/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1967 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 134,443 ► Died: 4,970

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash

Duterte places Manila under lockdown, 13 million affected

Boris Johnson to let it spread so the UK "gets herd immunity"

Catalonia puts several municipalities under lockdown

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

Asymptomatic carriers, asymptomatic transmission

27 year old dies, no underlying disease

Texan tests negative twice, then positive

China only testing people with Hubei travel history

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

China changes definitions 3 times in 8 days

China figures likely simulated

18:55: 595 new cases and 13 new deaths in France.
18:06: 53 new cases and 3 new deaths in Japan.
17:40: 91 new cases and 2 new deaths in Spain.
17:09: 2,651 new cases and 189 new deaths in Italy.
17:00: 546 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
12:16: 691 new cases and 29 new deaths in Spain.
12:03: 212 new cases and 2 new deaths in Switzerland.


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Other urls found in this thread:


China +18 (+11) Italy +2,651 (+189) Iran +1,075 (+75) S. Korea +114 (+6) Spain +849 (+31) France +595 (+13) Germany +779 (+3) US +335 (+2) Switzerland +216 (+3) Norway +163 (+1) Japan +52 (+4) UK +130 (+2) Austria +115 (+1) Greece +18 (+1) Iraq +12 (+1) Egypt +13 (+1) India +12 (+1) S. Marino +3 (+2) Lebanon (+1) Poland +20 (+1) Algeria +6 (+2) Azerbaijan +4 (+1) Guyana +1 (+1) Sweden +187 Denmark +160 Netherlands +111 Belgium +85 Bahrain +2 Singapore +9 Malaysia +9 Australia +28 Canada +32 Czech Rep. +19 Finland +44 Iceland +24 Israel +12 Slovenia +39 UAE +11 Kuwait +8 Portugal +17 Brazil +25 Ireland +27 Thailand +11 Romania +12 Philippines +3 Taiwan +1 Russia +6 Chile +10 Palestine +1 Argentina +9 Croatia +8 Estonia +11 Luxembourg +19 Georgia +1 Brunei +14 Serbia +6 Albania +8 Bulgaria +16 C. Rica +1 Peru +5 Belarus +12 Pakistan +1 Slovakia +11 S. Africa +4 Latvia +6 Hungary +3 Tunisia +6 Mexico +1 Bosnia +4 Senegal +6 Cyprus +4 Malta +2 Armenia +5 Moldova +3 Liechtenstein +1 S. Lanka +1 Bolivia +1 Chan. Isl. +1 Total +8,244 (+353)

Attached: CVG.jpg (720x480, 78.72K)

► China 80,796 (3,169) ► International 53,647 (1,801): Italy 15,113 (1,016) Iran 10,075 (429) S. Korea 7,869 (66) Spain 3,126 (86) France 2,876 (61) Germany 2,745 (6) US 1,636 (40) Switzerland 868 (7) Norway 792 (1) D. Princess 696 (7) Japan 691 (19) Sweden 687 (1) Netherlands 614 (5) UK 590 (10) Belgium 399 (3) Austria 361 (1) Australia 156 (3) Canada 142 (1) H. Kong 130 (3) Greece 117 (1) Iraq 83 (8) Egypt 80 (2) India 74 (1) S. Marino 72 (5) Ireland 70 (1) Thailand 70 (1) Lebanon 68 (3) Philippines 52 (2) Poland 51 (1) Taiwan 49 (1) Indonesia 34 (1) Argentina 30 (1) Algeria 26 (2) Albania 23 (1) Bulgaria 23 (1) Azerbaijan 15 (1) Panama 14 (1) Morocco 6 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Denmark 674 Qatar 262 Bahrain 197 Singapore 187 Malaysia 158 Czech Rep. 113 Finland 109 Iceland 109 Israel 109 Slovenia 96 UAE 85 Kuwait 80 Portugal 78 Brazil 77 Romania 59 S. Arabia 45 Vietnam 39 Russia 34 Chile 33 Palestine 31 Croatia 27 Estonia 27 Luxembourg 26 Georgia 25 Brunei 25 Serbia 24 C. Rica 23 Peru 22 Belarus 21 Pakistan 21 Slovakia 21 Oman 18 Ecuador 17 S. Africa 17 Latvia 16 Hungary 16 Tunisia 13 Mexico 12 Bosnia 11 Macao 10 Senegal 10 Cyprus 10 Macedonia 9 Colombia 9 Malta 9 Maldives 8 Afghanistan 7 Armenia 6 Fr. Guiana 6 Moldova 6 Cambodia 5 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 Paraguay 5 Liechtenstein 4 Lithuania 3 S. Lanka 3 Bangladesh 3 Bolivia 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Cuba 3 Martinique 3 Nigeria 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Faeroes 2 Honduras 2 Jamaica 2 Saint Martin 2 Andorra 1 Jordan 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Ivory C. 1 Congo 1 Fr. Polynesia 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Mongolia 1 Réunion 1 St. Barth 1 St. Vincent 1 Togo 1 Turkey 1

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Why won't people talk about this?

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R8 my end of the world beer choice bros

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>f1 is kill

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When is Yas Forums going to come out and admit that they were emotionally swayed by fake news videos on twitter and hyperbolic death figures from /cvg/tards into thinking this nothingburger was anything significant?

There are what, several thousand corona related threads made up to this point? Embarrassing. Get a life schizos, China, Italy, and all other countries have it under control. There is no need to panic, no need to stock up. The only reason why people here seem to be so obsessed with this nothingburger is probably because they hope this will deliver them from their own misery and give them a sense of meaning in the world that has rejected them for their indolence and parochial mentality.

This is a sad reflection of what this place ultimately constitutes - a pathetic circlejerk filled with crass, petulant manchildren endlessly wallowing in self-pity and desperately hoping for something that's going to lift them from their existential malaise even if it means the rest of the world plunging into pure chaos and anarchy. You're not wholesome people, you're not reasonable people, you, simply put, are monsters. I find it virtually inconceivable some people choose to predicate their entire existence exclusively on schadenfreude and unbridled hatred, this is pure doom porn.

No, China is not responsible for releasing a bioweapon. No, nobody is covering up anything. No, elites haven't set out to reduce human population. No, nobody is out there to get you. All of this is just a reflection of your coarse, primitive personality and your morbid yearning for mayhem and omnipresent destruction with no regard for morals or tolerance. Frankly speaking, I feel sorry for your pathetic lot and your lamentable condition. Stop spreading panic and wreaking havoc through your contemptible fearmongering.

It's okay to admit you were wrong. Come to terms with the nature of your fallibility and move on with your lives.



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Trinidad and Tobago +1 Argie

We all know that it's chin's foult. Nobody believes in bat soup anymore

Greta just announced she's going digital with FRIDAYSFORFUTURE

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First for toilet paper


Be not afraid.


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BREAKING: Belgium closes all schools, bars, and restaurants due to coronavirus and bans all recreational events regardless of size

Attached: belgium shuts down.png (595x301, 25.01K)

Because that trail leads to the US

Reminder all nothingburger fags are like father in pic related
>spoiler: scum

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It was long kill before this happened tho.

how long y'all think it'll take before they quarantine entire states?

oh shit we're climbing up the list fast

thanks Italy


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Better than mine. I got corona extra for the meme but its piss water

When they gonna chimp out?

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Pray to Yahweh right fucking now heathens.

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If it is airborne does that mean even goggles and P100 won't protect you? It could get in through your ears or dick hole.

any riot yet ? looking at you muts

>Italians are going to be stuck at home making babies?!

>cant have that!

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Never had it but I'm sure it's good if it's from Poland.

It's still a nothingburger *crunch*

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Someone debunk this please

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are you the ones who voted for that nigger muslim woman?

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*infects your pig population with Corona-chan*

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fuck off frank

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Stay away space man. Keep the virus contained to one planet.


>2745 TOTAL INFECTIONS +39,62%
last update: 12.03. 20:30 GMT
source: Berliner Morgenpost

>RKI reports:
+798 = 2365 cases
updated: 12.03. 14:00 GMT

>6 DEAD (12.03.)
woman, 89, NRW, 03.03.: accute diarhea, low bloodpressure, pneumonia, tested, ICU, 09.03.: lung failure
man, 78, NRW, diabetis, heart condition, 09.03.: heart failure
man, 73, NRW, severe comorbidity, pneumonia, 11.03.: lung failure
man, 67, BaWü, tested post mortem, 12.03.
man, 80, Bayern, comorbidity, 12.03.
woman, 78, NRW, 12.03.

Worms: Gauß-Gymnasium: 1 pupil infected, classmates examined, Schoolcenter with 4500 pupils closed.
Berlin: TU Berlin plans online-exams: "We count on the honesty of our students.".
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: University clinics in Greifswald and Rostock lack donated blood.
Bayern: Securityworker at München airport infected, currently not working, collegues isolated.
Conference of state-ministerpresidents: debate about closings of schools and day-cares, etc. and restricting public transportations.
DAX under 10000, fell more than 10%, 56,2% of companies affected.
Rostock: 2 Doctors of University clinic infected. Contacts get examined.
Berlin: medical officer demands to prevent social contacts.
Berlin: 118 infected, 1 in refugee-home with 135 inhabitants, all in quarantine.
Halle: All schools, universities and day-cares closed, all theatres, operas and Kessler AG closed, all events canceled, from 13.03., for now until 27.03.
Brandenburg: gatherings of 1000+ banned.
Welt reports: China blames USA for Corona.
Police to control border with france
Merkel: "Abstain from social contacts." "Cancel unnecessary events."
Niedersachsen: All schools close on 16.03..
Big german cities close public institutions.
source: Welt, Zeit, ntv, others


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finally, its over.

t's very nice that yoy stopped sucking dicl for typing this but maybe post to /dev/null next time, you gigantic cum guzzler

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>No toilet paper
>No hand sanitizer
>No face masks
>No paper towels
>No flu/cough medicine
>No wipes
>No Advil


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Oh fuck, I, Pet Goat really brings back memories of pre-2012 era stuff on here

I'm so fucked. My monster cock is just asking to guzzle Corona-laden air.

The chinks never believed the bat soup meme retard. Only western media and the bitch from WIV were shilling that story.
The chinks made it clear in the first report that patient 0,1 and 2 did not visit the seafood market

I went out this morning and got myself some video of the next old folks home thats going hero



>too early, not accurate
In the early stages of an outbreak, an accurate deathrate can generally not be precisely determined.
Some cases take longer to die or recover than others.
Even if groups of 100s of patients are studied, they might not represent the general population.

>testing capacity
The morbidity and mortality will be overrepresented, if only symptomatic, or only severe cases can be tested.

>clinical factors
The availability of medication and equippment will further influence the represented mortality.
Differences in these ressources will determine, how accurate the data will be over time.

>time of detection
With delayed detection, and priority to testing severe cases first, morbidity is overrepresented.
Delayed detection also underrepresents total cases and therefore indirectly overrepresents mortality.

>geographical differences
Regions with smaller or larger risk-groups will have deviating morbidity and mortality.
With certain regions disadvantaged, both in testing and clinical capacity, there might be inaccurate, insufficient, or no data at all.

Over time, both morbidity and mortality, will find an average internationally, with small to stark regional deviations.
Time of detection and testing capacity will influence the "deathrate" the most, in early stages of an outbreak.
With a prolonged epidemic, clinical capacity and sustainability of ressources will determine the mortality.
Accurate data can be expected from regions with early detection, high testing capacity and sufficient ressources and clinical capacity during the whole epidemic.

Might be 5% - 10%

Average might end up at 10% in the western world, with unforeseeable deviation, depending on beforementioned factors.
Certain regions might report up to 30%, even reports of 50% are not unthinkable, if only hospitalized cases get tested and proper care is insufficient.

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They are

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Fuck your sand god. Heil Corona-chan

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We are so utterly fucked

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Is this from a movie?

>four months in and still not at 5k deaths

Did the virus mutate, or is there a more deadly strain in Italy, or is it because the pop there is so old and the system is overwhelmed?
Their death rate is fucking exploding.

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Pressed the fucking submit button by accident, but chinks are still trying to dodge the blame

idk, how much time do you have?

Seriously, what’s his endgame?

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So this virus is projected to infect 70% of the world's population in a 2 year time span?
And out of those 70%, 3% will die?
But even after those 2 years the virus won't go away until a vaccine is found?

Did I get all that right?

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normie in Estonia shopping with a plastic bag on his head, kek

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>This is not a lockdown
yeah sure it is not

I don't know what you're talking about, I don't keep up with politics. But probably

>Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports
Is that still valid?

If you get infected. Be sure to coof all over his office. My employer is similar.

What the fuck is going with China? Why are they stopping reporting figures?
I completely fucking doubt the virus is gone from there, otherwise they'd lift the quarantine by now.

Gloomtube is streaming a livecam in Times Square. Can we get a coronachan/HWNDU crossover?

They are not lying about their numbers

The Jew won't miss the opportunity to addict bored men of porn.

Posting the ask again. Have any anons hear rumors of NYC being locked down starting tomorrow?

what are you boys drinkin

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>all of the stores just got raided by panic buyers
what do?


> -9.99%

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Good think Corona is hiting kikes where it hurts. In their share prices

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>keep your family in harm's way until it's too late so you can get a cool video
>run your own son over fleeing to save yourself, leaving your wife and children to die
What an asshole

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It’s literally just random conjecture. Pretty much meaningless without any evidence.