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The fed never gives away money. Do they think the fed is dropping hundred dollar bills from a hot air balloon over Wall Street? People are just stupid.

well first we gotta raise rates, right?

>people wouldn't be hurt by having their life savings destroyed. especially the very large generation that is entering retirement. yes, this was all done for 4 billionaires.

i hope this virus has a higher mortality rate in dumb fucking nigger-brained shills

We could literally cover ALL student debt with this. We could literally cover EVERYONE'S healthcare costs.
Instead, we're using it to keep a crashing market afloat to save billionaires some money.

Your Great, Great, Great, Great Grandchildren will pay for it. No worries.

The US government is in full desperation mode and having the federal reserve dump $1,500,000,000,000 into the markets to keep muh economy afloat

"Fed to pump in more than $1 trillion in dramatic ramping up of market intervention amid coronavirus meltdown"

oy vey user we must keep the markets strong so it will trickle down

the fed is fighting for survival. if this thing crashes people are gonna want major changes.

LOL oh man, we can pay for some college degrees that people said they'd pay back. we should definitely do that, bro!

i hope you die you disingenuous nigger

its not cash moron its treasury bills

so the market crashes and people still can't make money switching to savings accounts. so you're idea is exactly what then? who cares because retarded college fags won't have to pay back their loans?

>muh billionaires
die you faggot

You are retarded, that's all the FED does: give free money to the elite.

what changes would those be? rough ideas will work well enough.

>i hope you die you disingenuous nigger
Niggers receive grants, they don't have student debt.

Also, if people can't pay back, the debt should be cancelled after 7 years, as it is Biblically ordained.


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Only people with no money say audit the fed.

>We could literally cover ALL student debt with this.
Why should we do that, though? If you choose to go into debt over a stupid major that doesn't pay any money, why shouldn't you go fuck yourself?

>pumping money to keep the market afloat
Proof of a failing system

we dont lmao

>supporting the kike-run fed
i shiggy diggy

>lol y fix the economy when you can give me free college instead lmao
>*hits blunt* god im so smart

>he doesn't know about the free 100 bill dispensers

Free healthcare
Free college
Less bailouts we have to allow industries to fail if they cannot sustain themselves
Less corporate intervention in politics

Even ben Shapiro's calling for the free healthcare in the wake of this emergency

>they just burned $500B and now want to triple that

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they're repos, so it will be presumably coming back

the money is created via keystrokes on a computer

>Why should we do that, though?
Because it’s a bubble and affecting entire generations.

Oy vey user, how do you think this economy works? Goyim the trickle down economics will help you more in the long run.

Taxes? What I don't understand is why the need to raise taxes. With a growing population, a country will inevitably get a lot of tax revenue, and a country isn't going anywhere. That growth will cover the losses someday, years ahead in the future. There is no rush

why are you making anarchists look retarded, user? surely you aren't this fucking stupid

Ok so they get the degrees, and then jobs, right? And then the economy is so bad that they don’t make money... and you’re back in the current situation but with obedience papers.

Mexico is gonna pay for it right?

you retards dont understand the market just shut the fuck up

lmao u dumb cunt, the fed is buying treasury bills. It's called quantitative easing. This is not something that's in the government budget that they can appropriate to people

Andrew Yang's UBI cost $3 trillion per year, and would give every adult $12,000 per year. This means that this 1.5 trillion dollar intervention could have instead just put $6,000 extra in your pocket- surely that would have just as much of a stimulative effect as giving it to rich CEOs and banks. But since you are just a normal person you won't see a penny of that money. You just have to trust that some of it will "trickle down" to you.

what should really be done is to get rid of the fucking government backing, make colleges have a vested interest in outcome (ie - they fucking back the shit), and allow current loan holders to discharge the loans through bankruptcy. faggot kikes get stiffed for screwing people over and the students learn a lesson of going through bankruptcy. there should be accountability by both parties.

and you can get your loans discharged after 10 if you work for the government. if you aren't getting a faggot degree, you can just pay minimums during that time and have the majority of it forgiven. they already have an option...

>The fed never gives away money. Do they think the fed is dropping hundred dollar bills from a hot air balloon over Wall Street?
Wasn't that exactly how they bailed out the automotive sector and the 2008 crisis? But hey, at least you ain't paying for Cletus health care

unironically paying off everyone student loans would have probably been better for the stock market than just throwing money at it

Lmao Bernie simps will be seething forever

Money is magic. Poof! I made trillions on dollars appear! They need to change “In God we trust” to “In mammon we trust”. Gas.

>Billionaires don't own businesses that employ billions of people and them going down wouldn't hurt anyone or cause them to lose their jobs
Based retard

They don't "give" the money to anybody though. The fed uses it to buy stuff

>cover ALL student debt
lmao women
just pay your debts or dont attain them

The world has gone mad. Completely mad.
This really is full clown world now.

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our companies can't compete against foreign companies with cheaper labor along with ALSO getting state subsidies.

so what you're asking for us to do is just cripple our country's companies. i'm sure that will lead to a higher standard of living!

>less corporate intervention
alright, start killing those put in positions of power who allow us to get raped. easy fix. they allow it. they have zero fear of being held accountable. just like immigration, it isn't going to fix itself by casting a vote.

fix immigration. kick out illegals. will give you free healthcare for actual americans. really never going to agree to a never ending line of people getting free things otherwise.


there are a multitude of oil stocks with low share prices that are currently yielding over 20%. people should be buying as much as they possibly can.


Quantitative Easing



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>We could literally cover ALL student debt with this
what for, nigger? pay your denbts
>We could literally cover EVERYONE'S healthcare costs.
for a month?

how do you figure?

what are we thinking the average person would spend that excess money on? would they be smart and start saving, or would they do as the masters want and continue to spend every penny that comes in?

if they're just going to use that money on trivial things, why should we pay off the debt of people who signed up for it so they could go spend more money without thought?




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This tweet is from the future.....

>absolute state of anarchists

You don't. The Fed simply prints money and buys assets (US treasury bonds).
Actually, I should be more clear. You DO pay for it, and you pay through inflation which destroys your savings. Have fun paying $50 for a loaf of bread in the future when you "retire".

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Google Open market Operations or OMOs you stupid cunts. They buy treasury notes from the treasury and these are repurchase agreements. It's not free money it's just funny money going on balance sheets between gov't entities

>what are time zones

as long as you're holding stocks/gold, inflation won't affect you.

>Fed buying everything
We pay for it through monetary debasement. That's how economies work these days. Until they don't.

so more potential food for thought. if anyone wants to see a sharp downturn in the market, wouldn't it be those that are the wealthiest? why do i keep seeing sec filings for gigantic insider buys on stocks that have been beaten down the most? Hmmm, are they trying to capitalize on the larger than should be yields that are out there? as long as it comes back, wouldn't they want the lowest cost average possible? or are billionaires now dummies just like the cheeto man?

don't buy stocks yielding 25% that have 2x dividend coverage. why would you do that? nah, i'll let the billionaires do that for me. i just want a small group to complain about.

Unless you buy those stocks when they're seriously over-valued. Then you might see a return a decade or two down the road.

would "savings" not be "getting destroyed" regardless considering you get fuck all return from "savings"?

so your alternative is what? let the market go to zero and still not be able to make anything by saving.

so then we do what? still be fucked but without the option of actually being able to change that situation? sounds like that idea has some potential, user.

that's not due to inflation though


No. The Automotive sector bailout was a loan by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, totally different than the FEDERAL RESERVE (Central Bank).

What the $1.5 Trillion thing is basically a bunch of a 1 and 3-month loans that the Federal Reserve is giving out to maintain the main US interest rate where it is. They're not buying stocks and shit.

Well I'm sure those people who got burned in the stock market will feel better about their losses then

Das it mane.

Tax the poor!


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The Federal Reserve did not buy a single stock, it is not allowed to buy stocks.

The Fed increased its REPO-program, where it grants and recalls short-term loans to make sure interest rates stay at the level they want them to stay at.

It's called devaluing the dollar, everyone who has dollars in hand pays for it, that's where the wealth is stolen from, to be handed over to jews on wallstreet.

>work hard, buy stawks, and luv niggers will make you happy millionaires
It's mostly to keep the above meme from collapsing

what happens if they start going way up? do we actually want that?

so why aren't you investing to jew the jew to some degree.

again, can get 25% yield on a 2x covered dividend on a stock that the CEO and many other c-suit people have been buying by the millions. this stock is under $10 a share.

so are you either fucking retarded or you want to stay where you are so you have someone to complain about?

>Fed has one job
>control interest rates
>dumps 1.5T$ because they've lost all control, still doesn't work
lol you dumb fucking Finn. They'll be buying ETF's before the summer is over. The Japan model is going global, followed by helicopter money if things haven't completely spun out of control. Yang gangers rejoice I suppose.

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>the slippery slide to hyperinflation
just print more money to make up for the economic shortfall bro, what could go wrong
fucks sake

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100% boomers are playing into why it has to continue on. can't have rates where they were in the 80's. can't live on rates that are paid today. government can't service interest on debt at those rates either.

so is there a suggestion to any of this or are we just naming the jew?

we could stop increasing spending, or at least stop giving countries that hate us money, and then we could use the increased tax revenue from the tax bill and the tax bill after that to start paying it down?

or we could totally crush the market and just be fucked. should we just fuck ourselves?

Funny thing is the dollar will actually be getting much stronger in the short term. Everyone will be holding onto them yet lots of people will need them for trading and repaying dollar denominated debts globally. This isn't going to make its way into the general economy for the most part. It will sit in reserves. Then when they realize all that easy money doesn't do shit unless it circulates through the economy, and that people are already tapped out on credit despite low interest rates, we will see them start sending money directly into people's bank accounts or buying up everyone's mortgage. A debt jubilee basically. The Fed has to buy EVERYTHING to keep this shit going. Only question is will this system stick around long enough for them to do so.

Good fucking god.

They did nothing about obvious voter fraud in 2016.
They didnt stop the obvious coup attempt. No one of significance in jail.
They let the mounds of fucking evidence WE with open source information have proven without a shadow of a doubt a massive pedophile network spanning politicians, bankers, media personalities and execs, etc go completely unused. Turned a blind fucking eye.
They let fucking Epstein get murdered.
More money to Israel.
West Virginia implementing draconian gun laws.
Trump did fuck all about basic security precautions with the Coronavirus. Even slashed funding.
Our fucking medical system is a absolute joke. But lets make sure to send endless amounts of tax payer money into blowing fucking sand niggers up in the middle east - gotta keep the military industrial complex happy! Pay for your own fucking coronavirus test. Fuck your roads and EMPable infrastucture. But...

Trust the plan. Next week.

AND NOW FUCKING THIS? One day my friends enough is going to be enough.

And the elite will be murdered in cold blood by the people of this planet. On that day we will rejoice.

very nice.

yes, it has to. does it seem like either party wants a commie? what happens if it doesn't stick around and the boomers are destitute? do they start asking for the same type of handouts that the younger people are? would they be enough to push one of them into office?

the system sticks around

or else

there's no such thing as a perfect long-term strategy.

Every possible choice has risks and trade-offs.
The future is not set in stone, and if you treat it as though it were, you're going to get burned.

What does it actually mean when they say the fed injects money into the stock markets? I don't understand american politics.

the people who can't handle a 30% drop should have started off their investing by getting btfo in a small cap bio company. eat a couple 70-80% drops in an hour and 30% over a couple of weeks doesn't seem like really worrying about.