I used to come home everyday from work and waste away on the couch playing video games. I hardly had any social skills, I had many opportunities to have a girlfriend and chances to try out new things but instead I sat on my ass staring at a screen. But one day as I was shitting on my couch playing COD I realized that I get nothing out of this except some stupid in-game shit that doesn't exist and that everything I do in a video game is for nothing so I decided to put down the controller and do something with my life. I started hanging out with friends, talking to girls, improving my style,hygiene, body, and even learning a new language to pass time.

Drop the fucking controller and go outside and go for a walk or something. I came so close to having no friends or social life so don't fucking wait DO IT NOW

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I never got into vidya games for this reason, but I still found plenty of ways to siphon time away, like youtube and 4chin



fat normie disgusting loser

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Tons of people who play video games have friends, wives, gfs. I do too. You just suck at life and probably jerk off all day on mods instead of actually playing the game.


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Ok goomer.

fuck off boomer I hope you die of corona faggot

Sucks to be you. Better luck next time

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I'm ugly as fuck mate I've got a congenital defect where one side of my skull didn't develop properly. So i don't really have a choice

no, me and pepiks play league

Shut up faggot. I play video games and have a beautiful wife and active lifestyle. I even larp as a girl for free stuff from beta boys

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This. The problem is op is gay

>self-projection the meme
This shits getting pretty fucking stale, the worse part is that it wasn't ever funny to begin.



Yikes please don't comment unless you hold wisdom gained by 30 years of age or more. Posting here used to be reserved for only those who knew their shit. Now all zoomers post like its fcking twitter.

Holy fucking based!

>he can't make time to play videogames, go to gym and hang out with friends

>I decided to put down the controller and do something with my life
>talking to girls
I had a girlfriend of three years and a large group of friends, ditched them all to pursue hobbies/personal achievements once I realized that other people don't make me feel anything. Yes, I'm a schizo with a multitude of personality disorders but the point still stands. Other people are worthless, improving yourself is the only thing that matters. Have confidants, people you can use. But never get close enough that you'd consider them a friend.

Lmao that can’t be fucking real

What do your friends do? Idk if im just living some outlier gamer life but most guys my age I know play games, me and my friends go to the pub all the time for drinks and play games after, I sorta imagined this was more normal for my generation and younger as games are more popular. Is there a big stigma against gamers in america?

>he can’t play vidya and listen to books
it’s called multitasking, you ought to try it sometime


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Whether something is meaningful or not is entirely quantified within a self-referential frame, the bounds of which are also entirely arbitrary.

It's all very real

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I stopped playing video games in January, I deleted all the games I had in my computer. Now I got a girlfriend.

It's real guys, stop it



If you are on 4chinz defending video games then you clearly haven't seen light of day. Shit in your gamer throne and eat it after you are done jacking off to over watch porn goomer fags.

You're probably young if you're having a crisis like this. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but ultimately you're talking about a phase if maturation that near everyone goes through. You just dont appreciate that fact yet because you're probably not old enough.
*pats your head* you'll get there, kid.

there is no such thing, the brain is like a single threaded cpu

No thank you

>I even larp as a girl for free stuff from beta boys
t. unemployed

I haven't enjoyed video games in a long time. I've been doing quite a bit of painting and baking recently. My schedule will hopefully yield more of its territory to presumptuous literature, from my pen and that of others.

Make me

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Become rich and 10/10 girls will drain your loads nonstop mate.

Console user opinion maximum disregard


Nah, fuck you and everyone else on here who spend their time trying to tell others how to spend theirs.Some solitude is nice when i spend most of my day around women.

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Okay. So what do you do when you're at home, alone, and don't feel like hanging out with people? Already worked, exercised, and did everything you need to do? Vidya can be a terrible addiction but if you keep up with what you need to, I don't see a problem.
That being said I am trying to get more into reading but it is hard. Lot less enjoyable than vidya, aside from a few particularly good chapters in a book, or comics.

>But one day as I was shitting on my couch

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It's called Moderation. Don't center your entire life around videogames and you'll be fine.

You’re an underage retard. You can play vidya every single day and still have social skills, other hobbies, girlfriends, good hygiene, and all sorts of other shit. You’re a dumbass that allows his environment to define him rather than defining his environment.

shut up retard

I work for Amazon memeflagger


this is true

I work full time. I'll do what I want with my off time.

That's nigger-tier behavior. The only hobbies a man should have are those activities that advance him in life.

lol you dont even know what awaits you.

you think meeting women, taking showers and seeing friends is "improvement?"

here is what will happen over the next decade:

1. the women will cheat on you. or sleeping around enough will make you indifferent to them.
2. you will receive your friends aren't the cool people you think they are. or they will just fade out of touch as people get married and have kids.

Your right I am young but I did this for nearly half my life and I look back and regret being that way. I could've spent those years on girls or something productive but I only had one friend from middle school all the way to graduation and he was a greasy retard that didn't even like me.
I can't imagine if I was like that all the way till I was 30 like some people.

I realized the same thing, then I also realized how people are shit and decided to go back to gaming.
I don't relate to most people. Makes it reeeeally difficult to make new friends.
Life feels extremely empty but I can't make a change.

>go outside
and get the wuflu?
no thanks, I'll stay holed up for the coming weeks

I used to be like you. I got fit, learned some skills, even got pretty damn good at art. Then I lay down one night and realized now im fit, skilled and slightly more wealthy but still every bit as depressed as I was when I was fat video game addict.

This world is broken and no amount of self improvement fixes it.

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>taking showers
>making friends

lol kys

Post more pls

oh my god post moar if you have it.

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>stop being a NEET shut-in in the middle of a global pandemic

No thanks, Schlomo

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what do you get out of art? what do you get out of loves? get fucked you americana kike, I don't do things just to "self-improve" so I can better conform to soceity.

It's actually fucking real and it is an impressive skill compared to fucking with buttons.

it's not fucking real, you can reduce anything in simplistic terms. hand out with your nigger """""friends"""" and bunch of whores.

lol pleb

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Do they really think this is some lifehacked way to get girls while avoiding having to actually develop a social life? jesus...

>The absolute state of gaming.
When I was your age I would play games all the time and only go out to party, drink and take drugs. You can have a social life and get laid and still enjoy plenty of vidya.

Dunno that guy was married.

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console peasant