
Do you personally know anyone who is infected with COVID-19?

Friend, family, neighbors, co-workers...

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My moms friend from work is on Facebook claiming to be in quarantine, apparently they can’t test him yet. He has a chink wife.
We’re in Boston.

I live in a small village. Some neighbors just cameback from Italy (they were skying there since its cheap as fuck now). Got tested and she is positive. Dumb fuck, totaly deserved. If I get corona cause of her, someones gonna pay for it

Cassandra Fairbanks and Liz Bruenig.

I'm too misanthropic to know anyone and if I did I wouldn't care.

I thought I had it, but then I realized that I was throwing up because I tried to drink milk.

Imagine the smell.

I may have had it and recovered already in january.


Her kids don't fucking have to. But nice digits anyway bro.

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You never had it.
I have the sniffles now and keep freaking out that I have it. It's a kneejerk reaction to all the shit news we're inundated with.

Can someone post some pics of middle aged, white people in ICU with it?



>forcing your kids to hug your bare leg as you bleed all over the youngest’s head
I don’t even have words to express my disdain for this slattern

Yeah, what's wrong with Americans nowaday ?

>I gave birth a few times so I get to be a nasty bitch!

friend of a friend has "bronchitis"
too afraid to ask if she got tested since
good chance if she is infected i am too

no I do not have

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Every time

No, because it's a hoax.
Medical personnel are receiving payments from foreign governments to pretend it's real when it's basically just a flu virus.
Meanwhile the paid-off traitor doctors kill the patients with Chinese drugs and falsify medical records, then collect their commie cash grabs.
It's all part of the chink scheme to crash the US economy.

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yes an ex Gf of mine is infected.

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Nice power word friend

I am

no, it's a hoax.

i have it. i don't care. if i'm going to die i'm going to infect everyone and everythng

>if this daily flood of sperm covering my boxers is making you uncomfortable, maybe I should remind youe where the fuck you come from
said no man ever

jew also cum from this jew sick pedo cunt

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White people only please.

Did you murder them?

Is her husband positive too? How's the situation in CR? Many infected? How many dead?

No, but I have a coworker and a relative died of viral pneumonia recently

yes bigfoot and the easter bunny

I deserve it but I’m out right now at a bar where everyone’s talking about it and I’m not tested but I have symptoms and two confirmed exposure points and it feels so uncomfortable I wish I stayed home on quarantine like I’m supposed to.

Serious thread..

I like this guy’s style.

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I had it but recovered in 4-5 days. Was pretty mild. Chest symptoms are taking longer to go but its been very very mild.

my friend’s mom works for Micro soft
they sent her him because someone in the building had it.

she is presenting symptoms and will be testing for it soon

a few more cases have been confirmed 3hrs from where I live
they are not alerting the media

At least the kids are white. At the rate we're going, I say she gets to be a little bit bitchy as a reward.

I’ve got a brother in law who works at a restaurant in town that is closing down because multiple people are getting sick with fever/cough. No tests yet. Not sure if they even will be tested. In California in a hot zone

>> No.247774454

Multiple employees I mean

What's the story? Is she on quarantine?

Are you?

Story? How do you know it COVID-19 and not an allergy?

I got it off an Asian Restaurant. Was sitting there eating three weeks ago and listening to all the staff coughing in the kitchen. I haven't been tested but all the signs are there. Fever, head ache, sore throat, breathlessness, diarrhea...

Food poisoning

I know 3 probables, and i'm a shut-in.
All in oslo - infected by family members or friends travelling to Italy & Austria for skiing in the winter vacation.

do not waste time, kill her now

a cousin of mine who's in Denmark is likely infected (same symptoms, hasn't tested though.)

But you mean STD?

kill him

Yeah the college near me airlifted a bunch of infected from the hell zone in italy and brought em into my town, now there's a big outbreak surprise surprise. people don't fuckin learn

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shoot the college

I actually know someone who thinks they have it but doesn't want to get tested.
Went out for carnival every day. Works in sales and started dry coughing with fever on Monday. Good thing I haven't seen her since pre-carnival.
This country is fucked because everyone is like this.

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܂>maybe I should remind you where the fuck you come from
we are stardust, she knows nothing

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Probably me.
Presenting with sudden onset cough and fever.
I work in a hotel in one of the most popular tourist areas in California.

Called my boss today and told them I am sick, and asked if they wanted me to come into work. They told me to come in and they will get me a mask from the local medical supply store.
Got to work today, no mask, they were sold out and wont get anymore for another week. I have 3 sick days I haven't used and planned to use them and self quarantine for a week. Doesn't matter, they don't want to have to call in someone else to work my shifts, and they don't want to work them themselves, even though they live 100 feet from the business.

On top of that I literally have to touch peoples IDs and Credit Cards to check them in. Bunch of old fucks are apparently travelling around our area for early cheap vacation now that all the hotels are lowering their rates in response to the travel bans.

Fuck this gay earth.
This is why shit like this spreads, because retarded boomer capitalists make sick people come into work and infect the general public.

Thought about reporting it to our counties health department, would lose my job though, and rent is so expensive I'd be out on the street in 4 months if we used our savings.

what part of cali I'm i'm 15 minutes away from LA
I have a cough but I smoke
had a gnarly what I think was a sinus infection a week or two ago

Check em faggots.

Go on...

>personally know anyone who is infected
No. It's fake news.

It's important that someone knows someone or you know someone with this virus. Otherwise it's just thr news telling us it is so. ((They)) control everything. The only names we have that can be confirmed is leaders, politicians, and movie stars- all of which they control. Look at everyone talking about this in big news briefings, all corrupt citizens.

Trump is only going with the flow because if he said this was fake, he would certainly lose the election. He id doing everything in his power to say f-you by closing borders, stopping travel etc. He loves us so much as a country that he will destroy this great economy he build back up. MAGA!

how get revenge when everyone dies