Brit/pol/ fuck boris edition

Countries that have closed all schools

Czech Republic

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> this is the only brit/pol/ thread in the catalog

fuck this lads, booked first flight out of Germany this Sunday to get back to brexitland.

Can't even be fucked doing the bureaucratic shit, just gonna get home to my cozy house. £20 one way I think so

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turns green wtf?

first for going to sleep
night lads

I think the idea is to try and prevent a mass panic by acting like everything is fine and it's business as usual. I can't wait for it to backfire massively in a few weeks when loads more people are infected.

Germans are prepared for their holocaust

Anyone else else self-isolating as per govt guidance?

Pale negroes aren't allowed here
Be gased kikel

>Over the course of the whole epidemic

Watch him gulp his throat at 54:36

It seems like they know its going to last a long time and think we have enough time to push the school closures so they coincide with school holidays

boris has the blood of millions on his hands

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Hello lads.

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They estimate upper limit of 80% will get it which is higher than what merkel said and they said mortality rate of 1%

Meaning maximum deaths in the UK of 480,000??

>It seems like they know its going to last a long time and think we have enough time to push the school closures so they coincide with school holidays
Easter holidays are in 3 weeks
3 weeks ago Italy had 20 cases

No, I think what they're saying is you have to address the R0 value from the get go and co-ordinate the infection in a way as to build up a firewall across the nation.
By shitting the bed and panicking you're risking a peak and trough situation which greatly depletes your resources and leads to far greater people being untreated.
You want it to spread (It's an international world, the virus is here one way or another) so best to build up immunity in the communities that can take it, while managing the load on the NHS.

They're saying we're not 1 week behind Italy, but rather 4 and we can appropriately and correctly manage this if we time things right.
Also the "Containment" testing wasn't about finding people to treat but instead to build a dataset to better understand where this virus is spread across, as well as minimise seeding of new places. This has been accomplished. Testing randomly in the community no longer brings any benefit but rather the ability to test those quickly who are deteriorating so they can assess and prevent further deterioration.

I think the UK is being ballsy, but to be honest I think this is actually the best way to deal with it, given their data is correct - otherwise will get caught with our trousers down.
What's the point in running away from it and just getting bulldozed in the back. Accept facts and get ready to fight the fucker. We'll just be trying to control the fight rather than let Covid shank us in the back repeatedly.

>boris has the blood of millions on his hands
Chose one
>Cares about British people

>>It seems like they know its going to last a long time and think we have enough time to push the school closures so they coincide with school holidays
>Easter holidays are in 3 weeks
>3 weeks ago Italy had 20 cases
They're trying to keep the NHS running so they need parents who work to not be at home with their kids and they need kids to develop immunity but it sounds bad from a PR point lmao

Do the exact opposite of what Boris says. He was talking in code today. You have about 2 weeks tops before the shit hits the fan.

>HIV infection predominantly affecting children in Sindh, Pakistan, 2019: a cross-sectional study of an outbreak
>The Lancet
>Published: December 19, 2019 DOI:

>In April 2019, an HIV screening camp for all ages was established in response to a report of an unusually large number of paediatric HIV diagnoses in Larkana, Pakistan. We aimed to understand the clinical profile of the children who registered for HIV care.

>The outbreak was heavily skewed towards young children younger than 5 years, with a predominance of boys.

What's going on with Pakistanis?

When I'm finally back home i'm going to work on my own business I think, best time, self isolate and just put hours into it

>Stay home for SEVEN days if you have a cough or mild fever, Britons are told

Coronavirus can live in patients for up to FIVE WEEKS after they first fall ill - more than twice as long as the recommended 14-day isolation period

Clearly an underground cult has formed across the country in playgroups where the students, behind the backs of the supervisors are drinking one another's blood and chanting for the end days obviously.
I mean use common sense, wouldn't be something crazy like some HIV infected man / men are paedos taking advantage of little kids like sick fucks.


It’s interesting that when people debate school closures, they talk about daycare and warm meals, not learning. I think we all tacitly agree on what schools are mostly for.

reminder that boris has spent 100+x as much money on flood defences as he has spent on coronavirus research. 5 billion vs 46 million

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Latvia as of 13.03

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>At least 7 days
The point isn't to prevent spread but lower the R0. The R0 is significantly highest upon initial development of minor symptoms. Most mild cases last 4-5 days upon symptom onset. After that the viral load is significantly reduced and ineffectively spread via aerosol / droplets which means the most likely way to receive the disease is through direct surface / person contact.
Regularly washing hands will then further reduce spread.
The governments proposal isn't to stop the virus but to slow its spread and protect the vulnerable to not have them die and to stop them clogging up the hospitals. They can't be indefinitely kept safe however so you need the virus to sweep through the healthy having a minimal impact and the NHS be able to cope in order to prevent people who can recover from dying.
By significantly reducing the R0 in a managed manner, you just deal with it as it comes in the most comfortable fashion.

This is a proactive approach and if the UK pulls this off it'll be one hell of a showcase of UKs capabilities in data once again.
Shutting all the schools, businesses etc... might seem "Proactive" but it isn't. It's reactive panicking at its best and encourages a fucked up peak-and-trough style management which will fuck up nations economies and health services while depriving many from care which in an appropriately, consistent managed outbreak (though on paper perhaps scariest), a far greater number are actually able to be treated effectively.


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Post shins

Eddie is playing assassin's creed eddie_la

I'm British, Black and a Conservative
and I'm proud of that.

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>After that the viral load is significantly reduced and ineffectively spread via aerosol / droplets which means the most likely way to receive the disease is through direct surface / person contact.
incorrect. you are asymptomatic and contagious for 24 days or so once you catch this virus. the contagious period lasts for weeks after you "recover".


All it took was one infected sharteta for them to wisen up LUL

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Wait, these countries have schools!?

but doesn't germany have the best recovered to death ratio? I'd stay there, you think the NHS isn't going to go tits up

7 days self isolation in the iso cubes

>doing absolutely nothing is a proactive approach

>doing literally nothing is proactive
high effort bait

Romania too until Easter

Skinnedshin does kinda sound asian

why did they say the peak would be in about 12 weeks, lads? China peaked much more quickly than that, do they think they can draw it out 50% longer?

talking about viral load shedding, not the capacity to which infect. There's mixed data but there is data that suggests this view is correct.

Like I said, you're not trying to stop people infecting one another. In many ways you're encouraging it, but have people inadvertently do it when they're the lowest R0 factor. Not when they're massive.

>much money on flood defences as he has spent on coronavirus research.
Our money, after 23 days of hiding cowardly

have no german health insurance here atm, probs safer in my mums place, plus the germans are lying about the numbers

You have to be 16 to post here chundercunt.

>The point isn't to prevent spread but lower the R0.
Correct, the point is to spread mass panic and cause disruption.

The Norwegian Military better have been building Deep Underground Long Term Survival Bunkers over the years.

Surely they aren't as dumb & cucked as they come off as.

The Nordic Genome is the most precious seed on Earth.

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where you getting this info from ?

He didn't say it wasn't contagious but that its way less contagious after the 7 days

>uni's closed
>still gotta electronically submit my essay

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>get back to brexitland.
Fuck off, we are full!

tell them you're sick and cant

Not true though. It's stated that certain things are going to happen such as school closures etc...
The point they were getting at is timing. They're not doing anything. They're just not doing everything until the epidemiological models indicate the most it's the best time to implement them.
They're setting out to manipulate the spread, not hide and try eliminate it. They've basically declared the ability to eliminate the spread is impossible.

They're contesting China's, Italy's etc... data, not in accuracy so much but rather in portraying an incorrect picture.

I was made unemployed in Germany a few weeks back, you lot have no fucking idea how hard it is to find a job at the moment, have skype interviews but people are dealing with corona so wont fucking hire me. Spoke to someone at [COMPANY NAME RETRACTED] today and they said "there is a lot going on at the moment so we haven't processed applications". I did the interview 3 weeks ago you bellends pay me

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all they had to do was travel bans

Think it is open for debate whether your country has schools too.

fat tranny

>They're not doing anything
exactly. they should have grounded all flights in to the country and closed the border down in january.

yeah, you're not going to get a job for a few weeks. Most companies are in safe-mode right now.

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If you close the schools who looks after the children? Either it’s their parents who then can’t work, including in the NHS, or it’s their grandparents and that’s definitely not what we want because they’ll end up getting infected and dying.

Is corona 5g microwave radiation??