Every single young person in their late teens/early 20s appear to be hardcore socialists nowadays, who also often despise their homeland, their culture and their people. Yas Forums, how can we increase the popularity of Nationalism throughout our youth?
We’re Losing The Culture War, Aren’t We?
By having all the boomer politicians die. If you're an asshole that wants to infect, point your sneeze towards them. Better more nationalistic leaders will replace them and restore order
Then why are the teachers freaking out that 1/3 of the boys are right-wing extremist white nationalists with Yas Forums-tier talking points in history class?
>Every single young person in their late teens/early 20s appear to be hardcore socialists
So just convince them it wouldn’t work without nationalism.
>who also often despise their homeland, their culture and their people
I don't have any of these things. Is this something I'm too American to understand?
IDK. But fucking hip-hop and rap... Anyone who listens to it even a little is lost to me...
It doesn't matter if mainstream culture heads down the death path.
As the roman empire died, mainstream culture became toxic and infertile.and the government became insolvent.
Christian separatists were the only ones who survived for the next 1500 years and from them high culture reemerged.
Yeah. There's a reason liberals and capitalists get along so well, and Western socialism is not socialist: it's code for "conforms to the herd and wants to be good and cool".
>checks flag
>counter-signaling on Yas Forums
Yup,OP checks out
Gr8 post bruv,10/10
I H8 Yas Forums now
Not in the long term, no
They all consume pure mass media. Brainwashed.
People under 20 are super obsessed (brainwashed) with this tiktok shit... the dopamine rush of cringe music and cringe dance has destroyed the youth. We are totally fucked.
Alright bro, I'll let you in a little secret which isn't actually secret at all, but is never repeated by either mainstream media nor reactionaries.
You simply cannot have economic growth and technological advancement without social change. It just can't be done, it's like trying to swim without getting wet. The conservative serves a lost cause, and the "regressive" serves a downright evil cause, because he'll commit the greatest crimes and cause untold suffering in order to, at most, delay the inevitable. While you can argue, with very good reason, that not all social change is good, trying to stop it without that in mind is bound to be a destructive act which will make things worse for literally everyone.
20 years ago donald trump would have been considered emblematic of the worst of leftism with his nigger tier pussy grabbing,
5 kids with 3 women, rape charges, draft dodging, silver spoon new york values, etc
now he is a conservative icon. we are definitely losing the culture war.
It will get bad before it can get better. It's a dirty job, but getting out into social media and debating people is the most sure way to flip the coin. You will walk before you can run, but in due time you'll get better at it and have official statistics at hand to show normies. Don't get mad or petty when debating. Reading ancient philosophy can help you with improving your skill, but it will take serious commitment and patience. Above most of all: Don't pour more into the cup than the cup can hold. You might have an urge to talk about this and that, but most normies can only swallow small pills at a time. For highest efficiency, make sure to package your message like a meme, but not necessarily with humor. Just something that's easily to remember and pass on. The butterfly effect will do the rest. 13% blacks do 50% of crime is a classic example. Many memes of 13/50 have been done, so much that some social media have banned it as hate speech. Matters not. The war is a rolling stone and every meme shot down is a battle won, so long sympathy can be gotten from the public when they do so. Pepe is such an example. Not many young people can see the reason in Twitch banning our beloved frog, yet when casually brought up in conversations, it will serve as a spring board for further red pills about why they do it.
God speed, anons.
(you) missed.
If you tolerate this
than your children will be next
Absolutely right
Nice whitepill thoughts user BUT the big issue for most of us is (which is embarrassing to admitt), WE don't want to be ostracized by our cuck society, lose our jobs etc because we spoke our mind... fucking HELL. All we can do is be greymen, and in the meantime try to redpill our friends and family.
the one to reset things have arrived it is now up to you to seize the opportunity after she passes through
Based retard
You obviosuly do it anonymously, no real name or indentifiable data. Setup new accounts for this. Do it a few minutes a day and it will turn into a fun hobby.
I see a lot of my friends becoming degenerate hedonistic freaks and it breaks my heart, but there are a 30% that work out, don't simp and all of our social gatherings consist of music, talking, boxing, and monopoly, it is 200% more fun than going out, drink a gallon of cheap vodka and try to make out with thots, trust me, gen z is going to save the planet
Its hard to do when our ideological enemies are in all facets of power. Its an uphill battle. But I truly do believe that truth prevails in the end.
True lmao. Just look at any teacher subreddit.
White boys perhaps, not the other half.
>implying I'll have kids
imagine bringing even more people into this hellfire of a world.
Holy fucking based
Good point. We cant stop, we can not give up. Get your closest friends redpilled, and get put bushcrafting, hunting/fishing, and permaculture. Reduce need for money, user.
>So just convince them it wouldn’t work without nationalism.
Quite hard to do considering the amount of cognitive dissidents surrounding the left because of (((them))).
Lucky. It seems to be a big problem here, unfortunately. Everyone I know seems to agree with Labour’s far-left, anti-white propaganda.
>Then why are the teachers freaking out that 1/3 of the boys are right-wing extremist white nationalists with Yas Forums-tier talking points in history class?
I really hope that this is true. Got any source?
Fuck off, kike.
>They all consume pure mass media. Brainwashed
>Hegelian Dialectics, not personal animosity.
>Now he is a conservative icon. We are definitely losing the culture war.
Zionists don’t count, user.
Most of the kids at college (shitty Leftist run inner city sinkhole) are openly right wing and they don’t give a fuck who knows, they mock the police with their bullshit that white boys are the danger in the UK. The “refugees” and migrants we get don’t magically turn libtard and a few have been expelled for openly hating on Jews and telling their blunt reality.
It was lost in 1776.
Because criticizing open borders is now Nazi tier. People have shifted so far left that moderate left is now extreme right
No but we're at an important battle right now. Lefties dont need you to join them they just need you to be silent. And so long as they can get you fired for your political beliefs; they will keep you silent. People are going to have to start sueing employers for violating their civil rights when they get fired over politics if he want to win the battle.
Art that is within the public, generally in reference or in idolisation of your nations past historic heroes and great people.
That's just simply not true. Talk to any person under 18 and you'll see
We don’t care about the other half.
20s here. Nobody my age or younger fucking votes, and those that get older turn right. You're fine. In fact, the pendulum is swinging faster and faster. Won't be long now.
Racialism is almost impossible to promote. Even when presented with obvious reality. FFS research scientists academics are losing their jobs even if just mentioning racial differences to any degree in passing.
>Cognitive dissonance
Wrong, we have our own subculture. In terms of metapolitics it’s good to be the subculture. Let it grow, develop, and evolve, a real intellectual environment is developing in the chans, Twitter, and message boards like TRS’s BANG. Being black pilled isn’t useful. They cannot coopt the dissident sphere.
If someone could send me a link to one of these posts it would be appreciated. I could use a good laugh but looking through reddit is like sifting through a garbage dump run by transvestites.
Thats not loosing, makes way for National Socialists, Hitler started as a Communist with Kurt Eisner, never forget he was in their lair as a young man who entered Politics fresh off the battle field not knowining the left vs right, he was a child, who led Germany to greatness, never forget many ogf these young Leftists know only Leftism, once you show them the other side they change quickly, we winning, we red pilling.
>All we can do is be greymen, and in the meantime try to redpill our friends and family.
This works very well. It takes a long time but it is worth the effort.
You solve the problem by letting them get real, hard jobs I.e. construction, line work, industrial support and logistics, etc; and letting them look over their pay stubs to see that between all the different state and federal taxes they only get half. Their minds will change super quick. Works every time.
Socialism only works when it becomes nationalist. If they ever get power they will fail colossally to do anything until they realize this. I wouldn't worry, "opinions" seem immutable until they change very very very VERY fast
We need more strategy like Casapound (nationalists) did in Italy:
using for example punk/rock music to gain the youth.
>OP is a phoneposter
Reminder to instruct OP to KYS
>Every single young person in their late teens/early 20s appear to be hardcore socialists nowadays, who also often despise their homeland
The only thing my homeland stands for is immigration, brown people, anti white hatred, Chinese money and being pro LGBT
Why wouldn't I hate it? What's to like?
Good, we only care about the whites
We must all become cultured thugs/right wing beatniks. Lift, Read, make connections, get a job in the trades. But always keep learning
>We’re Losing The Culture War, Aren’t We?
No. We already won. If you grew up with pokemon, twitter and facebook, the number in your generation are 50/50 between lefties and cons. If you grew up with youtube and tiktok, you are overwhelmingly conservative.
The overall mechanism that happen is the following :
If you tell a person that racism is bad, they will agree with you.
If you tell a person they are racist, unless they are depressive and consider themselves trash, they will consider that being racist is not that big of a deal (independantly of actually holding racists beliefs). They are a good person after all, so racism must not be that big of a deal, right ?
The younger generation have been literally brainwashed by MSM that they are evil while finding like-minded people outside of those medias. FFS even PewDiePie is dropping redpills now.
The culture war was lost in 1789. You were reminded of this in 1918. You were further reminded in 1945. How many more reminders do you need, OP?
>White boys perhaps
That’s the whole point.
Here ya go fren. Not all hope is lost. The lefties are scared, and their propaganda would be meaningless if we were to be losing.
Corona will show red pill the hard way
People can choose any economic system they want for all I care. We just need young people to be socially conservative and understand whites are headed for extinction.
Or any kind of music. The fash wave scene seems to be growing. Any kind of art that has a RW message...more than anything we need poets and musicians!
Eh, I don't feel lucky to not have a culture/homeland/people. It's tough being a rootless white mutt.
Middle school history teacher here. There are very few there who are clearly aware of what is going on. Their questions on current politics are often far-right tier. I saw 1/3 of the class doing the Roman salute in civics class several times. Too bad most of the other students are faggots and degenerates. Breaks my soul seeing 6th graders smoking cigarettes and playing loud Czech rap music outside. How did we get to this point?
They are fake socialists. Nothing like Russia or communism with Chinese characteristics.
If that happened, you leafs would become Yankees overnight. Canadian nationalism is an oxymoron. Canada is as fake a country as Manchukuo: that's why English Canada seethes with jealousy over Quebec, because 'em frogs actually have a culture. All English Canada has is just bootlegged Yankee media that they pozz up to make "Canadian" and Canadian shit no one watches or cares about. Think about it logically. Canadians watch American movies, are fans of American sports teams, listen to American music; you can't even win that shiny cup anymore because no one wants to play in shitholes like Deadmonton, Attawa and Winterpeg. Your best and brightest flee en masse because Canada is a boring, frozen shithole with nothing to do. You have pedophiles running rampant in your streets because you're scared of infringing upon "their" rights: hell, Deadmonton is practically undergoing a pandemic of sexual violence, especially against children - speaking of which, Sherwood Park media even conspired to cover up some judicial hijinks over one such case and no one said a word because Leaf "men" are the biggest cucks on the planet. Couldn't even have any security in your schools, so that girl in BC got stabbed like fourteen times, and nobody cared about how the fucker could just walk in and kill her because, as said, Leafs are cucks. You whine about those blockades and even have some Failbertan rednecks "dismantle" one, but the Tori Stafford shit? Not a peep, hardly anything. Countless examples of judicial corruption (Homolka, Williams, et al) and not a single thing heard from Leafs. Worst then Swedes and Brits combined: Canada is Patient Zero for everything wrong with the West. I say annex Diet America to the US, let Quebec go on its own, and let whatever happens, happens.
>socially conservative
I've read a lot of young people actually are becoming so and that they're rejecting the status quo en masse. I don't think it's as hopeless as some anons fear.
Just because you see that on twitter doesn't make it true.
>How did we get to this point?
Because your fellow teachers (assuming you're not just playing make believe) sold them out to the highest bidder + parents couldn't care less and don't really mind them being degenerates as long as they don't raise a stink that could embarass them in front of their peers.
We would all be better off if people realized Reddit, Twitter, etc aren't representative of society as a whole.
Culture war is secondary to the ability to fend for oneself. You can't eat high minded ideals. We lost our prosperity today, what was left of it after 2008. The upside is that there will be a guaranteed swing back towards conservatism and anti-globalism. The downside is that it's the second Great Depression, starting now.
>Canada is Patient Zero for everything wrong with the West.
Yep. Tolerating Quebec keeping their language and culture should never have been allowed. Its what got multi-cultural-ism in the door really.
Ontario does have a culture though, its Lucifarian. We literally have public compost bins called Moloch and our national make-up brand and radio stations advertise with barefooted pre-teen boys.
Sadly that is the case in the school I work at. Majority of the teachers are hardcore leftists. The closest person to my political beliefs is a moderate right-wing boomer. He's just overweight white trash though. The older teachers are quite apolitical or hardcore pacifists. Few months back I heard one old female teacher went on a 30-minute rant about how someone wrote "Do not come to our country or we'll kill you" on a mosque.
Well Saturn is moving into Aquarius in 11 days!
That's cute
Demoralization thread
Hide and move on
Nigger (((by proxy))) influence on society. It's fuckin everywhere. Now it's globohomo shit. All the women look and act like nigger drag queens it's gross.
Nationalism is good but too often its politically conflated with and used by the rich in political coalitions.
People tend to grow up.