engineers the decisions were made by some flipchart idiots ... and those with the knowledge retired without teaching the new guys, left because they got fed up, stopped giving a shit ... that is the point of my "headhunting": I collect these old farts and their know how, give them a fair share on work contract and learn how to implement the tech myself. Also, I noticed that if you get in touch with a customer they soon notice that you do not "reek" of corporate and sales department ... and that is actually a huge initial advantage already. Applied autism as USP. :D
>immune system Probably plays a role. If you have preexisting conditions that weaken the system, it seems to be more likely to affect you. I don't know the probability of infection after exposure. That's hard to find out, too many factors and unknowns.
As much as I like to dig up dirt on Asians, they most likely swindled you by the fact that they are SEA in form of Thais or Vietnamese anyway. Japanese normally aren't dirty.
Blake Morgan
Most of my info about Germany comes from the news. >Spastenkind I have feelings. :(
Es ist unglaublich, wie staatsgläubig viele >Deutsche sind. Hab mit meiner Freundin und einem befreundeten Paar darüber gesprochen, dass Coronapanik zwar überflüssig, aber es grundsätzlich nicht verkehrt sei, Lebensmittel etc. vorrätig zu haben, es kann ja immer Mal was sein Versorgungsengpässe usw.. Schauen die mich mit großen Augen an >aber user, im Zweifel wird der Staat doch helfen und die Versorgung sichern Thank you for reading my Blogpost
>The ACE2 Expression in Sertoli cells and Germ cells may cause male 2 reproductive disorder lol das dürfte die Incels hier wohl am wenigsten betreffen.
Wo lebst du ey. Klopapier ist unverändert und Einweghandschuhe sind auch noch überall. Desinfektionsmittel sind auch nur was für Keimphobiker die nützen nicht mal was gegen das Virus. Fänds allerdings geil wenn die alle wären das betrifft nur so Heimpflegefälle und solche Opfer.
If we can extrapolate from SARS here this might explain high mortality in Italy. G6PD deficiency is an ancient adaption to malaria, so common where this was (or still is) endemic ... Mediterranean, Middle East, Asia, Africa. I know the mutation can cause dangerous complications with infections in general, might be Corona does trigger such events (at least the ROS angle presented in the paper makes sense to me mostly).
>aber user, im Zweifel wird der Staat doch helfen und die Versorgung sichern
How is this even supposed to work? Do they think we will get food delivered to our doorsteps?
Samuel Hughes
Guyse i just tried if alcohol kills the corona. Drank a whole bottle of vodka. Am now tired and can barely walk, let alone stand up! My eyes are slowly falling shut. I think alcohol acschually accelerates the process guyse!
Jack Young
>Most of my info about Germany comes from the news. ja weil wir genau mehr davon brauchen. Noch mehr Ausländer die sich wichtig machen weil sie was in der Clickbait Lügenpresse gelesen haben. Kriegst den scheiss Bundesverdienstpreis dafür.
Adrian Hall
Hessen und es ist ausverkauft.
Sebastian James
>Wo lebst du ey. Klopapier ist unverändert und Einweghandschuhe sind auch noch überall.
Anderer user hier aber war heute bei mehreren Discountern, Klopapier überall ausverkauft. Bayern.
Luis Lewis
Kek there are also early-stage studies about permanent lung and selective organ impairment. You gotta be a huge faggot if you think "I'm young it's just a flu lol". These niggers deserve to get gassed more than the ignorant boomers.
Ich stelle mir grad vor wie claudia roth sich einfach in son stash von nrg-5 mitsammt verpackung legt und fas alles absorbiert wird von ihr. Ist sie nurgle?
Jede Lugenentzündung vernarbt das Lungengewebe du Mongo. Wofür willst du eigentlich gesund bleiben das einzige was in deinem Leben abgeht ist eh nur Arbeiten und dann umfallen.
Joseph Morris
> Verteilen Und Du glaubst, dass das klappt. Ich sag dir das die Verteilung nicht sauber ablaufen würde. Am besten Du bleibst mit deinem Arsch zuhause und bist autonom
Cooper Howard
Correct. The fertility issues have also been academically proven for the severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV) outbreak in 2002/2003. It's a different strand and all, but history repeats itself.
>Ja, eine Vorstellung war beispielsweise, dass Lebensmittel-LKW im Viertel halten und Nahrung verteilen, so Syrien-Stil
Nigger wir haben hier im letzten Jahrhundert mehrere Male solche Situationen gehabt und nie ist der Laster gekommen und hat einfach Verteilt. Dafür gibts Lebensmittelmarken du Mungo.
Colton Jenkins
>Und Du glaubst, dass das klappt. nein, glaube ich nicht, deswegen ja mein ursprünglicher () post.
Lucas Brown
Fertility too? I thought it was only short breath and fatigue as well as fascii + cramping muscles.
Ok that's bad enough
Ryder Martin
Musst du mir nicht sagen
Elijah Adams
>so Syrien-Stil
Na des wird a Hetz! Die werden doch von Clans geplündert bevor die Verteilungs-Wappler nur blinzeln! :D
You're either retarded or baiting, so I'll leave it up to Cataloniman to bully you. Thanks anyway, some fellow anons might get something out of my reply to you.