I think I'll go with the classic - homoerotic leather and rubber tires armor. Or maybe ritual cannibalism...
What will be YOUR gimmick during Corona Virus collapse?
we have a bio fuel planet in our village. I think our gimmick will be harvesting humans to render into "biofuel"
Football shoulder pads painted black, spiked hair, and breath so stank no one will come within 20ft of me
The Moon Men.
Killing everyone
I will found a tribal cult that worships old world technology, you can get initiated when you've scavenged enough USB-sticks to make an proper ornamental necklace out of them.
I'll actually get around and communicate with my neighbors, maybe we can unfiy into a militia of sorts and keep the peace like they do with hurricanes over in the USA
Clown makeup/clown wig
I got a couple:
>Meat & Greet
Business causal + raw meat
>The Delivery Boys
We repurpose delivery vehicles as our main rigs
>Pokémon Masters
We are slavers who paint our slaves neon colors and make them fight
I love it. Amazing gimmick. This will make a great post apocalyptic horror-mystery.
Cybernazis with space gats. boatgun here I come.
Ill go with post apocalyptic savage tribe like in metro exodus. Onyl the animal skins i wear will be the skins of all the boomers i see around here. Hahahahahhaab
We will dress like pirates while looting via kayaks and canoes.
A gvoideleh hat and shirbuhalah coat and a big nose, about 10 - 15 of us on cheap bikes with a dollar flag
I shall call us.. Road Noses
>samurai motif
Just weeb shit.
for me, it's the classic
I'm gonna go with a classic aesthetic look
I'm gonna hang wind chimes off my shoulders and play a flute
i'll be the ruler of The Kennel. i will have rescued and trained all dogs who lost owners to be my personal protectors and hunters. they will attack on command. this will attract a harem of women i assume
Coon hunting
My gang will probably just be underground survivors
Is like to go cyberpunk, but that’s for a dystopia, not the apocalypse, so I think we’ll end up just looking like the kids from red dawn.
why would you want to keep the peace
We shall wear bowls on our heads, smoke teabags and throw hot sauce bottles at trespasser's faces. Anyone wanting to join shall have to recite a moonman song from memory. Our group name is simply "REEEEEEEEE"
No exceptions. Who wanna join?
Totally not rape
My group will dress up as aliens.
>Nigga-chu! I choose you!
It’s a crack head painted yellow, with a gun show stun gun
Neetwood Mac - mobile neet gang
Road train Mac trucks - each trailer = Neet style apartment. Neets take turns driving the truck via RC + road cams allowing considerable Neet downtown
We loot all toy/model/hobby stores of all their drones to modify and use for scavenging/enforcement operations. Rig solar panels ontop of each carriage.
We would be unstoppable.
Because I don't want to get cannibalized by OP's ravenous horde?
Obviously we're going to capture a few beautiful women for our pleasure.
That sounds comfy I wish I could join but you're in Australia
It's perk retarded
dude op's ravenous horde will obliterate you guys if you're just sitting the same houses all the time
you need to get mobile or build a proper fortress
Cavefish from Full Throttle had a great shtick. I love that weird google mummy look, weird bikes and mysticism.
Definitely weird neo religious shaman
run around like a pixie and hope bernie will save me
do they have feminine pensies though?
Polar bear skin wrapped all over my body with the polar bear head hood I could use over my head and see through it's original eyes. I actually saw a real polarbear skin with it's head attached for sale for 1500 dollars in my city, I considered buying it to make some clothes, just because I have nothing to do with my life anyways.
hope so .....
no they are strictly xx chromosomes only
? you mean XXX
>Beautiful women
Best of luck, Nigel
Got a load of archery mates. Could be the Robbin' Hoods.
I'll go with a classic desertpunk aesthetic combined with dieselpunk elements
Send us your co-ordinates and we will send for evac. Neet lives matter
>tfw australian but stranded here while the collapse happens
I'm thinking I take the bike out and be a moto-raider. Can anybody give me some info on sawn off shotties? Where should I saw the barrel off? What's the best method to pump it when I'm on the bike?
yeah but they have to worry about getting 2x4ed in the back of the head every time they look up
You live In The mountains though, perfect opportunity for a mountain punk style. Think europeans hunter gatherer with tech elements.
Sadly I live in Arizona, so I’ll probably either end up scampering off to a better place or going full road warrior.
you jelly? There are many more where this came from too
My AK and shot gun would be fun but i'm really glad I bought a crossbow on sale last year, I knew it would come in handy for nothing else but the aesthetics
>when a gator kills a baby, no one calls it a radical...
>>tfw australian but stranded
Only by land....
Cross the Detroit river and price gouge the shit out of fucking leafs
I'll hang chess figures all over my clothes, black on the right, white on the left, and will scream "check mate" whenever I see somebody I want to mate with
Ugh. Imagine a british Hen Night themed machete rape gang.
Lmao wot