Drumpf is finished
holy fuck
It's nothing compared to what's coming tomorrow.
>Doesn't have a job
>Doesn't have any savings or investments
>Isn't even American
REEEEEEE the stock market.
You'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing. Get help.
3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?
Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.
Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.
Nuke china
This was an intentional bioweapon to spread mass panic and wage economic warfare on the West.
America needs to cull the commies domestically today and foreign tomorrow, with nukes and helicopters.
This. He’s going to go into a panic after seeing that the markets are tanking and do some spazzing shit probably.
Insider here. Screencap this post. London Stock Exchange is about to shut for 14 days.
What happened in 1987?
Crash on american stock market will affect every country on planet just like great depression
time to bail out the banks and corporations who have been hit the hardest by the Coronavirus tragedy.
Digitals confirm that the stock market will crash tomorrow + Trump spazzing out.
blumpf btfo, time for communism and trans rights
nothing burger lol
Positively might I add.
American style debt driven bubbles have been playing havoc with our conomies for nearly a decade. this crash will unironically be a relief, not a curse.
fag-tier burgar faggotry
It should have been number 1 but for (((Reasons))) breakers exist now and they pumped billions of bullshit to keep it from being so.
I'm going to laugh my ass off if the next two weeks we fill in spots 1 through 3 anyway.
ZOGnald is finished
it's projected to pump tomorrow you fucking imbecile
And that was with a 1trillion dollar booster shot
>bail out
Not possible Schluchtenscheisser. Pension coffers were looted in 2008, taxes are maxed out. rise them by even 1% and half the opulation wont be able to pay for food. They well and truly fucked themselves this time.
The american fed just casually printed and burned off more money than all banks recieved in 2008. Its over.
I think it was something with the oil crisis.
T-tired of winning, bros
samefagging your own gay thread
>Dude just magic money in
Nobody's fooled, if anything that made people lose faith in the market
Futures down over 2500 right now.
Sounds like a good time to buy
FTSE up 4% by 10:15
which is nothing compared to whats coming in TWO MORE WEEKS
Hey buddy. Hey. How's your 401K?
You must be a fucking retard
Either that or you come from money and this is a drop in the bucket
do you honestly think Trump is going to let this tank any further? especially with election right around the corner? your low iq is showing kid
And this is after they pumped 500B dollars into it
It is finished
"The virus will not have a chance against us."
Bernie will never be president.
The European markets were already down you shit eating communists, you follow chinks now
Imagine thinking anyone or anything can reconstruct the bubble once it bursts.
Wow you’re a faggot
Only brain dead shills are blaming it all on Trump. The rest of the logical rational normal population knows it's because of the virus.
No one is fooled that you're not a bernout, correct.
>Trump invented the coronavirus
So that's a 401OK?
I only take anons from first world countries seriously lol.
BTW that means I'll be ignoring you for the duration of this thread.
why should i care if some jews lose money ??
what the fuck happened in 1987 educate a zoomer
That trillion will quickly be eaten
>you follow chinks now
the guys that dont need to give a fuck about the stock market because they can make stuff and sell it no matter what happens? Count me in.
All the glorified welfare "service" and "business" faggots are in deep shit.
Buying when they low is retarded?
Or do you believe stockmarket will never recover after retards stop panicing?
It's ogre
And will be worse, thousands of deaths in the imminent weeks
And When Trump dies for Covid in 9 weeks
And Bernie in 5 weeks
You honestly thing dognard blermf is handling this situation correctly? If so you're actually retarded.
Tell me what Trump can realistically do? They already pumped the market with 500 billion and it helped for exactly 14 minutes and then it tanked lower than before.
dilate shill fuck
>Biden lives out of all of them
Truly the bleakest timeline, we fucked up somewhere, go back.
There isn't anything he can do now, that's the point. His time to act was two weeks ago.
He's got the virus dude.
Pull your head out of your ass.
What can Trump do? Ask the Fed to put more money into the economy to keep the bubble from bursting? Guess what. They've already done that and this is where it is.
The shit has hit the fan which is why trading is halted and when it opens back up it's only going to continue in this direction.
Trump is winning the election by default because Biden is a senile pedo. He'll just blame the crash on China and Fed.
Really, the other dude is a shill? Get Trump's cock out of your mouth before you catch Corona from him.
If the bodies start piling up, I really don't see how Trump wins reelection. He's lucky that Biden seems to be the nominee, and he's even more senile than Trump, but I think the panicked hogs that make up America will go for whoever promises to "fix" this without already showing that they've failed. This decade is shaping up to be one of the worst in a while, buckle up.
You're a fucking retard. There isn't anything he can do. They just announced 1.5 trillion in repo contracts and it did barely anything. The interest rates are already rock-bottom.
no refunds tranny freak
Shut the fuck up /ptg/. Nobody likes you.
OFFICIAL hidden Yas Forums discord
discord gg xFuuSTZ
it has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down
Still seething over a woman nobody even likes. Your boy is failing hard, just like he's always done.
Trump does not deserve full blame for this wipeout, but he shares the blame.
Pushing through a stimulus tax cut with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell while the markets were already artificially high was irresponsible and unwise.
Fed chair Jay Powell will not be treated kindly by history for his role in lowering interest rates and pumping when he should have continued raising rates as his predecessor Janet Yellen did.
Trump does not deserve full blame for this wipe out, but he shares the blame. Pushing through a stimulus tax cut with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell while the markets were already artificially high was irresponsible and unwise. Fed chair Jay Powell will not be treated kindly by history for his role in lowering interest rates and pumping when he should have continued raising rates as his predecessor Janet Yellen did.
No, germanon. You're finished and so are we all
Still higher than Obama's
kike banking is doing this
kike banking
kike bioweapon
kike banking is completely worthless they fuck you over when things are good and stab you when things are bad
kike banking needs to be removed completely
a western non kike real money bank would be strong enough to help right now, instead we got these fake back stabbing worthless enslaving kike banks that kick you when down
FUCK THEM burn it down we will build something better from the rubble
filthy kike rats