Living with parents

Why do so many grown men today still live with their parents? Its kind of creepy after like 23

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welfare queens

money mostly

how many grown men have a job that affords them housing, food, medical insurance, and car?

Incoming le edgy wagie posters

probably anyone that isn't retarded and has a decent education or skillset

Real capitalism has never been tried.

So basically all anons who still use this site and, by extension, this dead medium of communication in current year? Don't worry, I'm impartial - all Redditors included too.

well, not me then.
tell me why i should live like a subhuman in a shitty apartment when living at home not only saves me money, but my family as well.
why should i pay rent to some stranger when that money can stay within my fucking family

Why break up the family
4 bedroom home, plenty space

because part of being a functional adult, especially as a man, is being financially independent. You're not a man if you cannot hack it on your own in this world. Also who said anything about apartments? You can split a nice house 3 ways with other bachelors.

I'm simply not capable of being financially independent right now
no education no good job

my point exactly

Ok boomer

So instead of living with family, live with 3 strangers?

Yeah fuck that

To many people in a rush to get rid of traditional families and get into debt

It makes sense financially. Unless you are in relationship and you share the rent it really makes more sense to just contribute to the household. Especially if you are on good terms and all that.

user im basically retarded and I have my own place, bought and owned
it's not too hard if you actually are willing to work and not just being a lazy fuck like 90% of the human population

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How is living with three other people "hacking it on your own"?

>gen x / boomer detected

I moved back in with my fiance a year ago. It's pretty based and my mommy loves having me around. I think moving far away from your parents as they age is nigger tier.

Who could be behind another plot to destroy the traditional family in favor of the atomized individual?!

these are people who say they are self made when some mentor coddled their worthless green ass out of college for 10 years

your fiance must have very few options in men if she is with you, just saying.

Maybe they wouldn't need to if we gave them a 1.5 trillion dollar bailout

I'm convinced the "if you live with your parents you're a creep" is a meme devised by kikes who want your rent money and to break up your family.
This is coming from someone who moved out a year ago.

it's sort of retarded not to

multigenerational households should be the norm, not the exception

it's an American "new normal" to be a wasteful, atomised rent-slave who escapes family to become an alpha consoomer

because im a faliure and my life is going down the fucking toilet AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Humans have lived in multi generational households for hundreds of thousands of years at least, you stupid kike.

manchildren are very creepy to most functioning adults.

I'm waiting for the real estate bubble to burst.

Shes pretty cute blue eyes and caring. We lived together alone for 5 years. I don't care what anyone thinks of me :)

Multi-generational homes have been the standard longer than going into to life long debt just because society says you should move out

that was back when people got married at like 22

Some people get autism from vaccines (from one of the elites agenda) you blame the victims for this result too?

But don't all will be over soon anyway with Agenda 21 (century) process which includes depopulating the world 90-95%. Even The New Testament said that there will be the last battle between the good and evil before The Judgement Day. I hope you are ready for God... There won't be any cure "vaccine" coming out for bioweapon "Covid-19" because "they" will bring it out on the eve of final cleaning user... Remember that.

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If you are "moving out" without owning a house and without absolutely having to you are a retard desu

Your posts make you sound like a bitter ugly woman. Or a tranny.

Congrats on being forever poor and paying rent.

sorry but if rent is more than 1/4th your salary you need to get a real job

being an incel having an apartment is a waste of money.

t. landlord

It's all about money.

>Kick 'em out at 16 and have them stand on their own two feet!
Was one of the early components of destruction of the family

god i wish that was me

This is some wisdom right here.

Renting is suicide.

Me the hobo.

And now all the "kids" are moving back in at 30 for having gotten nowhere in life because of their parents policies.

Here in Sweden it's because there are no apartments to rent, so you have to take a massive loan to buy an apartment, or stay with your parents.

And then the fact that all the refugees go first in line for anything newly built, it's hard to find good places.

If I could do it all over again I wouldn't move out of my parents' house until I was married.

If 'real jobs' aren't available enough for everyone to have one then they aren't real jobs. They are good jobs and real jobs are not paying enough

I'm 35 and livin' with mom. I don't have to work, get to exercise and go out for walks whenever, have game night with the guys etc. I guess people (esp. women) don't respect me; well, I had a job for a while and it didn't seem like women were exactly jumping all over me then either. You can keep your respect.

>still living with my grandma
>paying zero rent
>saves her money too since I take care of her
>which I'll inherit after she passes
I'll have enough money to outright buy a mansion with some nice acreage in two or three years with plenty left over. Enjoy wage slaving until the day you die because you tried to impress dumb Stacys in your twenties

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Because they are pathetic failures

Thats all well and good if you get married before you're 25

because you need an education and skillset.

Renting is no better than living with your parents. At least with the parents you can save money to purchase your own place. With renting you just piss your money away in a place you'll never own.

Enjoy being a weird old lonely fagit virgin


Because capitalism works and is the most optimal solution.

How glorious is this system where one man can buy a $10 million dollar yacht, but his employees can barely cover basic living expenses.

Newly built here means worse quality. There are so many nightmare stories of bad quality houses being built now.

So why not split rent with roommates? If you're splitting rent and its still taking that much out of your paycheck, you need to get a real job. A career, not some retarded moron job that only requires clean piss. You need a skillset. Lets say you're making like 45k a year, and you don't live in a major city. You split rent 2 or 3 ways, you're pocketing a lot of cash.

or you could be a manchild faggot and live with mommy at 29. Well, you'll be getting zero pussy or respect from anyone.

>It's better not to have money and do things you want if that means you are independent.

>these are people who say they are self made when some mentor coddled their worthless green ass out of college for 10 years
How can I have a mentor like that? I always hear of succesful people being mentored by [x] successful person, but the closest I've ever had was my boss showing me the basic tools of photoshop and then giving me a task during my apprenticeship.

I am in Ontario and I have an especial hatred for the construction going on here. It's always been garbage and falls apart in 10 years. Can't even last a hundred years. The sad thing is there's superior modes of construction that actually cost LESS to do but construction workers don't care to learn new building methods and retards in our society care more about their homes looking like everyone else than living in functional homes built to withstand all kinds of weather and disasters and last hundreds of years.

>Roastie or (((landlord)))?
Place your bets!

I'm 27 and I live with my parents but I pay rent and buy food, so go screw yourself.

its normal for most of the world. we still have an expansionist frontier mentality.

Because one day I'll inherit this house and you'll have to buy one. Also ever heard of housing shortage? So many roasties/ everybody wants to live somewhere by themselves that there is a shortage of homes/apartment and people aren't starting families. Lol sorry you don't have a nice house to inherit

>pay more in rent than I do now to rent the whole basement of the house I'm going to inherit from my old man anyway

>would still have to have four roommates just to have spending money because a rental for a 1 or 2bdr even in my cities ghetto would wipe out my entire paycheck before i look at food or bills.

It's so creepy how adults are living with their [parents yikes! They need to get out there and take out a mortgage and take on more debt to keep the economy going and never build up any generational wealth. Consume!

People have lived with their parents for centuries. The whole “move out and start a life at age 18” is a uniquely American cultural phenomenon meant to create more wage slave debtors.
I just wish you people had less influence on the world because it’s quite common here now too. And when we have a considerably worse housing market to the point where only wealthy immigrants can afford houses it creates a damaging society based around people ruining themselves financially to achieve some arbitrary ideal of “success”.

Dont want to live alone

I don't have to pay rent, fuck off.

Some people don’t want to surrender half of their month’s wages.

my mother lives with me

if you cannot afford to buy a house - it’s economically correct decision.