Can someone fill me in on what the end goal of white genocide is? I don’t mean to genocide whites, that’s obvious. I mean WHY do they want to do it? What’s their endgame after it happens?
Can someone fill me in on what the end goal of white genocide is? I don’t mean to genocide whites, that’s obvious...
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Jews ruling over a race of dumb mongrels that pose no reasonable threat/competition against them.
It's pure punishment for what Nazis did. We lost the war, do you get it yet?
>dilute white countries with shitskins
>Jews get to rule over brown people with no social cohesion while still maintaining their eternal victim status
>Cheap labor, shit labor conditions, no social pushback
Ok, thanks. This is what I suspected
It's being kept alive here by dumb leaders who can't admit their fixations.
To create perfect low iq consumer, devoid of personality, culture, unity, cause, religion, even distinctive skin color.
They Live is a lot less fantastical than you might think.
you've been successful enough wyboi it's time for us kangz to shine
its global genocide. thats the end goal.
they have the tech to make any animal etc in a lab and grow it. they can design all life to their specs. they'll kill everything for the fun of it then rebuild the world in their image ruling it forever.
It’s not on purpose, whites used to be the majority in the world and then every other race caught up and people becoming more open to interracial relationships while a small minority thinks that their genes in particular are the ubermensch. Really it just means dudes are jealous if they see girls with guys of different races or vice versa. However, in South Africa there ARE signs of a violent racial purge.
On a side note, people cry IQ, but really, people of lower IQ are happier with life, and those people are nicer to hang out with.
Easy OP. The Jew believes that they have the sole right to rule earth. They want a ruling class of Jewish lords who would each have 1000 goyim slaves as is told in the Talmud and Torah. Nigger beasts are low IQ and less likely to resist enslavement then whites.
This is the same reason 78% of slave owners in the American south were Jews
ok, normie.
The entire world will be a borderless hyper capitalist hellscape inhabited by mixed race mud people except for Israel.
It's a combination of loxism and wanting western populations to be lower IQ and less freethinking. Those are the main 2 factors.
Psychotic rabbis believe the Messiah will come when Edom(white society) is destroyd and something with a stupid temple in Jerusalem. The prophecy is something like: they will come and eat your bread and they will turn against you. Mongrel immigration was done to Egypt thousands of years ago and they still haven't recovered.
Most of these are schizo answers. The real reason is to destroy any sense of culture or national identity in order to slowly bring all countries into a one world government.
earned a Chilean helicopter ride with that comment.
Are you retarded? Judaism is declining in the west and literary the ENTIRETY of the middle east would have already nuked Israel if WHITE COUNTRIES didn’t keep protecting them
t. Iranian
You mean like what the west already is?
Didn't egyptians used to have blue eyes or something?
What do you know, you're from Iran.
White countries have served their purpose already now that Israel has tactical nukes. Now they mainly serve as hosts to suck dry while they mongrelize the entire human race aside from themselves.
its not really the jews
its just seething
everyone is unrionically jealous of whites to the point of wanting them gone
this * 100
All other races are inferior. They want to create a race of controllable golems.
White European men created everything. Jews are parasites that have gotten ahead of themselves thinking they can control and sustain it so they want to mix us into animals to control
Plus they hate us and have for 1000s of years.
The Jews will never win.
It's the Jews. Read The Culture of Critique.
their plan is bad
Jews don't need Judaism to be Jews. They can be Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, but they'll always be filthy rats. It's in their biology. At the core of their being.
The Jews started out as the enemy, it was sort of revenge for the whole holocaust thing. But now, white liberals are on a suicidal road to self extinction because of some white guilt bull shit. The enemy is are not Jews anymore, is white liberals. They have an out group bias, they literally one to be dominated.
jews want a world filled with 65 IQ retards so that they can rule over them
they think this is somehow a "goal"
one world government the kalergie plan jewish supremacy
Whites are objectively the worst people.
Wasted get on a daft comment.
If you white retards stopped protecting Israel then my people would exterminate the Jews for you OVERNIGHT.
That doesn’t make sense. Brown people hate Jews more than whites do. We’re itching to kill them off already.
They’re not even Jews. They’re Italians on the mother side.
>In reference to individual acts of repair, the phrase “tikkun olam” figures prominently in the Lurianic account of creation and its implications: God contracted the divine self to make room for creation. Divine light became contained in special vessels, or kelim, some of which shattered and scattered. While most of the light returned to its divine source, some light attached itself to the broken shards. These shards constitute evil and are the basis for the material world; their trapped sparks of light give them power.
>According to the Lurianic account, the first man, Adam, was intended to restore the divine sparks through mystical exercises, but his sin interfered. As a result, good and evil remained thoroughly mixed in the created world, and human souls (previously contained within Adam’s) also became imprisoned within the shards.
>The “repair,” that is needed, therefore, is two-fold: the gathering of light and of souls, to be achieved by human beings through the contemplative performance of religious acts. The goal of such repair, which can only be effected by humans, is to separate what is holy from the created world, thus depriving the physical world of its very existence—and causing all things return to a world before disaster within the Godhead and before human sin, thus ending history.
>It’s not on purpose,
> whites used to be the majority in the world
> and then every other race caught up
You are in a white country Go back where u from if you mad stupid hoe
Aliens won’t fuck with us until we meet 2/3 of these standards
>all look the same
>global religion
>planetary financial system (BTC)
I'm a British citizen, think I'll stay thanks.
Believe me, not all whites want to stop you. If I could, I'd give you the green light to take care of our kike problem.
The lesser desire to destroy the greater.
It proves their own unworthiness. You see it with the type of people who chuck litter at a beauty spot or key a nice car.
It's the very essence of a subhuman. And plenty of 'whites' are subhuman. No paki or nigger changed the race and immigration laws back in the 50s &60s, and you can't blame it all on jews
You can for now user, however we do want rid of you no matter how long it takes
What about the Tuffles?
> (You)
>If you white retards stopped protecting Israel then my people would exterminate the Jews for you OVERNIGHT.
That's not how the world works and you will find that out eventually. The line between good and evil runs through everyone's heart. The actual war is between evil and light.
> To create perfect low iq consumer, devoid of personality, culture, unity, cause, religion, even distinctive skin color.
Your average Yas Forumsack
You might, none of the politicians do though. Brown and black people are far too useful as a distraction.
Kalegeri plan
Servants that are less violent and incompetent than blacks but still too dumb to understand or question their rulers.
They do it because they want to secure more power and wealth. Whites do not share the same motivations that they (and most of the rest of the world) do. White people in general are never content with adapting to the environment. They seek to have the environment adapt to them. This makes whites extremely dangerous, as they will do seemingly pointless and reckless activities for very little short term gain.
It is easier to control people that are motivated by religion, money, family, etc. Whites are motivated by growth, and it is horrible when you try to control that.
The actual endgame is Jews realizing that whites are the only group with any altruism, and that no Asian/Indian/Hispanic/Muslim/Nigger/Whatever will be accept being ruled over by a group that just wants to exploit them. The only reason the world is so stable now is because the USA lets the rest of the world have the better end of deals while also keeping the oceans completely open and safe.
Once the USA can no longer do that, the world is going to be an extremely dangerous place for t hem.
None of that
The mistake most make is thinking any of this is race related
A few rich elite are making you think it's race related, so they can hide behind a mask of their Jewish heritage
What's actually going on is the rich stand to gain by keeping society destabilized, and keeping migration open
have to go back.
>literary the ENTIRETY of the middle east would have already nuked Israel
no one has been more accommodating for the past 3,000 years in history to the jews than some Middle East collectives, such as the Ancient Persians that gave them full rights, and rights over a lot of facets of their civilisation, and the Ottoman Empire that consistently imposed protectionism against the jew class and an open haven for jews persecuted in surrounding states. Cyrus is so fucking revered by the kikes, a shabbos goy from over 2,000 years ago, that they've put him on fucking coins. not to mention they've got the jew mind virus as well, it's just in the form of Islam than Christianity. they're still worshiping a literal jewish deity; and no matter how much they voice their "disdain" for their chosen people like christians do, they will never truly do anything to their masters, like christians never would. they still call the jew desert their holy lands the same way christians do to.
what you said is akin to "America would have nuked Israel by now for what the jews did to christ/Europe/whites whatever" no, you wouldn't because they're your masters and you're the bitch
trust an American to be completely historically illiterate.
>useful as a distraction.
They exist here do to unprecedented wealth. There were no blacks or browns in the UK when people lived hard lives. That is no longer the case at the moment but should economic growth stop, you will see a return to a healthy society.
fuck off retarded kike
Back during the Roman Empire they revolted and killed a good rank of innocent Romans, in response Hadrian ruined them and they went into hiding, through Christianity of that period they made pro jew laws in the empire and benefited from its collapse, taking over banking in Europe
They were expelled from many countries for subversion over the centuries, about 109 but not exterminated.
The Germans wished to expel them, they didn't leave, they got put in camps like the japs in america, and then unlike the japs in america, they went on to make tales about delousing agent death showers, masturbation death machines, holocausters, human soap, human lampshades, floors that would turn them into ash from electrocution, and greatly benefited from this. Although all of the 'death camps' were on the USSR side and not examined by impartial international bodies like the ones in west germany that were propagandized to be death camps during the war but the claim was later dropped because of examination. the ones that are camps were not allowed examination which left plenty of time to alter the camps. Auschwitz for example has 'replica' chimneys that were built after the war to 'represent what it 'would' have looked like before it was converted into a bunker for the evil nazis!'
look up kalergi. guy is a mix raced mongrel and has awards from the EU. Literally planned this in order to create an order where jews and european aristocracy rule over the previous areas of the white race that have been africanized and mongorilized.
>It’s not on purpose
understand kabbala.
At the center is beauty. I reckon they consider themselves beautiful. They see us as the opposite of themselves as we have fought them for so long. They wish to destroy our balance over the centuries by making us extinct.
subservient slave class that has no real shot of overthrowing them and will accept lesser living conditions.
also see trotsky's white negros. I don't pretend to know shit about Russia, but it seems like they killed off most of their good stock for retards who would obey.
Humans are petty creatures and a motivating factor to their actions, as it pertains to this topic, is likely a desire for revenge over perceived historical slights.
too bad jews already botched it and everyone thinks they're white too now
The greater Bantu group (Bantus, Jews, many/most Muslims) have sought for many thousands of years to enslave and genocide all non-Bantus, including Europeans, East Asians, etc. They don't care about the survival of our species (or else some of their core seeks to end it, themselves included, with nothing left afterwards). Part of the reason is that they are extremely or much more evil than that, and they see themselves as genuinely evil, evil according to their own definitions, views and understanding, and they enjoy doing genuine evil (possibly even sexual pleasure).
You whites protected Jews for millennia instead of killing them since Alexander
Like Europe and America already?
the jews must be exterminated in self defense.
those weasels will not stop until they are stopped.
> shitskin MUDSLIME thinks it's his subhuman race's destiny to stop the kikes and save the world
oh you sweet, sweet, summer child …
It is but the destiny of the superior aryan race to defeat the kikes and save themselves, you shitskins literally do not matter in any of this
>I mean WHY do they want to do it?
Vengeance. Vengeance for being too fucking good. Colonialism, slavery, the holocaust, oppression of women, oppression of faggots etc etc. Even though half this shit didnt happen, wasn't the creation of the white man or was deconstructed at the behest and sacrifice of the white Man the ((they)) still want whites to pay for all of it.
Jews, women, communists, SJWs, feminists, LGBT activists, ANTIFA, niggers, leftists, democrats are all unified against us.
No retard. Women find status attractive. I'm actually old enough to remember when there was a distinct culture for whites. Then Jewish producers pushed eminem, then whites thought rap was cool and crack dealing niggers became high status. This is the consequence of media being controlled by Jews