Why do women always want attention?

Why not take a pic of the court?

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because thats the nature of women.
its like asking why lemons are sour ...

Because she’s been practicing that look in the mirror and needed an excuse to post it

Ugly whore

>why lemons are sour ...
Because they want attention?

Biology you dumb mutt

men want sex
women want attention

more news at 11

This. But from Chad. Not you. Or me.

post the image of roastie taking pic, man taking pic and soi taking pic. that sums it up perfectly

only way she could prove she was the one taking the shot. IDK, let her have her 15 seconds of fame. You will have forgotten about her before Sunday.

Women are attention whores
Lemons are sour
Thats their essence
A sweet lemon wouldnt be a lemon
A woman not desiring attention wouldnt be a woman

Women always do this. Everyone on youtube does this. Its advertising 101; get exposuer, get into the public consciousness.

Isn’t someone going to post the meme?

>Why do women always want attention?
Attention is their primary method of survival.

Women are like flowers wanting to be pollinated by the Chad Bee. Instead of having prtals like a flower, femoids get Chads attention by dressing up, wearing make up and posting selfies which increase her likelihood of getting knocked up.

Tldr: it's all about sex

Why take a picture at all?
You're just as bad.

There you go

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They have a limited time to find the one. Sex is about reproduction

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Post her feet

>Why do women always want attention?
Because it's usually positive. It feels nice to get positive attention.

>"why do women want attention"
>spends 24/7 on Yas Forums trying to get (you)'s pretending he doesn't need attention


You know the rules

lol so true! people really are like this

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Because they are walking talking, human reproductive machines. Their main biological goal is to get a baby inside them. You can not get a baby put inside you if nobody notices you.

keep covering basset

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It's a meme at this point that women have to be in the picture. They quintessentially dawned the selfie culture, literally.

it's natural for them to do that especially when not pregnant or feeling like they are taken by a man. Women thrive like this and are wired to gain attention by their sex appeal alone. Women historically have faced the challenge of walking the tight rope of having to be appealing to men, but not too open as to degrade themselves to the point where they no longer have the value they want. This is why she is showing herself in the pic looking cute and normal as oppose to on her knees or topless or something.

Yeh, did her. She was a moaner.

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

>Women are like flowers wanting to be pollinated by the Chad Bee. Instead of having prtals like a flower, femoids get Chads attention by dressing up, wearing make up and posting selfies

Concise analogy user. To everyone who gets angry at women like the one in OP's photo simply imagine that she is communicating these words. Don't take this as an excuse to fawn over women like a beta male, always limit the attention you spend on women just as you would your money, but don't hold them in contempt.

"Please notice me,
I'm pretty and young and fertile,
I want someone to love me, please love me."

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She's cute af, you some sort of fag?

>"Please notice me,
>I'm pretty and young and fertile,
>I want someone to love me, please love me."
“Only if you’re a CHAD”

>Only if you're chad

Yes that's very true, that's why I prefaced by saying that you shouldn't give out your attention for free. If women accepted all seeds that would be highly dysgenic.

For this reason, don't be one of the beta males who likes and comments on females social posts all day. Nothing sets a man apart from the mass like one who can deliver a back-handed compliment over a fawning sonnet.


if you could get disgusting cretins to give you money for posting pics of yourself online you would too

education is not the best, not an excuse though

Bruh I do it for free

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Holy fuck, you just annihilated us.
Hard to argue. But fuck, that hurts.

why are you gay?

women are evolved to seek validation from the tribe - so they put out signals to constantly gauge their position in the social pecking order

they are the ultimate conformists

internet supercharges that behaviour

if you don't assert your ownership of the females in your society and the framework they operate under, this signalling mechanism can be hijacked by groups seeking to dominate you and guided towards their purposes

nice try nigger. you are not that special


So should a man tell her how her eyebrows look ugly?

I think I hate women.
How do I become a homosexual?

Because in a woman's twisted brain, the more attention she gets, the more likely somebody else is going to give her resources. God, they are so fucking stupid and narcissistic. What a disappointment.

Why do dogs bark?

Why do cats meow?

Why do parrots squak?

Because of biology

Women who can’t seize social capital die

I want to punch her fucking face until I break her nose

Not gonna lie. I would lick her ass hole like a lollipop.

>0/10 would not bang

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Women are a bunch of subhumans who cannot think for themselves. They are only good for making babies.

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kek I know this bitch. been on tinder for like 5+ years riding the cock carousel.

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“Woman, in short, has an unconscious life, man a conscious life, and the genius the most conscious life.”

Otto Weininger

pretty sure every woman has basketball bbc fantasies. my friends sister wouldn't stop worrying about the NBA players today

She's not even worth looking at.

>loses weight
>deserves a CHAD

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Incel detected

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>how dare she know she's hot and have confidence, that scares and incel like me

That's fine, I'll give her some.

Because then your dumb simp ass would have nothing to get mad over and you wouldn’t be able to give her attention by proxy, stupid idiot

Where’s the game?

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they always have that look on their face like they are disappointed by what they look like.

uh no, she's like a 5/10..


Fucking incels. Women know goddamn well all they need is a good night out to get alpha DNA. They will NEVER settle for incel DNA.

seething loveless roastie

So what are ugly, short, incel men supposed to do?

love to see her fuck a bbc basketballer

Incels be like:
>Why wouldn't you take a picture of the court?
Because that would be boring and what literally everyone else is doing. Nothing wrong with taking a picture of yourself in an interesting setting that will have actual personal value years from now.

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Made for BBC

Good for her getting to shape!

rise tf up

You will likely be accused of DV or sexual misconduct in the workplace. Don't come crying when your wife throws you out of the apartment you are paying for because Tyrone's cock gets harder than yours.

Built for


1. Improve yourself
2. Get an arranged marriage.

Paying taxes for single mothers to live on definitely isn't helping their position..But also it's their best chance at reproduction.

Rise above the allure of dynasty. It's an illusion in the hands of a woman anyway, she will destroy your offspring and prevent you from doing a thing about it.