Tranny Hate Thread

Can we have a tranny hate thread going Yas Forums?

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Nice try, you alt-right piece of shit, but it looks like no-one is interested in your sad little excuse of a thread. Maybe you should try using the correct word, transgender, not "tranny". Nobody cares about your selfish hatred. Fuck off and die, loser.

0/10 try harder

Ok groomer

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i'm feeling pretty tonight
might delete this later

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Wow, you've really made me think and reconsider my stance. Maybe I do support other dudes turning their dicks inside out to make a permanent open wound. This is the eugenics we have always hoped for. Get these fuckers out of the gene pool forever!!!


With supply chain disruptions you tr00mers wont have your queerifying meds and look like frabkensteins lmfao
41% fgtrtd

The fuck is that white thing on his gut?

TO measure blood sugar levels I think

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Pretty sure the correct word is "men", or "epic troll" desu
Also: dilate your pseudo-vaginal gash

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That is why I am PRO TRANSGENDER.
If that beautiful (sterile) [wo]man had actually stayed male, worked out, studied hard, then he would be an 8/10 stud. Lucky for us he has SELF-OPTED out of the gene pool

It was self defense

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This is a survey an LGBT group is conducting at my college, have fun lmao

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Who gives a fuck about that when the global economy is taking worse than in '08 and a whole generation of people is in danger of being eradicated. Oh right, you do, you fucking slide thread posting shitwit.

For you, Bjorn

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How about tranny repentance thread instead; repent or perish

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I submitted :3


Are there any black trannies? Never seen them


Yas Forums, what would you do if your brother who you have been close to your entire life, went trans? Who didn't alienate you, and actually confided in you about how he was feeling/being trans? What's your response?

Disgusting troon. What a mess.

Call him a homo, tell my dad so we could have him excommunicated from the family.

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Take him to a bar, get real drunk and dance stupid.
Take him to a shrink that wasn't pozzed. Sort out whatever daddy issues we likely both had.

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Makes me want to vomit. Partially out of pity from the look on his face

Kek. I guess you were referring to the creature on the left

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lmao that visible bulge


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They'll never pass

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Yeah, the look is his subconscious saying: you will never understand what they feel. Not because you don't want to, but because you are literally built for something different. I actually feel bad that these people bought into it. Every day for the rest of their shitty life, they will confront reality and struggle with it.

What kind of man hates women so much that he dresses like them and insists on using their bathrooms to make them supremely comfortable?

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That's not where his dick is.

imagine following a political ideology that forced you to reply to this photo that >she is cute or some shit

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>No Pasaran

this is what judeo-modernity does to people

Disgusting. Kill it with fire.

Based flag

>obsessing over ugly freaks instead of the super hot and cute ones

what the fuck dudes

>super hot and cute ones
>error 404 not found

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You're joking.

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I really fucking hate trannies.
I really hate jannies.
I really hate discord trannies.

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reminder that chopping your dick off just makes you a man with a chopped off dick

reminder that wearing a skirt just makes a a creepy man wearing a skirt

reminder that taking hormones just makes you get man boobs that can't lactate and more likely to get cancer

reminder that you need to dilate for the rest of your life or the wound between your legs will close as nature itself does not recognize you as a woman

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holy shit, even shrek unironically looks hotter than that thing

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>that nose

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>from school shooter to becoming trans
Not much of an improvement there

ugly mofo

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This make me depressed how bad its gotten

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Go get him laid. Its an attention thing. Or just tell him itd be better to be gay than having to be an abomination his whole life.

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Fooking 10/10

This survey is very incestuous

this shit is hilarious, already submitted

what happened here??

did she die?

black trannies are huge, they're just all prostitutes who dont use the internet.
the majority of murdered trannies are black tranny prostitutes killed by their black buyer