Reddit cheering on trump’s death

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Why would this surprise you?

How is this night different from any other night, Rabbi?

we all are you faggot trumpkike

Just like we are cheering for Sander's or Biden's death.
The time of being polite is over.

so am I
cant wait till this 'hoax' catches up to him

Reddit are massive hypocrites that lie to themselves about having the moral high ground

who the fuck doesn't know this?

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damn, Yas Forums is raided currently. All these anti-Trump threads and posts.

you should stay there

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>Caring about what blue-pilled normies think
Im beginning to see the problem

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Muh hoax
>rent free
Lel, fucking loser

Do you need a tissue for your tears or a bandaid?

fuck trump.

Kushner is wasting my tax money for you to post faggot memes. yes i'm fucking pissed

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Nice. I think I'll agree with these faggots on this one

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I don't see cheering, just threads about a major event.
Keep seething if that's what you really want, though.

wow. so original, kike

Not only will trump be immune, Bernie Sanders will die from it instead. Kek has spoken.

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They're willing to sit back and watch million of people die in exchange for being able to blame Trump for it. Their delusion and hate know no bounds.

Why sanders

>caring about Reddit commie cucks

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first time they share the same feeling as the board

Liberals are an unforgiving hateful breed. They need to be purged by this virus.

>Someone sees his hat from behind and cracks his skull with a pipe

This is a daily occurrence at reddit since 2016. I have personally had to remove dozens of comments like this, and I moderate a small technology related sub. It's a horrible place, and I'm having a hard time believing it's just bots.

I think there are real people out there, that used to be normal, that spent so much time on reddit that they now spend hours a day posting death threats to people that the le funny late night tv man said were bad.

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how will israel recover

I'm fine with this. Glass houses, throwing stones and whatnot. Put down the clutching pearls grandma.

innocent little pol shits would never cheer for someone's death.
fucking killyourselfs.

Fuck zognald seriously fuck this kike puppet

So am I. Also good ol Tommy doing god's work spreading it in Hollywood.

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Isn't cheering on people's death what Yas Forums is doing all the fucking time?


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go back

Go back

Who are you going to vote for?

Just post you hope RGB gets it for the hypocrisy replies

it's the same shit different day. shills gonna shill

Not in my case i do not speak for all of 4 chan. No one can speak for all of Yas Forums. What these leftist cucks don't understand is Yas Forums is beyond parties, Beyond Borders and beyond the reach of simple Plebbitians. They can raid but we will just toss out a few shit posts let them wear themselves out and cackle all the way. You shouldn't feed the trolls and the Trolls of Yas Forums are always hungry. Which means we will eat the egos of little self entitled pests like Plebbitians. If your smart you will run now and don't say we didn't warn you when you realize you weren't smart and stirred the sleeping army of 100,000,000 legions of Frogs imbued by the majesty of Kek's chaotic boon. You orderly deluded normal fags never had a chance. Well I warned you. All Hail KEK!

Because he is a commie cuck.
In order to post here, it's basic requirement to hate him.

HAHAHAHA how ironic. hope the fat ass drops dead soon

Bernie sanders is a tiny speck of dust in the length of human history. He never amounted to anything more then a nominated figurehead of one of the most regressive states in the USA.. We are above hating him.. Because he never really matter.

seethe cope best cope


He deserves it for wasting his opportunity to become Emperor

Like you people wouldn't be cheering if Hillary, Bernie or Biden were dying.

We had one wonderful almost shill-less night just after Super Tuesday. It was awesome. They've since tripled their efforts (but they'll still lose in the end).

If Trump kicks the bucket what happens with the election?

i want it only for any maximum chaos, the President and VP of the United States dying from a developing pandemic will send shockwaves throughout the world and cause people to instantly lose faith in the government.

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Based. Fuck that kike

oh we would, but you fags like to act SO morally superior when you're just as shitty when it comes to disdain for other politicians

Sounds good to me

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I'm no leftist. Just don't get uppity about the other side doing exactly what you do on a regular basis.

They get to keep their jobs in the mainstream media when they do it. We have our bank accounts taken off us.

Trump is immune. They're not using Looking Glass for no reason.

Pence is NOT immune. He also got an envelope.

>Trump and Pence die
Hello there Madam President

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Sanders doesnt need to die, America unironically needs National Socialism

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kek you claim the powers of the chaos lord but really we all know, digits or not, house speaker pelosi will take office after pence dies. it is foretold.

Lmao last night was a complete fuck up, he doesn’t give a shit about whites, he only wants re election

I’m still going to vote for him even though he hasnt delivered on pretty much anything

Plus fuck pedos I want to hang biden in my backyard

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Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry, along with 2 other congress kikes flew to Iran for a sekrit meeting to undermine Trump's Iran policy. ALL of the people they met with in Iran are either dead already from Wuflu or are currently sick.

Nancy is infected. is John Kerry and two others.

That's why she was all butthurt Trump didn't go to her Irish thing--she had big plans.

She's 80---RIP nancy.


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I'm cheering for it too. Fuck the orange clown and his possy of retarded henchmen. Fuck all the dumb retard cultists here that enable him. Fuck (you) too for replying to this post.


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All the Bernie shills can't pimp him anymore on Yas Forums, and I guess it's easier being anti-Trump here than unironically pro-Biden.

That isn't news. Reddit is always more than happy to throw the world into a woodchipper for "woke" points. Stop posting shit from reddit you dumb kiwi, no wonder people leave NZ off of so many world maps.

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Unironically based.

so reddit fags finally admit to being just as radicalized as incels here on pol

>jew puppet trump dies to disease he called a hoax ~2 weeks ago


Fyi Yas Forums is reddit. They admit it in the links in that /qa/ thread. Fuck you guys. Youre all fags here.

Or he doesn't die.

Yeah, I'm thinking that's going to happen.

>All these anti-Trump threads and posts.
Shut the fuck up nupol.

Every man I know that drinks diet coke never gets sick

>vpn kike posting

I get sick drinking that shit