Fucking hell, it's even in comics now

Fucking hell, it's even in comics now.

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Comics have been infested with sjw virus for a long time now, they are losing customers but still double down with this retarded shit.

do not look at what they did to shehulk

What’s his response Yas Forums?

then STOP buying and thus legitimizing that shit. What are you, a fucking 12 year old who can't control his urges?

You aren’t posting the best part: being a tranny makes him immune to mind control.

hell is destructive !


>A thread about Corona-chan died for this

What's this? The adventures of Supertranny? What special power would a tranny have?


Over 1:3 odds they kill themselves every issue

half of Yas Forums needs their daily bing bing wahoo tripple a flashing colors dopaminereceptor numbenator cinematic jewish nerd"hobby"(TM) experience for what they voluntarily gave money to jews and liberals who want all whitey dead.

aw tiddums. did the comic booky wooky upset you?

Kill yourself

Have you been living under a rock or something?

This is old enough that some people make a living out of it

The economy is dying and every our false hope of prosperity is also soon to perish, and all this high minded insanity will go with it. Nobody will care about your tranny tendencies when they're learning how to grow food to keep from going hungry.

This. And most media desu. RIP Dr Who.

>What special power would a tranny have?
Rape women?

Actually passing.

hit a nerve, huh

>Supertranny casts Sexual Confusion
It's super effective!

Need more
Why he says that, they wanna fuck ?

kek. Trannies only pass in comics and twitter avis

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>stupid gender constructs
What the fuck?
It's one thing to say it's silly to apply terrestrial preconceptions to an alien.

But calling gender "stupid" or "constructs"? It's a fucking fact of life.

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What comic is this?

Does the target audience of stuff like this even buy comics?

>What comic is this?
Don't know.

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Oh god i remember that from 2016
Post more faith pls

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>What special power would a tranny have?

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Welcome to Clown World. HONK HONK

Maybe corona will be our chance to unironically rise up

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Wasn’t this part of that weird Dark Age that Marvel had a few years back that made their sales drop so much that Disney got involved?

I don't have a clue, man. I don't even read comics.

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>Does the target audience of stuff like this even buy comics?
It's not about sales. It's about the company's management proving how "woke" they are to signal their virtue and get good-boy points. Bankrupting the company and losing all the stockholders' money is a feature, not a bug--it proves revolutionary zeal, er, I mean, "devotion to diversity."

>bit fat woman saving Hillary Clinton
This has to be a self-insert.

where the fuck you been
they will happily crash the comic industry. they don't even sell over 5k issues anymore
it's sad

Sorry, wrong pic.

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That one is Batgirl.

Who is the target audience?

Here's a little other stuff I have.

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This is one of the most popular comics at the moment. They can shoehorn whatever themes like they like in and inertia will save it.

Also lol at this panel.

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Even in the comics they're not vaguely passable

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and that's it

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OMG COMICSGATE Ethan Van "trolls for gay sex at cons" Scriver!!!

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>no longer a mutant (mutt)
>clearly still a nigger+jew mix
Why the lie like dis?

>preaching against late stage capitalism
>using comics of all fucking things to preach about the evils of capitalism

Most books, movies, comics are trash. Read classics.

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this. I dropped comics a while ago when I noticed Marvel replacing all their classic White male heros with (((diversity)))

[Unsolicited Opinions on Israel???]

>called “America Chavez”
>not born in America
>not even from Earth

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its made to self insert and deep down they all know that they cant pass.this is why they reeee everytime somebody pops their bubble.they hate straight men in the same way that incels hate women.in fact trannies are Incels in denial.

There isn't one. SJWs infiltrated entertainment and activists screeched about "inclusion." And publishers started making comics for a nonexistent SJW audience. Longtime fans left in droves, the supposed "woke" audience to replace them never materialized, and sales tanked. OP's pic is from The Immortal Hulk, which has been good despite having SJW bullshit kludged on because it returns the Hulk to his roots as a horror character and a sassy independent black woman telling to the man or an editorially mandated trans character doesn't have quite as much impact on a story with full on body horror like this. People reading Immortal Hulk read it in spite of the SJW programming, because they like the overall story and art and roll their eyes at the wokeness that's tacked on. But in some many comics now, the SJW wokeness is the primary feature of the book, not a side bit that fans can overlook or ignore. So they don't buy them. And sales show it. So, ironically, in an era where Cape movies rule the box office, comics are dying.

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Something something GamerGate something something ComicsGate

Probably sjws but we all know the target audience doesn't buy any comics, the classic get woke go broke.

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Oh me
Oh my

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Why do Trans "artists" always have a scene where a cis-person doesn't realize they are trans? When have you EVER been fooled by a transwoman? It is obvious the second you see them.

>hits a man for telling the truth
They honestly don't see it, do they?

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Comic books have always been jewish

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