Liberal white women .. how do we fix them?

Liberal white women .. how do we fix them?

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You can tell exactly what this person looks like just from the shitty nails.


fuck them till they cum.

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Put your penis in them

Beatings and/or threat of social exclusion if they refuse to follow the social standards.
But beatings are more fun desu

Ignore them. Don't reproduce with them even if it's the last thing you do.

You have to understand that you should not engage with people like these. They are not worthy of your time. You must resist.

>put your penis in them
This. Honestly most of them just need a good fucking.

repeal the 19th amendment

by slapping them in the face until the poison that's rotting their brain literally comes out of their ears.

Perverted retards

This is the answer.

yup no patriarchy or rape of white women among native americans

Imagine being pissed off at the guy who is literally responsible for your existence.

It's odd how Columbus gets the biggest share of hatred. I mean, he was a pretty shitty person but Pizarro, de Soto, Cortes, etc. were far worse. At the end of the day, someone was going to find it eventually and odds are, the events would have still unfolded exactly as it did.

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>it refers to Americas

With beatings!

We can't

You date them young, take their virginity, and mold them into the right woman

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At least it's not a fatso.

Is this the power of Lecithin?

Liberal white woman are lost to liberalism They are a lost cause, the only way to save white women is through conservative father figures. White liberals have an out group bias, they preferred other races instead of their own, that mentality causes them to hate anything related to their race, they are lost. Is time to cut ties with white liberals and increase racial identity with white conservative because ultimately it is white conservative that will wage the white race.

By ignoring them, just like any other uppity bitch. If you give them any attention they win and continue being shit.

Hard times

Eventually they will become old social outcasts from society.

Why do you want to breed with them?

genocide the simps

fuck christopher columbus, that guy was a spic and probably a kike as well.


>far worse than colombus

Hey shitskin how's it going.

Take away their rights, inshallah

Thank you Corona-chan

Just relax bro, Let's fuck them all first..

Treat Islam like a virus in a lab. Customize it with gain of function mutations that accentuate it's punishment of certain degenerates. Then release it.

Imagine unironically defending Christopher Columbus

My thoughts exactly

Pray allah hurry up corona is coming at you

Is this the Mexican thread? all of you cute CUTE

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Tell her that Columbus was a hispanic person. Look how quickly she will change her viewpoint.

Are you retarded?

By making your desired outcome fashionable.

That's it. When you understand that women are "sheeple", in that they copy those women that they admire, and the women they admire are always rich in attention, which often translates into rich in material resources, when you figure out that they copy the women who get the most attention, you realize that's how you go about changing them. By giving them new icons to copy.

Edward Bernays figured this out back in the early 20th century. He got women to think smoking was cool, all by getting a few pretty, rich girls to smoke publicly and create a fashion trend.

.357 lobotomy

Sub 80 IQ beaner detected.

Sexual liberation is a fashion trend, albeit a soci-cultural one as opposed to an apparel trend.

Ditto feminism. Ditto SJWism. Ditto anti-racism. Women are much more easily to condition and influence than men. They evolved to be. It's an evolutionary adaptation, and one which the elites are exploiting to their own beneift.

They destroyed the extended family, made it seem old-fashioned. Then they went to work on the nuclear family, then they unleashed feminism. It won't end until the world does.

colombus was a beaner

aren't feminists the biggest whores around? the problem isn't them having sex, the problem is them not wanting to get married, have kids and be submissive to their husband

Do you think that there will be something different in a few decades?

There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to be submissive to your husband.

Nope, he was a dago.
Not a huge difference I agree, but still.

Corona-chan fix everything.

Beaners are mestizos.
Columbus was a peninsulare.

By being a winner. Women aren't broken, they are just women. It's men that need fixing. Women don't have opinions friend, never forget this.

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god I wish that finger was rubbing my prostate

I mean, it makes sense. Women's one job in eternity is to look pretty. So they go for what makes them look good, It's just a problem because they've only recently been allowed to vote and be in office etc. And now they're making huge decisions based on looking good, and it's having disastrous consequences.

talk down to them the way they talk to you. Psychoanalyze them. Don't let them say anything without challenging what they're saying and attacking them in the process. Attack attack attack. But at the same time, don't be nasty, be kind and tell them that you're just trying to help them with their mental illness.

This. Just let their gene pools dry out. They already have a natural tendency to not reproduce and end up as cool wine aunts.

I personally enjoy being given a middle finger, or an L sign from a girl.

Could be self hating like you.

Tits please.

user are you suggested that redskin indians, who worked against the establishing of the country known as america, are "native americans"? that title belongs to the ex-british colonists who decided to bring about a country of their, our, own here

show udders cow

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Abs please.

anti-whites like you are soooo silly !



Christopher Columbus was a legit piece of shit, though. Why does this rustle you?

sure. wouldn't they just die out though? how do they exist now?


show us your milkers or begone whore

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This, but unironically. A woman left alone with her own thoughts is blind; it is only when given your third eye that she may truly see. Also, beat them.

the nuclear family is a pretty effective jew
>yes goyim, kick out your kids and make them start from nothing and rent an apartment from me, a trust fund would spoil them, spend that money on yourself!

How to identify if a commenter is anti-White and is inciting White genocide:

1) They deny there is such a thing as White people or White countries.

2) They scream about how evil White people are or blame them for something or other.

3) They justify White genocide using a thousand different reasons.

4) They demand White genocide/celebrate it.

5) They say pro White dissidents should not be allowed to speak, because we are "evil".

I’ll begone then.

>Columbus was a peninsulare.
so he was a beaner?

Show norwegian flag


Top Swede post

That's not a rule around here.
Show the udders, or stop larping.

good we don't want you here you're retarded and your opinions are shit

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Most certainly is.

No, it means he was from Europe, or specifically the Iberian Peninsula.

>white people don't exist, race is a social construct

>white people are EVIL and whiteness must be eradicated

>white genocide is a conspiracy
>white replacement is real and here's why it's a good thing

(((their))) agenda is getting real transparent. never give up bros.

Niggers and their self hatred wanting to step up on the evolutionary stage.

Both actually.

We send them to africa or south america

What movie nigger.


bad advice, these disgusting whores will take you for everything even your sanity.

Yeah no, thats no the nuclear family retard.

not a chance, find the ones that aren't damaged beyond repair and leave the others out to dry, the next generation will see a bunch of old crusty whores in their 50s with no children and avoid their ideas like the plague


Lad that's from a tv serie, a Rome ripoff, 10 years ago when she was only big in Spain

>It's men that need fixing.
Yeah go fuck yourself buddy.

yeah, a beaner.

Other wine aunts.

Those tits though

she did this too

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Do you.

I understand Native Americans getting upset about Christopher Columbus, even though a person like him discovering the Americas from a more civilized land was an inevitability, whether from Spain or any other enterprising European seafaring country of the time, or possibly a well-constructed and led fleet from China, after a certain amount of time. However, this woman, and also Mestizo people in general, are indirect results of the conditions created by Columbus' journey to the New World, supposed to have been previously only known by Siberian-descended natives, or the rare sailors from other cultures, which have lost their way, such as the rare Vikings of the northern Atlantic Ocean, or maybe some Polynesians along the Pacific Ocean. The reason why we exist here is indirectly because of Christopher Columbus. His actions simply led to the others that developed throughout the New World.

Thank you for reminding me, I remember some of that series, now!

Women are children, do you expect them to fix themselves? Your misguided anger towards me only shoes what a moron you are. Accept female nature and know that you have a reliable frame work to operate with. You are putting it on a pedestal like a typical virgin retard. Men build societies to deal with evolutionary pressures that only they are subject to. Women must be controlled for this endeavor to succeed.

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Well said user.

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Never stick your dick in crazy