Why are there so many spics on Yas Forums?

Why are there so many spics on Yas Forums?

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I'm the only white man on Yas Forums. AMA

because we love you and agree with you. we also enjoy the shit posting fren

The dragon ball z to general anime pipeline.
t. Whiteboy Californian

All are welcome to shitpost during the apocalypse. There will be plenty of time to hate people in the post-apocalyptic world.

this is Yas Forums asian weebo website not ur fucking white supremeces bullshit

disgusting amermutts

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Mostly self haters, wannabe whites, and other cucks who wanna be “one of the good ones”

Yas Forums was created by a Spic, duh

Spics are the main consoomers of shounen animes, and Yas Forums is an anime website

Go back

ok nigger

Anime in general

It's the natural demographic of this shithole board

>doing 'bunny ears' after age 6
Not gonna make it.

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You agree that all Latinos should be deported? Well get the fuck out.

Because i like to laugh at all your shit threads and your delusions of grandeur. I won't go back ever. All of your white women will get fucked in the ass by blacks and i'll make sure to join in too. Kill yourself. HAHAHAHA

Are there any blacks for segregation today?

deport us from land we've lived on since before the yankees showed up? you annexed us pendejo.

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Because the 56% memes are true.

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The land America bought from Mexico after already winning it in a war was largely empty and undeveloped. The Mexican government at the time thought the Americans were being stupid to pay so much for “useless” land.

This “muh the border crossed us” shit has got to stop. Nobody lived in the American West until the Anglo colonized and developed it. You’re here invading America. Fuck off.

This is the sad truth.

Because white-nationalism is a Hispanic movement.

i don't give a shit faggot KEK

spics cant invent anything so they invade white spaces made by white people for white people

I love how people on pol think their useless opinion is worth something
You’re a social retard, probably overweight and shit posting on this website, your opinions will never be used for anything
You are worthless, the great WHITE man has been overrun, and didn’t even put up a fight

It’s over

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>has never heard of the mission trails, Santa fe, San Antonio, ect.
>amerimutt education
cope gringo

because spics believe themselves white and brag to no end about how the nazis came to south america

Their women are hot

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Spic currently banging a white Norwegian girl. AMA

>white spaniards are the same as oaxacan indios
You're not Castilian dude.

We are based, that's why

>white spaniards are the same as oaxacan indios
Mexico isn't the same as Spain. You're describing Spanish activities, not Mexican.

>doesnt know shit about the history of the west, Texas independence or the annexation of california
> muh white lands

fuck this pussy ass gringos, now that Corona is going to kill the last generation with some testosterone on em is going to be a walk in park to just retake aztlan , pink white pussy for miles and miles on end while they build their cuck shed for me and stacy

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Because this board is for politics

You think you’re better than me punk ass white boii?

>the spics that welcomed yankee settlers into texas and fought along side them for independence were white

Never hire a spic, you'll regret it.

>doesnt know castilian is a dialect
mutt education at its finest

No Latino should live in America. They’ll be deported peacefully or forcefully.

You're not white, Pedro.



Burguers and mexicans are too similar desu burguers are kinder tho, mexicans are like always angry or wanting to fight but yeah in terms of culture is the same shit

USA is full of jews, inbred anglos, mutts, amerindians and niggers, the only white people left are the minority scraping by in Europe.

hispachan is shit and you can't be racist on Yas Forums

Fuck you gringo

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FBI has diversity quotas too you know.


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Because Yas Forums is an American board. This it's also part of the America's. And in the America's you have white people, injuns and mutts. But mutts like me are the majority.

First Generation Salvadoreans mutt here I'm staying in America fyi

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yuck. go back to pupusaland curly haired midget

We let them have internet access. It was all downhill from there.

Fuck you I'm staying. I was born in America.

And no I don't have curly hair it's thick and straight.

pinches salvatruchas cagan todo

your people ruined your country so you come to America to ruin it as well

>thick and straight
Like your dick I hope

Vente pa' ca las mujeres estan mas buenas

this. i love my country im very right wing, and believe in incentives to increase the birth rate here at home and shut down the border. fuck being deported tho. i stand by my beliefs
>inb4 fuck off civnat.
been here since the creation of this board and forever i will remain. faggot. also i only date latinas.

que joto me saliste amigo bong

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stfu you glownigger we dont talk like that. aztlan is a californian thing isnt it? divide and conquer shill.

Nah I'm here to improve it.
Donde es eso?

Go the fuck back you low iq scum

estan bien pinchis feos cabron.

Confirmation bias.

if it's any consolation we all hate niggers and white liberals

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You racists never fail to make me laugh. Let's face it, poc will be indefinitely more successful than you'll ever be

Cause spics are white

Nah I'm staying and you're going to deal with it
Shut up fag

Only Canadians can use this line now GTFO

ni merga

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Let’s be honest, Hispanics are just white people with better culture

You're not funny

wtf does every Yas Forums meetup look like neckbeard fucks....

*Amerimutts with better culture.


You haven’t seen how short and ugly these things are. It’s hard to believe that race is a construct when confronted with these monsters, same goes for niggers but at least they stand on your level. I see full grown Mexican men who are like 200 pounds and 5 feet tall at best.


This. So much this. Yas Forums is for the anime you racist bigots!

Bc its like watching woolly mammoths graze irl.

>"Is it true that there used to be whites in the US, abuelito?"
>"hahaha, yes! Matter of fact, I enjoyed a lot of their women. It was so easy! The white boys were obsessed with nigger dicks! You see, this made their women crazy for us who were considered darkskin back then. Oh you should've seen them. They used to go this place online called Yas Forums. Haha, the things they'd cry about on there. That's enough for tonight. Buenos noches mijito."

Right wing brown people are hilarious. I had some guy show up to my business the other day, straight up beaner, but he was wearing a camo MAGA hat and wouldn't shut the fuck up about hunting and fishing.


Florida here, theres legitimately disgusting beaners with blue eyes anf light skin, I’ve been fooled a few times at bars and shit and they revealed they were cuban

Some of them have the IQ to understand whats actually going on

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based abuelo

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where else am i supposed to go?

reddit is full of retarded normie npcs that lean left

They think they’re white or at least the future whites. It’s a pretty grim reality

I don't know. Why do you want it to be full of White trash?

ugh, island monkeys are the worst

We hate niggers as well