The media shouldn't lie to us.
>Lets cut off ourselves so the coronavirus doesn't spread
>Fine I guess it has to stay open
And yet they believe FOX news, and the most ridiculous conspiracies, If they were only educated they would know how dumb they sounded. The problem is not with the MSM but with dumb people not willing to hear the truth.
>hey, I know you may be burying your parents, grandparents and just had your investments wiped out, but can you help us politicize and use your suffering?
Couldn't possibly backfire.
What a shock. I can only but wonder why people don’t trust the media.
The coronavirus hasn’t cost Trump a single vote
Sorry buddy it is true, i use to be on your side but i can't no longer defend this behavior. Amoral behavior will catch up with us sooner or later.
No but his stupidity did, and especially his dumb denial.
Because they don't say what you want to hear?
FED and Israel will collapse together. Babylon is falling kike. You're so desperate for this virus to be successful because its your last stand.
The funny part is they think they're some kind of paladin of truth and justice, but the media has been bullshit since (((Pulitzer))) and Hearst, probably longer.
You never were, liar.
Don Lemon last night yelling at Kasich cost them more votes than Corona cost Trump
And it's inevitable that there be some bias, but it's never been so unbalanced, simplistic, constant, and self-defeating. In Hearst's day there was more than one media voice, now it is literally just twenty four hours of ORANGE MAN BAD.
>Babylon is falling kike
I am not a kike, stop coping for once faggot and try to get in touch with reality.
>FED and Israel will collapse together
The FED has nothing to do with Israel, and i am competently fine with Israel collapsing.
>You're so desperate for this virus to be successful because its your last stand.
You are projecting your distorted way of thinking on me, some people just look objectively at the facts and go with what the facts tell them. I am a Republican, but i can't vote for Trump, and i am not going to pretend this virus is not a legit danger.
I was, were do you think this eternal cope will lead you realistically, sooner or later we all have to face the music even if it hurts.
98% republican approval and somehow Yas Forums attracts every single one of the remaining 2%.
>you have convinced everyone here, now shoe your flag faggot
What is it exactly that retard liberals are even saying Trump did wrong with Corona? I never actually hear what they think he did wrong or what he should have done differently. It's always
>hurr incompetent
He seems to be doing everything right for the most part. Closing travel to China early, now Europe because they can't contain it well, actually screening Americans and containing them before they come back, among other decisions. Liberals are reaching hard on this one.
>Don Lemon last night yelling at Kasich cost them more votes than Corona cost Trump
If you say so, i don't watch CNN. I never said corona would lose Trump votes btw, but his reaction to it did, and his denial. And now he tries to blame his own failure on Europe.
Fox is as much a lying, manipulative sack of flaming ZOG garbage as any other network. Dont be a retard.
>Sorry buddy
Shut up, leaf.
These people think trust returned and then fell again? What are they retarded?
>98% republican approval and somehow Yas Forums attracts every single one of the remaining 2%.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a KIKE.
Get real.
Well yeah, you're trying to blame him for something that happened in another country.
>duuurrrrrr i use to be on your side buddy but then i thought ya know what, open borders is a great idea, and then i found out the russians hacked the voting machines and drumpt helped them, then i found out that drumpt was trying to shake down the urasianian president to stop ol' honest joe from runnin for president hurrr duuurrrrr hurrrrr
do you faggots think you're fooling anyone. piss off and neck yourself bitch
Democrats are advocating for increasing refugee resettlement by 500% at the same time that they insist angrily yet vaguely that Trump is failing the country.
Ok joomer
>thinks that if Trump had been impeached, the coronavirus outbreak would not have happened.
It's shills like this that need to have their internet access taken away.
Fuck these people to hell
There's nothing that could be done to satisfy jewrnalists. They will whine and shill infinitely because that's their job, they're influencers not informers.
trump did all he could do
he shut the border with china and iran, then shut it with europe after they didn't close their border. not his fault the rest of the world is fucking retarded and would rather half their country die than be called racist.
Because they lie, engage in activism disguised as journalism, and misrepresent information in an attempt to exercise control over what people believe. You can wear a elephant memeflag all day, but you’re still a transparent shill. It’s almost sad how you idiots think you’re fooling anyone, or that people can’t see right through you.
>open borders is a great idea
No i am against that.
>i found out the russians hacked the voting machines
Straw man
>drumpt was trying to shake down the urasianian president
Yes, he actually did.
All you do is create a false dichotomy. Just because i have a severe disdain for Trump does not mean i am down with the progressives. They suffer from the same delusional world view i.e. every fact that disagrees with my theory is false.
I can't wait until ((journalists)) start getting the bullet. Charlie Hebdo proved that the only thing they fear is violence.
Fuck your random nobody twitter thread and fuck you OP
They need the rope
What is that a Russian nigger?
So you're a tranny?
That's called winning. Imagine people waking up and realizing who the enemy is
The pen is mightier than the sword
The pen is mightier than the sword
The pen is mightier than the sword
Who wields the pen?
Probably Ben Shapiro.
>Because they lie
How do you know? i doubt you have a profound understand of the world, 99% of the time on Yas Forums lying means disagreeing with that person. Every expert opinion is disregarded on here, it is all pure hubris.
>but you’re still
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill, even if you has bona fide arguments.
a shill for what? You basically prove my point here.
>or that people can’t see right through you.
And see what?
She looks jewish.
And she's probably always handrubbing and plotting ...
The tone of this cunt's tweets is infuriating, like it's self evident they're wrong to doubt established liars. I wonder how much blood will be on their hands at the end of this mess.
O you got me good dude!
>Ben Shapiro.
>and i am competently fine with Israel collapsing.
Nice inductive reasoning skills.
Let's play, Who Wants To Be A Clueless Jewess?
let's not forget, that almost all of them are jewish, despite being just 1.6(!)% of the polulation.
It's almost as if there was a pattern ...
I hate Jews
>I can't wait until ((journalists)) start getting the bullet.
that is very anti-semitic, sir ...
I know dogshit when I step in it.
The only thing being proven is that you’ll literally reply to anyone to keep this thread going.
See a transparent shill. Please read.
Have a nice day and say hi to your buds back at reddit.
Everyone at my office hates trump and they HATE THE MEDIA because of what they are doing.
I'm glad they're waking up.
Please dont post these things.
Netanyahu deserves assassination
The media isn't the problem, it's the president. He is the most prolific liar in US presidential history. He is a major source of fake news, straight from the horses mouth. He lies way more the the MSM. Count lie for lie, and you will see.
>The media isn't the problem,
Americans will cheer at journalists getting killed
*tips fedora*
Dude dont post that shit on here.
This isnt infinity that I suspect is run by spooks.
lol faggot.
This is a free nation. Help yourself.
>never before have politicians lied
>newsmedia dishonesty doesn't matter
I think I understand better why you lose.
I agree 100%. I hope they all get coronavirus and die.
get fucked
Are you working for China? If so,
Reminder from a previous post I made..... Prez is a pathological liar. Fact. Provable.
T. Fake news straight from the horses mouth.
>t. jew
>Are you working for China? If so,
You should have posted that one instead first. Not the violent ones
Stop lying all the time then, you filthy kikes.
The world would cheer more if the prez were to be killed.
uhh... no? you don't just get to distrust the media because they skew the facts sometimes. civilization is impossible if you don't listen to the authorities
The media should be killed
Americans will cheer at journalists getting killed
Wow, are you saying that journalists are Jewish? That is anti-Semitic.
Muh educashun
Having a president who is a diagnosed pathological liar is very counter productive to the well being of our nation..... unless it is full of dumb asses.
This. No matter what action Trump takes, it's going to be labelled the wrong one by these people. They just want something bad to happen so they can blame him for it. When it's THEM that are to blame. They're over hyping here is costing everyone's time, money and lives.
Dims are desperate and stupid
>T. fake news straight from the horses mouth
thanks for signing off as fake news you literal fucking retard
Talk about a culture of critique
Nope. Im just a regular truck driving gun loving American who can tell a crook when I see one.
>Trump is a russian agent
>Boy those conservatives will believe anything
just fucking KYS faggot
Good thing Bloomberg gave them half a billion dollars recently to keep competitors away.
Kikes are retarded
The media is the enemy of the people and they deserve death
You have no arguments only an argumentum ad hominem.
>most prolific liar in US presidential history
>The media isn't the problem
Some outlets have their problems, but the Media is absolutely essential for a democracy. The problem with a winner takes all system is that it divides a country and it create tribalism. Tribalism is the biggest problem, the fact that people accept all Trumps lies is because his narrative is understandable for even the least intelligent (albeit completely wrong), because it tribal and because it is what people who feel forgotten want to hear.
> He is a major source of fake news, straight from the horses mouth
True over 15K falsehoods and misrepresentation.
but have you considered the fact that youre a faggot?
Who cares, theyll just make stupid shit up so I stopped listening to Dims
The thought that everyone will soon be watching traitorous kikes like you scream in agony gives me a 9-inch boner solid enough to hammer nails into oak planks.