So what are they covering up with this corona fear mongering?
So what are they covering up with this corona fear mongering?
COVID is a mass satanic sacrifice
Then why didn't they pick something better at doing it than fake chink statistics?
>1% mortality
china has cloned hitler. they used corona to kill him a second time.
What is Congress up to?
Even if it has 1% mortality, it's highly contagious and it'll kill someone eventually. You and I probably have it but we arent sick just carrying it
European Central Bank is on the verge of a complete collapse and a bank run is impending.
Covid 19 is Trump's smokescreen to systematically drain the deep swamp. Expect a lot of the members of the elite pedophile deep state to "Get Corona virus" and have handlers speak on their behalf
At the cost of thousands of dead Americans and billions of dollars of lost revenue?
Nobody gives a fuck I spread the flu to everyone every single year without being sick
Human Instrumentality??
Distract from migrant influx and planned deletion of white genome. That's the name of the game.
Undoing globalism. They have this weird fascination with recreating the collapse of Babylon, you will see them dividing the nations up again by way of paranoia and spreading treachary.
the real problem starts when 60% of workers are sick at home for several weeks. 1% mortality from the virus is nothing compared to the chimpout that starts when the big economy crash happens.
More like problem-reaction-solution
So the panic is worse than the virus itself? That does makes sense.
However, it's a new type of coronavirus so maybe the panic is justified a little
Exactly. Same old.
Virus is just a means to an end. It is most likely a political goal. Fear is one of the strongest of human emotions an method of mass control.
Mass destruction of food production, farms and livestock are being destroyed fast.
This virus is nothing compared to the starvation that is coming.
Where I'm at, they shut down the schools for two weeks. Honestly, I think they're doing it to stomp out the Teachers' Union strikes - can't protest if there ain't no schools.
it used to be called a negative harvest. lurk more.
name one
its a fake virus
>imagine thinking this shit is still just "muh flu"
I am just gonna accept one of two possibilities from now on...
1. these flu "shills" are not shills but trolls and memers just in it for the shits and giggles, and I can respect that
2. these are actually retarded and autistic shills that will surely die when their dumb asses get the virus an to that I absolutely KEK
Corona is just not that deadly. We'll have a few hundred dead boomers and the world saves from satanic pedophiles
>60 million people on lockdown in Italy
>tanks on the street, prisoners breaking out
>it's just the flu bro
Unironically shoot yourself in the fucking head dumb faggot
you really think a woman is sitting at the table?
>Main RE6 Leon scenario
There is reason why nobody is talking about this
>It's a fake virus
So multiple countries with some having shaky relations with each other are cooperating to produce mass hysteria. Not to mention many health establishment worldwide saying its a threat
>Intelligence agencies
>The good guys
Lmao. Kys, pleb.
I wish, but the chances of that are approximate -132%.
>He doesn't know about the shadow banking govt
they are charging the word corona with fear and negativity so they can crown satan as godking of this world
Would be nice; but I'm still convinced it's an accidental weapon outbreak. The world should have glassed China the day that Russia and NoKo closed the boarders.
What's 1% of 7.7 billion?
Its clearly the wrath of Gaia wiping out the most polluting nations.
Worse. The virus is very real and will kill more than a few people this year. (The Flu kill a few 10's of thousands per year.) But the major problem is that all the mega banks bought too much property and printed too much money, so they are insolvent. Thus, they have to keep printing money or let everything crash and then pol would really get a happening it wouldn't like.
Buckle up. The ride is about to get rough.
You may survive. However you will be infertile.
PROTIP: our current interglacial period started 12000 years ago
77 Million. That's some quality nightmare fuel user. Looks like its time for a shit ton of banditry.
the fact that this is not on any "mainstream" news stations but has tons of articles from doctors experts and scientists already available gives me such a satisfying kek, the normies won't even know what hit em, Kek~
>So what are they covering up with this corona fear mongering?
that in reality it is common cold
You figured it all out, user. Good job. Hilary Clinton hired us to spread disinformation on /pol as payback for the whole election thing.
It truly is sinister.
Forced apocalypse. They are trying to emulate it IRL.
The virus, the war, The plagues of locusts, starvation. They want to create an artificial apocalypse and force God into returning here to imprison him somehow
the next step of turning humanity into caged animals, to normalize the concept of not going out, sporting events will now just be televised with no actual attendance, people are just going to be okay with watching netflix as living and are now grateful when there's toilet paper
Kek. Good luck. When will they learn?
Eventually they want everyone living in mega cities. We went at that stage yet so there is something else at okay right now. This could be a test to see how well all the countries handle martial law and quarantine.
Op is a faggot.
>doesn't know what jewish cabal entails
They are covering up the fact that they released a bioweapon and are locking humanity in cages while they crash the world economy, I guess?
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy and you dumb fucks are part of the problem.
>Media gets a scary story
>Coomers love scary story
>Media lowcols public to retain views
>npc’s get a little to scared
>panic sets in
>government must act like they actually do stuff
>markets get scared cause government do stuff
>rinse and repeat till you brainlets get bored
In three months will all be going “remember corona, what happened to that”.
Though I am a little concerned that this might cause the business debt bubble to burst but fuck it, it has to go sometime.
911 checked
It's a boomer mindjacker virus, everyone else can see it for what it is but since it's design to kill boomers, you all think it's nothing. Flawless design.
I'm 27.
Get checked for early onset dementia
>implying governements react to their people and not the other way around
Nobody gives a shit about the virus in France, and guess what? We're getting locked down on Monday
why are shills so desperate to convince anons that coronavirus is a "nothingburger" and "fake"
probably has nothing to do with the fact that it's going to make your kike banks and kike money schemes fail.
They fear monger to blame corona for the market stocks crash so people look at it and say "thats coronas fault" instead of "gee those jews finally ran out of money after injecting stocks for years in the pyramid made from cards"
They'll rebuy the "crashed" stocks, fucking over their jew boomer cattle, and say how millienials/z'rs saved the globañ economy, my question is if the crypto the jews were trying to force onto people also had hand in this.
This user gets it.
Red Flag laws and gun confiscation.