Why the fuck are liberals so retarded? She was literally the perfect democratic candidate...

Why the fuck are liberals so retarded? She was literally the perfect democratic candidate. A true patriot and mommy who spoke extremely well and put the rights of Americans first, unlike the other nominees. But Bernie and Biden were apparently the best choices according to them. What a fucking a joke.

Attached: tulsi-gabbard-11061.jpg (1200x1200, 123.07K)

Wow, she is hot as hell.

leftists want war with russia

Did she drop out yet?

She is their plan retard.
>Bernie gets ousted by Biden after massive manipulations over dem voters
>Biden is the nominee
>Pedo affairs + Ukraine corruption scandal, Biden forced to drop out
>Tulsi pops out of nowhere bc she never dropped out and is now the dem nominee
You really are blind frendo

I can't coom to anyone else now.

>be democrat
>party of "fuck white males"
> woah now a corrupt white male. is still better than a brown woman with morals

This would earn me 1800 euros.

According to the media she was an Assad apologist and literally responsible for the gassing of 6 million freedom-loving Syrian children.

I don’t think she will. I hope her names on the ballot.

Girls wont vote for an attractive woman.

user, you needed to vote for her

All because Russia banned NGOs and gays from talking to children.

Nah she thinks the world is black or white and doesn't see the bigger picture WAR BAD ME GOOD

Because she isn't bought.

Critical of war
Critical of Israel
ALL jews fucking hate her. As a result she just got no coverage what so ever and when she did it was negative. Just starved her campaign of any oxygen


they think biden with his obama halo is going to fly when really he's their flavor of "bomb iran" mccain. waste of everyone's time. their election year ended when empty suit 2.0 milspec edition butgag flamed out. they should have been begging warren just to stay.

>She was literally the perfect democratic candidate.
She was the best they had. But they knew they couldn't control her.
Which proves the Dems want only one thing, power to do as they please.
Still MAGA tho, but salutes Tulsi.

This. She got the same treatment as Ron Paul

Attached: Tulsi redpills.jpg (2335x2503, 2.8M)

The dnc hate her for backing Bernie in 2016. And then for torpedoing Kamalas campaign

Attached: mommytulsi.jpg (998x810, 83.15K)

Oh she’s a Russian agent, did you forget? Hillary said so.

She would have the greatest chance against Trump and the democraps just destroyed their only chance. Absolute morons I can’t wait to see how low they really go during the actual election.

Horrible Spic skin. Pitted and puffy.

Tulsi is not communistic and "progressive" enough for them. To them, she's a DINO(Democrat In Name Only).

It's why this party is going down in flames. Too many faggots that are fucking it up. I can see the Democrats splitting in multiple parties if they can't beat Trump this year..

How is her lawsuit against Clinton going?

She's not spic. She's half poo

>this party is going down in flames
The Democratic Party is powerful. It's the cia, it's big media. They're in power. They're wealthy af. They're the bloombergs of this world.
Fucking retard.


>Perfect Cantidate
>Any nationality other than American of Western European descent

Pick one and only one. There will never be a good female cantidate or a good fifth pillar cantidate, they’re all too busy trying to subvert the real Americans, or change the meaning of American to include themselves. Nothing good will ever come of it.

She’s a Russian asset.


No, she's half Samoan, but her white mother is a Hindu.

she will do a 180 and declare herself a republican before the election

1/4 Samoan

>perfect candidate

Kill yourself faggot.

Attached: hgfghjfgjf.jpg (258x360, 55.17K)

>her white mother is a Hindu
Im confused
Doesn't compute

She’s so cute when she does that look.

Attached: 780F53DB-1F95-4E41-97CE-B61016039DEE.jpg (1920x1080, 182.53K)

>Russian asset
This is a narrative used to try to delegitimize the opinions of AMERICANS

see: countering foreign propaganda and disinformation act

dude, we're speaking abour the DEMOCRATS here, try to be serious
corrected plan:
>Bernie gets ousted by Biden after massive manipulations over dem voters
>Biden is the nominee
>Pedo affairs + Ukraine corruption scandal, Biden forced to drop out
under pretense that he's becoming senile, so he won't go to jail
and then
> pops out of nowhere bc she never dropped her blackmail material on the DNC, she still has billions to repay and is now the dem nominee because the elites are pissed to have been forced to delay their world war and enslavement plans by 4 years

Tulsi is dropped in limbo by 100% of corporate media, and if she tries to make noise she gets JFK'd


What's it like being 14

This is your brain on LeafTM

>She was literally the perfect democratic candidate
she never served in the Armed Forces. No experience

Attached: 1581497668851.webm (896x1080, 2.84M)

I'll laugh my balls off if this happens.

Read Savitri Devi

>gender: xx
>race: delicious brown
>politics: anti-interventionist
She was truly too good for this shithole.

did you get breastfed till you were 10, simp?

brainlet or b8

She's a gun grabber. Fuck her.

She is literally the perfect middle of the road candidate.

If they weren't retarded, they wouldn't be liberals. It's like saying water is wet. This isn't to say there aren't retarded conservatives, because there are. But liberals are exclusively retarded.

Both parties are clearly stupid, otherwise we wouldn't be choosing between senile boomers again this fall.

>brainlet or b8
guess which one you are

Attached: jannies-r-faggots804.34 PM 003.png (953x753, 1.08M)

>Fuck her.

Attached: sup-fags20 at 06.34 PM.png (838x640, 1.17M)

Dems spread their tendrils for any Barackesque candidates but they all turned out to be trash; Gabbard isn't the only inexperienced meme who couldn't lead either side of the party, let alone unite them

Do we consider liberals (Obama, Clintons, Bidens, and their supporters) the same thing as progressives/socialists like Tulsi and their fans?

Attached: 1580935449155.webm (480x600, 2.62M)

>gun grabber
No go.
No compromising, when will you faggots learn?

Attached: 1554539648876.png (1192x670, 823.13K)

Its true the largest demographic of fat wine aunts would stay home.

>Why the fuck are liberals so retarded?

Its the DNC they have their head so far up their ass they think voters like shit

Imagine if Bernie and Biden get coronavirus and Tulsi is the only person left running

No. Her paternal grandfather is mostly white with some Samoan and her paternal grandmother is mostly Somoan with some European (she has a European last name).

So she’s basically a Quapa with a wm/af hapa, and a white mother.

She’s similiar to what my future grandchild will look like after my future hapa son impregnates a white woman, after I impregnate my future asian waifu.

Attached: jannies-r-faggots804.19 PM.png (474x625, 415.94K)

The DNC will never forgive Tulsi. She is persona non grata FOR EVER with them.

It's going to be Hillary as you have said. This is as clear as day. Hillary is pure evil and so she must rule over the party of pure evil

Tulsi is hardly a socialist. She actually doesnt want to completely abolish private healthcare like bernard.

Tulsi’s paternal grandfather.

Attached: 5DEF6E79-8AB6-47DA-9765-E635607D7C99.jpg (1068x1481, 282.88K)

Tulsi’s paternal grandmother.

Attached: 310128E7-1260-4E08-8717-CFCAB96CA14F.jpg (367x479, 36.56K)

The craters in her face from acne scarring is terrible.

Is this legit? It sounds legit.... just curious if it has actually been quantified.

>Why the fuck are liberals so retarded? She was literally the perfect democratic candidate.
>Mutts actually believing that democracy exists.

Attached: reality.jpg (800x634, 116.14K)

And irrelevant. My main criticism of her is her gun control stance. She is against open borders now BTW. Open borders is an insane losing position for any politician.

Every coom for tulsi makes her stronger. Im #allhandsfortulsi

Yeah I’m for her, too. Let’s have Trump win 2020 then Tulsi in 2024.

She only wants to grab them from niggers and other leftist scum.

this post is 100% correct in every way except Hillary instead. she didn't just get reupped on Botox, have a four-hour documentary made about her, and begin the talk show circuit for nothing

> true patriot
Dems don't like that
> spoke extremely well
Dems like good public speaking skills when used to repeat simple slogans, not real sentences
> put the rights of Americans first
Dems don't like that

Based maori

Did he have a plate in his head?

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Because you idiot, the snarky attractive liberal quirky political celebs on tv told me who i need to root for if im cool, if i supported her i would be cringe and yikes to all of the friends that I don't have.

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Tulsi is like Ron Paul's retarded little sister. Raised in a common sense household but never had the brains to understand economics.