How factual is the statement that the moors taught ancient europeans to bathe?
How factual is the statement that the moors taught ancient europeans to bathe?
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That's right. The master always bathes the servant.
baka (and yes I typed baka)
false, romans had baths and a kind of spa with alternating cold and hot baths.
celts were also really much into washing, nordernniggers i dont know, it safe to assume that scandinavian did it and english not, just like today.
All I'm seeing is two slaves.
Quite plausible.
Given that the concept of smell was foreign to Europeans.
And those Romans only build those bath like structures to mock Barbarians.
They, nor them knew what they were for.
absolutely insane?
>And those Romans only build those bath like structures to mock Barbarians.
>They, nor them knew what they were for.
we built all those baths just to mogg barbarians but in the end we didnt know how to use them
Completely insane. Moors don't even bath now.
Widespread bathing like all other forms of hygiene requires cheap reliable energy i.e. fossil fuels, otherwise you are restricted to natural hot spas.
Fossil fuels? - praise whitey.
Ask yourself why theres no art from the time period depicting this? All the moor art black nationalists post is modern
Nonsensical, given the greeks and Romans had public bath houses. However, oil and strygil was the nore common form of daily hygiene.
>What the fuck is that?
>Looks like a tub of water
>WUT? Lets get the fuck out of here.
>hey titus why d you build all that plumbing and running water for?
jove I dunno man, I was bored and shit
>and that tub what you gonna do with all that water? who s gonna drink it?
you re right marcus I dont know what went through me
I do wonder how the bath culture looked like in extremely cold environments.
How early was the sauna used in Scandinavia
Ah yes the Moors were black.
How may times do you need to make this gay fucking thread?
At least he changed his proxy.
we wuz kings you know?
I dont know about that statement but I know that the Asturians, Basques and Franks kicked the living shit out of the Moors and pissed in their bathwater is indeed a factual statement.
dont your parents feed you?
Have you smelled how stinky blacks and muslims are? These clowns don't even take a bath or shower. They just spray themselves with perfume. How can a bunch of barbarians teach westerners anything regarding proper body hygiene?
Medieval peasants definitely didn't bathe or wash their clothes regularly. They were used to the smell.
>the moors taught ancient europeans to bathe?
are you retarded?
First time ive ever made this thread and its literally just a question. Why get so upset? I saw some shit online and was curious damn nigger chill
Not even kidding-- I just went to google that, and I no sooner typed in moors taught... and the auto complete choices were:
moors taught europe
moors taught europe to bathe
moors taught bathing
It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!
medieval people were pretty hygienic, they were bathing in hot water with soap.. on the other hand in 17th century, at the european "culture pinnacle", people were afraid of water and were covering their horrible smell with perfumes
It's a weird topic that people get heated over but yes some 'Moors' taught some Europeans, likewise some Europeans surely taught the 'Moors'. Cultural exchanges exist and Through Al-Andalus Asia brought a lot of knowledge into Europe
Which time period? The Romans and Greeks loved including artwork of Africans in their bathing rooms.
whites are the real subhumans.
moors were arabs
The black women in paintings like these are like the Madams. Whether they are slaves or not, they're the bosses of the foreign imports.
The Moors are a tribe of black North Africans with an interesting history.
Rome and Greece did
All humans have always bathed. Only idiots would think that at some place and time they didn't.
Just like the math thing that people say about the moors is completely false, egypt then greece and then roma all had baths and public bathrooms, then the germancucks ruined everything and sent us to 1000 years of darkness and retardness where we even lost some territory to faggots using a technology we created.
wrong. The Romans had bathes and in medieval Germany they had bath houses too. I'm not saying that was hygienic without the chlorine, but they did bath.
There are rumors that they stopped doing it and mainly used perfume in 17th and 18th century but I'm not sure if this is correct.
You feel very itchy and greasy if you don't clean yourself regularly.
The peasants in the countryside had rivers and lakes where they swam and washed their clothes.
>1000 years of darkness
You mean the roman catholic church.
Depends on what you mean by "bathe".
During the cold winters Europeans certainly didn't submerge themselves in pools.
There was at least one period during the middle ages where people were quite against bathing. Some people clean their bodies without using water as well.
Simple statements don't illustrate the vast histories of those people. The Romans and Arabs write about how dirty northern Europeans were for example.
The sauna or sweat lodge concept.
nordnigs i heard were also were obsessed with cleanliness and bleached their hair
>people living in a desert with limited fresh water, no written language and no globally connected major cities
>taught the people with plentiful fresh water, globally connected major cities, and written language how to bathe
North Africa has never completely been desert, they've had a written language for longer than Europeans, and have always been connected to the rest of the world via the sea.
Not saying they taught anyone how to bathe but don't be retarded.
>Master bathes the slave.
LOL Ok retard
The thought that east Asians have a high IQ btfod again. Your arent jamon are you?
there was an abbot that wrote along the lines of "hide your daughters, hide your wives, the northmen will steal them with their cleanliness"
You fucking retard all I did was ask a question. Fyi im a burger just like you cunt
I'm dirty, mean, and mighty unclean
I'm a wanted man
Public enemy number one
So lock up your daughter
Lock up your wife
Lock up your back door
And run for your life
The man is back in town
So don't you mess me 'round
0%. The Visigoths inherited Roman bath culture, That's also a picture of an African slave bathing a Turkish concubine.
Yeah Im sure saracens peasants in their scalding hot kingdoms were cleaner
The naked white one is a slave. This is orientalist artwork.
It looks like a Berber lady.
>There no such thing as dumb questions.
100% bullshit and Jewish lies that low IQ blacks think is real.
Romans where more anal about cleanliness than people today and Roman culture was widespread throughout Europe.
>The naked white one is a slave
The dick washers were the masters.. Really makes you think.
of a sort
What's factual is how Islamics constantly attempt to revise history into their favor.
>5th/6th century cuck porn
This stuff came out of Europe for whatever reason.
can't find any contemporary blacks in baths. I wish there was a lot more artwork from before 1000AD.
Based leaf. That's rare
not factual at all. Before that ever happened the world was ruled a bunch of times over and all of them had bathing and running water and aquaducts
It's gets even funnier because I have a last name that various "cultures" attempt to claim as their own when it's actually way older than all of them, and it's also the name of an ancient southern European town known for its baths.
>people who lived in a desert, taught people that had aqueducts, how to bathe
Bs, saturday in norwegian is called lørdag, laurdagr, litterally bath day
Disgusting arm hair.
white people smell like wet dogs and musky cave water. the moors tried to introduce spices into white peoples diets but white people couldn't handle it as they are used to eating bland cave food and squirrels.
Look at those ridiculous shoes at the bottom left. Is this peak womanlet cope? Not even tiny tom cruise is that bad with shoe extension.
Totally false.
The Romans, Franks, English, even the Vikings had bath houses, as did any non tribal people.
The oldest still standing Greek bathes (in Olympia) were constructed 600 to 500 BC.
Ok Chang.
White people have more evolved taste buds.
Brown people had to spice their foods because most of it was half rotten and disgusting. FACT.
Face it. You are all failures.
Nephew, is that u?
Kys pajeet
That woman is clearly asian
Eating spices causes body odour moron. In Buddhism it is recommended not to eat onions or garlic so a not to offend others with your odour.
Based, meat has its own flavour, so there is no need to douse it in alot of spices
> hurr durr without christianity we'd be 1000 years in the future
Idk senpai
It is like the statement of the dark middle ages, Its a lie, it werent never dark, they made them dark.
A King who protects its peoples it is the best form of gobern.
Let them burn with putrify with democracy and laws and papers and more papers.
BTW > GO Assad GO! GO Putin GO!
zero since the romans had bath houses all over the empire
Do you really think I would smell like a pajeet if I ate like them? No genetic component to smell?
Good eye, I can't unsee that. It is possible but it's more likely that she's Turkish or something like that.
White people only smell like wet dogs when it is raining. Otherwise they don't smell worse than chinks.
whats up with those weird looking tall shoes?
the other day in some thread about onions i typed soi to save time.
Speaking of berber women, may Dihya the berber warrior queen rest in peace. A hero that fought and resisted the muslim arabs when they invaded North Africa. She died a martyr.
That they were able to convince blacks on Twitter that white people didn't wash their legs is hilarious. They are like children.
those aren't black guys, their penises would be dangling to the edge of the portrait if they were...
The only thing that niggers ever taught humans to do is to never relax.
>Greeks and Romans build bath houses
>wHYWe Show Ueropeans to BAtHE
I hate stupid niggers.
I wonder if catalonians are all awful posters on the level of canadians, or if we only have the one catelonian who just happens to be awful
Absolutely. Recon troops in vietnam used to eat charlie food because they could be smelt (smelled?) eating western foods.
not accurate at all.