My surname is over 3000 year old written in Sanskrit

What is yours and how long can you trace it back?

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Only to 1790, dead end from there.

What's your surname?

About 800s.

Mine goes back a 1000 years to Norse settlers on Orkney. I'm not saying what it is as it's rare enough that I'd be doxxing myself

How do you feel about advaita?

My grandfather made it up because he didn't like his old one.

I shit in a toilet. How about you?

500 years or so. Some ancestor of mine changed his name to his wife's maiden name for some reason. He was probably a simp or perhaps it's because he was inheriting the family farm.

Did you know Sanskrit is basically Serbian?
At least that's what some Serb scientists are saying

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

~2000 years back

My last name is none other than... SNEED.

From 1310.

‘Neither to oppress nor be oppressed’

around 1000
very similar to this user.

I can trace mine back about 1500 years. It means "river".


Last name has European background meaning church.

Costello, from Angulo D'Hostilio. Thence from Hostilius, third Roman King, ~2,700 years

Attached: Norman Culture.jpg (450x332, 65.44K)

he shits in mother ganga together with a few hundreds other enlightened ones and then they all take a swim inside it


As old as records go back in the UK. Literally have books on my family and the history of the name.

It evolved from Keet to its current name and as far back as records go it can be traced. unless more records come out written in stone or something this is as opld as a name can realistically be traced in the UK.

Anyone who says they have records going bacvk prior to about 1480 in the UK are talking shit.

t. 4 books on my surname, the history and offshoots written by my grandad over 40 years


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1200's Scotland

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1830. Serbs used the name of their father as a surname before then. So it's impossible to trace it before then.

mine goes back to the 600-700's

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Don't know, don't care. Live in the present and quit jerking off to how gay your ancestors were.

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Are you drunk?

Watch this movie when your high..

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My surname is weird, all I can find online is ukraine hockey players

Interesting you think records go back to 500 AD, I'd be interested to know how you come to "about 1500 years"

I smell bullshit

Scottish hold, pre-7th old English

Back to 1800's named after a Finnish farm.

Based Irish surname.

At least to the Norman Conquest in1066, but ultimately to ancient Greece around 1000 B.C.


Muh family haver a castle in celtic Portugal.... Sooo... quite while back

Cant find shit
Its probably a joke name my ancestors wrote down when they immigrated to the US cause it mean "big dicks"

1650's when the first guy to take a last name which was just his dad's name and sen/son drowned in a canal. Probably drunk.

it's been around a long time but its a really common occupational surname

We have actual joke surnames that people chose when Napoleon told us we had to have surnames, like "born naked".


Again, I smell doubt.

Oral records are worthless and written maybe just a bit less worthless.

You have documents providing linage form that time?

I have as far back as 1480, literally traced back with gravestones, mugshots and all infomation you could possibly garner on my family name over 40 years.

When people say "Oh my name ios thousands of years old"

Prove it.

Cos i can prove 40 years worth of work will get you to 1450's~

I'm 7th Gen in my country so that's easy. I can trace my lineage abit further back within northern England. But it falls apart fairly quickly. Surname doesn't mean your related to the first users of your surname though.

Norman French nobles that invaded England in 1066. However I dropped the "de" part to sound less pretentious.


Benefits of cold water immersion in the Holy Ganges are both physical and spiritual.

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Mine is 200 years old.


It’s a Nordic surname that can be found as far back as the Danelaw days in England, however due to its spelling could either be Icelandic or Swedish

Well I guess itd trace back to something like that then
Ancestors having a laugh

Surname on hundred rolls 13th c

1000 years, it's changed a little in that time but it's still recognizable in written and spoken form.

1920's but i'm an immigrant so the username is not from here

Mine is as old as the Hungarian language and it's older forms.

Attached: hungarian pepe.png (172x293, 10.72K)

>stfu mudskin

My last name is literally a highland clan retard

The earliest datable attestation of the name Arthur is in the early 9th century Welsh-Latin text Historia Brittonum, where it refers to a circa 5th to 6th-century Celtic Briton general who fought against the invading Saxons, and who later gave rise to the famous King Arthur of medieval legend and literature. A possible earlier mention of the same man is to be found in the epic Welsh poem Y Gododdin by Aneirin, which some scholars assign to the late 6th century, though this is still a matter of debate and the poem only survives in a late 13th century manuscript entitled the Book of Aneirin.[2][3] A 9th-century Breton landowner named Arthur witnessed several charters collected in the Cartulary of Redon.[4]

Ancient Celtic Drudic word.

Most of us are just poofs who are going off what our fathers told us
American boomers are the worst to hear this shit from and independent research is the way to go
>hey son did we know we descend from Leif Ericsson and Eric the Red?
>how do you know?
>well my dad told me!

My surname is recorded in England since 1081 and comes from an older Germanic name.


It's an anglo-saxon name that undergone many changes as a result of language from Old English to modern English

Goodwin is a more recent variant, Godwin and Godwine were more common the middle ages.

Translating the meaning back into Danish still produces a similar sounding name.

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5th century at the earliest, 8th century at the latest.

Sounds neutral.

Mine means noble

>My surname is 30 minutes old and written in street shit

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1000 years ago my family was tallied

both of my surnames are over 1140 years old, both are from somewhere on iberian peninsula (asturias, basque country).

Family tree goes back to the öate 18s century. Don't know of anyone before that.

Mine was given by local landlords in the early 1800s, before that peasants here had no surnames.

Mine is over 9000 years old and written in Danube script

Its probably viking age and means a branch of a holy pagan tree tree in Germanic. Pre-christian at least.

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Oh yeah? Well mine goes back 3000 years to the Egyptian Pharoah himself!

Quit being a massive faggot. Nobody cares and it doesn't make you special. Nords were a bunch of evilniggers who destroyed everything anyways, and they have wierd slant eyes like subhuman gooks.

1000ish years basically.

The 1800s when my ancestors emigrated to America. The non-Americanized version goes back to 12th century Switzerland.

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I'm from the previous Universe Simulation my last name is "00110001 00110000 00100000 01001001 01101110 01100011 01101000 00100000 01010000 01100101 01101110 01101001 01110011"

underrated post

Your grandfather was an incompetent tit, though

shouldn you be worshipping some toilet/can of beans/cow shit, oh wise one?

Schlomo Shekel-Goldsteinberg

I'm not saying it, but it's a Norman surname


My surname literally means "new peasant."
Peasant pride world wide, lmao at all the larping "nobles."

I can trace it back to whiter than you mohammad.

goldstein here


mine goes back all the way to +8000 B.C. Jews worship my surname. it's the longest running psyop in the history of man and it's followers have subverted the world for my surname.

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My family has a (admittedly weak but direct and real) tie to 2 different guys that signed the declaration of independence

My name is Cornelius Dataminer and my last name goes back to the middle ages. The House of Dataminer patronized an order of monks called the Faithful Brothers of Investigation that looked for clues of a witches' conspiracy in the underground vellum-writing world known as the skinternet

> Nords were a bunch of evilniggers who destroyed everything anyways, and they have wierd slant eyes like subhuman gooks.
Shut up Jew

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How does it feel having surnames of the serf class?

Family name came over with the Normans, 1066 superior genes here

I just know that my ancestors helped in the conquering of the Aztecs.

It’s not though
First google search says it’s a surname of English nobility despite its Nordic origin.

Good. Do you think your name means anything today?

Long enough to remember i'm stuck on a fucking 4.543 billion years old floating rock filled with poo eating degenerates

French, 714 is as far back as I can go. Thanks autistic Mormons.

It can be older anglo-saxon. Normans were just new rapist from Nordic countries.


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Your flag is fake and gay though

500 years, my ancestor was made a noble for protecting Moscow

My name goes back to the bible. Melchior one of the men that brought gifts to Jesus Christ. Melchior=Melker.