Let's say you knew this girl, and you had a thing for her. BUT you found out her bodycount is 10, maybe even 20+. Would you date and maybe even marry her if you were 100% guaranteed to last forever? No chance of her cheating, no stds (somehow) clicks with you and all that good stuff. Keep in mind this is purely hypothetical. Loyal whore or potentially disloyal but not tainted regular girl?
Hypothetically, would you date a "loyal" slut?
Sure why not
10 isn't even that much in most countries and if she's literally loyal why wouldn't you want her??
If your answer is No, enjoy pornhub for the rest of your life coomer
lol what's your bodycount?
Yes. Been married for 30 years. Neither one of us was a virgin.
Sluts by definition cannot be loyal. They lose the ability to pair bond, you're not the special first guy she felt genuine attraction to, you're just another cock and walking ATM machine or validation dispenser
Enjoy sloppy seconds cuckold.
Same but 12+ years here
Coronavirus is more important than your bait threads, schlomo.
>you found out her bodycount is 10, maybe even 20+
Soo, just your average western female?
loyal but with little different kind of body count, I have to send her a message someday,,
how soon after do you fuck?
Dunno. Maybe.
Because she's damaged goods and has had many men cumming inside of her, alot of them strangers even? I understand she did it purely out of desperation and lack of self esteem but still.
See above.
I don't watch porn anymore.
That's what I always thought as well. It's been over a year this PURELY HYPOTHETICAL girl has been clean of drugs and sex though. Idk. Maybe I (hypothetically) have lower self esteem than I thought. Never considered dating a whore until I (hypothetically) met her.
I refuse to believe the average woman has slept with more than maybe 4 or 5 men.
fuck of memeflag
anyone who unironically posted in the thread is a huge faggot
>100% guaranteed to last forever
>no stds
Wow what a great fantasy. Add a goose that lays golden eggs and ill think about it.
Microchimerism alone is enough to say no.
I also have two boys to pass on my name.. How's that working out for you?
Future wizard detected
tried it
doesn't work
end of story
fuck you Lauren
Depends on too many things.
How many of those are from LTR?
How young is she?
What are her parents like?
Does she have anything to offer besides her orifices?
Is she not only ok, but enthused about bringing other women into the bedroom once in a blue moon, and will she feel even the slightest bit jealous about it?
Does she buy into modern feminism at all?
You're describing my wife. We got married last year, I'm 41, she's 38.
memeflag checks out
A woman like that is incapable of loyalty.
That's it? All you want in a woman is not to be cheated on have no STDs? LMAO
No wonder women today are running us over, have some fucking dignity and standards
Never heard of this before. After googling it, yeah, no way I'm dating a non virgin. How disgusting.
Are you sure they aren't just your wives' sons tho :thinking:
So you truly do believe it's either settle for low quality women or settle for a life of loneliness?
Why would you say no? Guaranteed chance of a loyal girl who is a perfect match? What sort of idiot turns that down?
You guys do know that odds are unless she's 12-13 years old then she has already had another guys dick inside of them. The older she is, the more dicks there were.
Women don't become "damaged goods" just because she's had a few sex partners ESPECIALLY if she wouldn't have any STDs and would be loyal.
>Because she's damaged goods and has had many men cumming inside of her, alot of them strangers even? I understand she did it purely out of desperation and lack of self esteem but still.
Faggots will mock you for having this standard but they're only coping user. Truly, if given the choice no man would ever settle for used pussy and no good father would ever sow his seed into a womb that's been painted by the cum of many men.
I will just go the Himmler route and marry the first girl that let's me fuck her.
Hell no.
nice larp
So you have no one and no prospects. Oh well. Many such cases.
Yes they do.
Don't you have a bull to prep?
>you had a thing for her
I would not
>Would you date and maybe even marry her if you were 100% guaranteed to last forever?
why would I want to have a lasting relationship with a slut
>Loyal whore or potentially disloyal but not tainted regular girl?
both is shit, i am staying single
kys memeflag op
no, lmao if you're considering any other option
Where any of the partners black?
Women are evil. It doesn't matter if she's a 12 y.o. virgin or a seasoned whore. Their hearts are snares and pits. May your feet carry you far away from them.
>It's been over a year this PURELY HYPOTHETICAL girl has been clean of drugs and sex
An year is nothing, relapses are quite common and easy, once she's learned the pleasures of substance abuse the craving will never go away.
Look dude, there are 7.5 billion people in this world, hold yourself to some fucking standards instead of going after someone else's hot mess.
Is a dumb roastie druggie slut really the best you can do? If she was dumb enough to fuck with drugs and strangers then literally what the fuck is her appeal? She gives good head and looks hot (so far until the she hits the wall)? She has a "nice" personality and puts up with you? She's literally looking for a clueless idiot to take her now that she's had her ride on the cock carousel, of course she'd act #tradwife for you, but you know better.
You DESERVE better than that, King
Everyone makes mistakes, but not all mistakes can be forgiven
Shut up, no they fucking don't.
>Never heard of this before. After googling it, yeah, no way I'm dating a non virgin. How disgusting.
I'm glad you've seen the light. Inshallah, brother
Implying millennial women haven't been gangbanged at least once in their life and cuckholding by now
Obviously retard
ill give you some hard earned wisdom user. A slut is a slut nothing can change that. She will stay loyal for as long as she is pleased, the moment she feels it doesnt work out any more you are done.
>bodycount: 0
Lol explains everything. You're projecting your own insecurities on this hypothetical woman that doesn't even exist. Women irl probably don't even know you exist. Get off of Yas Forums. Seriously.
You shouldn't be scared of your partner cheating, it's not your fault if you're actually doing your part in a relationship and they end up cheating.
I love threads like these. I get to see, in real time, human beings in Western Civilization who stand virtually no chance of ever having sex, let alone reproducing. Wonder how many unique wizard IDs this one will get.
Found a son of a single mother
>Let's say you knew this girl, and you had a thing for her. BUT you found out her bodycount is 10, maybe even 20+.
stopped reading there
if you wanna bother with a used up slut go for it but don't think she wouldn't drop you the second some big dick is coming through the door
Because she's been a whore in the past. That's my only reason for saying no, really.
She's only 20. Had 20+ cocks in her by 19, started at like age 14 or 15. I'm 23, never felt the urge to sleep with strangers. Haven't dated since high school hence being a virgin. Some of my bros tell me I should just settle for sloppy 2nds, 8ths, 20ths, whatever the case may be. Others say stick to my gut and hold potential partners to the same standards I hold myself to.
>over 10
That's what I'm thinking man. The types who are into women like this tend to be coomers or just plain have no standards, going by the guys I used to know who were into hookups. It sucks though. She seemed to be a great woman before I found out.
Prospects? I do. Just none I click with like her. All the others, not nearly as close with them either.
Pretty based
I actually thought of asking this not even memeing lmao
I guess I must hate myself or something. You're right. Can't believe I'd even consider a woman with her past. She's a great friend, fun to be around... any more and things will just get messy, I think. I have no doubt in my mind she's learned that she fucked up, but I can't be the one to clean up after that.
I have moral standards. Maybe if all men did then whores wouldn't exist.
have sex
i'm a dude and im at 25, my most recent fwb and hopefully next gf has 3 with me being number 3.
I would be a hypocrite if i wasn't okay with it.
Nah, I have two parents. And I might have zero parents, or I might have 1000 parents, the number of parents I have cannot change the evil of women. Their tongues are lashes, their tears are acid. Their eyes see only diamonds, and media Jews hold the leash to their collars.
That's just the problem, user. Sluts are the least likely people to stay faithful to you. Your hypothetical scenario is just cope posting for people who can't control their lust. Real life sluts are very likely to cheat and that's one of many reasons that nobody wants to marry them. (Other reasons include awful personalities, ditzy scatter brained functioning, mean as a way of communicating, etc.)
This man sluts, listen to him
If she's loyal, she's no longer a slut.
10 people isn't a lot.
I would prefer a slut to a virgin
Sage grows in all fields.
No, but it won't matter, because every single person will die from Corona-chan within months.
a few of the ABSOLUTE WHORES i know have the sweetest tightest pussies. So make your own mind up, op.
its your responsibility as their husband to show them the way
God over Chirst
Christ over man
Man over woman
Woman over Child
> Would you date and maybe even marry her if you were 100% guaranteed to last forever? No chance of her cheating, no stds (somehow) clicks with you and all that good stuff
Sure, I literally couldn't give less shit about how many dicks she sucked before if not for the fact that it breaks her ability to pairbond and makes her more likely to cheat. If that is out of the picture why would you care?
>I refuse to believe the average woman has slept with more than 4 or 5 men
lol, I just turned 19 and have fucked 10 plus women. I have no doubt most of those have more than double my body count. get with the times
my advice to you is that you better worry about gettin that dick sucked no matter what user
Disgusting, remove the white nationalist logo now and remain a virgin
you make a shitload of assumptions that said slut has proven incapable of displaying.
Nah, the government would crucify me. Love has none greater than to die for his friends, but women are not my friends.
10 people is not a lot. Im a fucking beta and i already have a body count around 7 at my 24 yo.
>being virgin bad
Never change Yas Forums.
Now you're just trolling.