Reminder that if we didn't eat animals there would be no covid-19 in humans. Maybe it's time the world went vegan

Reminder that if we didn't eat animals there would be no covid-19 in humans. Maybe it's time the world went vegan.

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Veganism doesn't cure scientists making bioweapons.

or maybe its time for you to fucking kill yourself, how about that you faggot.

Do keto diet.


Vegan food is terrible for you immune system, that's why vegans all look like they have AIDS.

You're gonna die, OP. And I'm stacking deenz and vienna sausages.

This. There's literally no point in eating animals in 2020. We can get all our required nutrients from plants, beans, nuts. Only fat americanoids oppose this because they want to stuff their faces with lard and appease their grocery meat kike overlords

We’ve been over this. Mechanical planting and harvesting kills between twenty and thirty thousand small mammals per acre, every year. These animals are not instantly killed with a captive bolt gun, but they are crushed to death in their shallow burrows or ripped to shreds by whirling blades. Their atomized gore ends up permeating every single pulse, grain, bit of rice you eat. Unless you believe that somehow a cow’s life is worth more than a vole’s or a rat’s, which is totally stupid thinking as I’m sure you agree, you’re causing more suffering and animal death than if you exclusively ate beef, where you could easily kill only one cow per person per year.

It’s not the meat industry that kills the most animals per year. It’s big grain and onions.

No, only a sick freak of a vegan would eat grains and pulses and beans. It’s absolutely cruel! This is why, as an actually ethical vegan and not just a slave to big grain, you shouldn’t eat mechanically harvested crops of any kind. Imagine this little animals getting crushed, mangled, their guts spurting out in wormlike coils as they are crushed, entire families of them! Tiny little baby bunnies and voles, their eyes just opened for the first time, and the only thing they EVER saw was their poor mommy’s skull getting smashed and her brains coming out, right before that onions harvester kills them too.

Vegan people are sick freaks and they’re in a Satanic death cult - lying and saying they’re saving the planet when their basedbean hunger is deforesting the Amazon and they deal much more death than a strict carnivore. All the while lying to themselves and everybody else.

Veganism is positively Satanic unless you do it like the Jain.

I'd tell you to KYS right back, but you already are.

Cope fatass

Don’t let the carnists in this thread bring you down.

You are what you eat and I'm made of meat.

not true, one of main vectors for nepha virus is bat saliva on fruits

just fuckin cook the meat nigga
but yes, eating too much meat is bad for you unironically
im the least vegan fag
but 95% of the shit on the shelves is full of acetones, some mixed bone marrow wastes and other trash
only buy from you local butcher you trust, costs more,but you get quality shit

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we cant go vegan, the european biology does not allow for such a thing. Perhaps we can stop feeding on the most sacred of animals, on cows, but even Krishna said that we should enjoy the milk products that cows make.

But he mentioned that if there is no other way, like in a famine, one can eat animals. But I thought that perhaps since there is great amount of proof that we as europeans need animals for nutrients, somehow we should still eat them.

There are also some races, and some blood types that can even go 100% carnivore. The morality of such things then, I at least do not know.

Meat has fat in it, lard boi

>We can get all our required nutrients from plants, beans, nuts.

your actually retarded to believe this plants factually don't contain nearly as many nutrients as meat has and certain nutrients can ONLY come from animal products beans destroy your gut.

I’d rather get sick than eat only plants

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Reminder that if we didn't keep livestock our water would be contaminated with coliforms because animal products are used for public safety.

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What do you think brains are made of?

people actually believe a rotten bat or some shit created a virus
cant tell anymore if you are just stupid or glowing on purpose for the shekels
good job mossad

saturated fat is healthy and essential i try to consume as much fat as possible daily and my weight has been the exact same for over a year i'm probably skinnier then you are faggot.

This argument never works because you will always have to grow more food to feed cattle than if you just grow the food directly for yourself. So you would still kill more mice and voles growing cattle feed than just growing veggies

>vegans are so cultic that they have dreamed up a world where veganism is "normal" and all meat eaters are the real cultists
carnist is a very interesting neologism, it's mental illness personified

Are you seriously this fucking retarded

The only virus facility in china is located 300 meters away from the "bat soup market" btw

Ha get bent fucker I only eat meat no rabbit food for me

Nope, grass fed + wild caught seafood + hunting. We've been over this. And aside from that, meat eaters don't MIND killing animals. Vegans, on the other hand, claim that they're not killing when in reality they really are.

One grass fed cow can feed a person for a year. On the other hand, to eat for a year you're killing thousands of little tiny baby animals! Grass fed beef, lamb (all lamb is grass fed), and seafood eaters will always kill fewer animals than any vegan.

Look to the Jain if you want to decrease "harm." Veganism doesn't actually do it, you're killing MORE animals than your average "carnist." Who, by the way, doesn't mind killing. But you claim to, yet you're lazy so you keep on killing.

Eat a turnip you faggot, onions is killing the fuzzies.

Fuck Jannies... a 30 minute ban for what? Fuck vegans. If everyone went vegan deforestation would be 1000000 times worse.

But mostly fuck these jannies.

No. Vegetarian isn't too bad mind you. Especially if you can get a good source of dairy, i.e. Jersey or Buffalo milk.

Do you not know what grazing is?
You disperse a nice variety of seeds over a lot and then you let the cows/goats/sheep/whatever eat whatever they want on it whenever they want. It's like a buffet.
Or hell, you could give them the Wagyu treatment, feeding them beer and giving them daily massages. Sounds a lot fucking better to me that being eaten alive by wolves.

I could hear your chins flailing against each other as you typed that, and saturated fat is not good for you, you absolute retard. Enjoy your heart attacks and high cholesterol

Vegan jannies are ass mad that there's no good vegan survival food. They're malnourished and their shipments of HRT drugs aren't coming because they're all made in Europe and China.

Funny enough is the fact that us whiteys are the only ones you can lecture and demonize about this.
If you try and lecture the chinks on their substandard health codes and disgusting eating standards you’ll be lynched by an outrage mob of bleeding heart neolib faggots and ethnics alike.

It's not working, peak vegan was like 5 years ago, the number of vegans is actually going down as more and more people have damaged their health with this insane fad diet.

The new trend is keto, carnivore, paleo. Vegan food is actually losing shelf space to products catering to these new and healthier diets.

>legume milk
>tofu paste

>grass fed jerky
>butter coffee

No thanks, a lot of faggots like you have HIV.

Bunch of s o y cunts.

I will continue to eat meat until I die. I'm a predator and so are you. It's only our comfortable times that allow you the delusion that you're better than that.

dont even try, Yas Forums is hopelessly bluepilled on the matter.
veganism is far to difficult a redpill for the retards on this board

Who is "we"? Chinese are eating roadkill. No one else is. If china just ate domesticated animals there'd be no wuhan plague either (assuming the official story)

The lack of omega 3 might make them too stupid to be able to do it.


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your regurgitation of bluepills illustrates my point perfectly, thanks

yeah I can see how that's true

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>Mechanical planting and harvesting kills between twenty and thirty thousand small mammals per acre, every year
No it doesn't. Stop repeating idiotic, obviously nonsense lies. All it does is perpetuate the cycle of having more vegans come and debunk your bullshit. Just hide and ignore vegan posts.

I'm not the vegan faggot here, you are, faggot.

Ok fatty

Maybe it's time you eat my ass

>(all lamb is grass fed)
Nope, virtually all US lamb is grain finished. That's why it tastes so bad that everyone from Europe, NZ, Australia, etc comment on it when they travel to the US.

>no point

The point is that its tasty, bitch.

>muh b12

actually do some research im not gonna spell it out for your but youre fucking dumb

>heres another false perspective bluepill

thanks for doubling down on proving my original assertion

Veganism is in decline. It's a fact. You peaked with peak SJW, back in 2014. It's literally over and rapid aging will rid us of you soon. Your wiry frame won't handle the virus well, heck most vegans drink warm water instead of cold because it drops their body temperature dangerously.

You're doomed, you dumbfuck faggot. And since most vegan faggots are big city dwellers you've probably already been exposed.

Post your arms

>let me just unload the rest of my retarded bluepills

like i said, this board is to fucking bluepilled on the matter, youve illustrated it almost entirely, thanks

Like I said, you're doomed because you're a scrawny, weakened cuck. It's OK, if the virus doesn't take you out the rapid onset aging will.

Also it's interesting to note that the term 'vegan' is not regulated at all, you'd be surprised at how often animal products make it into vegan food, or products processed with animal products. Like sugar.

>I have no argument but you are dumb because I can't refute you

I don't think so. Fake meat is following consumer trends. The industry will be worth billions.

>false assumption bluepilled perspective, again

kek, if youre really interested, do some actual research instead of buying bluepills on Yas Forums... or even check the archive where ive laid out all the research hundreds of times

original post best post
non-veganism is past its sell-by date. veganism is superior.

>oy vey stop pointing out that I can't even refute the most trivial argument against veganism