This post has been spread around recently and it's getting a lot of attention.

The claim is, this biological process is not only what (((they))) are guarding as their greatest secret, but also, that this process could actually help cure and heal peoples bodies through this pandemic.

>The Sacred Secretion
>Originally an Egyptian, Greek and Indian known truth.
>The basis of Hermetecism and sexual alchemy.
>The spleen creates a germ every so often and the brain creates fluids
>if you raise your energy by meditating, yoga, relaxing, eating really good and exercising over a 3 day period every month, you will increase your immune system, clean your body and stay healthy and live longer
>The philosophers stone, the pineal gland, the fountain of youth, etc
>the greeks called this secretion "Khristos"
>The Jews are responsible for hiding it

>Genesis 32:30 - So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."
>Pineal Gland
>33 Rungs to Jacob's ladder = 33 bones of the spine
>33 degrees of freemasonry based on the 33 years of Jesus' life

>Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles
>12 tribes of Israel
>12 signs of the zodiac
>Zodiac = the human body = Adam Kadmon = Adam from Genesis
>12 cranial nerves
>Spleen creates this germ once a month depending on your sun sign and the moon


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Other urls found in this thread:

Furthermore, their sources are from a microbiologist and biochemist named George W. Carrey. Looking into this, Jim Carrey also talks about the EXACT same process in this video. Thoughts?

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If nobody can refute this then either this is bullshit or all of you are close, but misinformed.

Based on the research I've done the past 2 days, I'm willing to bet it's the latter.

Attached: 1581692576763.jpg (640x640, 95.53K)

It was believed by many freemasons and old religions, dating back before Christianity, that the moon controlled some semblance of our minds. (t. Manly P. Hall)

The moon goes through a zodiac sign every 3ish days. We are affected by the moons energies at all times, and the mind is basically a radio tower that picks up on its signals.

If the moon controls tides and earthquakes, it's stupid to assume it has no effect on us

Also, Monday when the market dropped, it was a full moon in Virgo, the angel constellation

>inb4 the planets have no control over us at all
Explain gravity then

Attached: 1566129175773m.jpg (928x1024, 112.08K)

Rungs to Jacob's ladder = 33 bones of the spine
degrees of freemasonry based on the 33 years of Jesus' life

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 4.29.56 PM.png (567x626, 90.4K)

There are many sources on this

Look up "The Book of Aquarius" written by user

[Pic is calcified pineal gland]

Attached: 1566403369484.jpg (620x340, 20.02K)

Is this shit a Tim and Eric skit? Wtf is this.

Attached: 1583378735335.jpg (143x167, 5.7K)

heres 4 base Gematria ciphers
its really two ciphers forward and backward

Attached: Gematrinator Base Ciphers.png (1280x800, 819.39K)

Please explain?


No, this is the world you live in. Do some research.

I literally downvoted this video and thought it was bullshit. What got me was the "spleen is the center of the immune system part"

Turns out, that's TRUE. It used to be called "the manger" by the greeks and it is LITERALLY the HQ of your white blood cells. It is also connected to what the Indians call "the solar plexus chakra". Solar plexus like the sun, as in the Son, as in Jesus.

The germ is literally Jesus Christ

Attached: 1581691180216.jpg (360x446, 53.73K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 4.37.14 PM.png (569x382, 68.56K)

what you are looking at is a gematria cipher.

here is 47, the reverse of 74

Attached: 47 144.png (895x624, 296.92K)

Attached: 137 Square and Compass.jpg (320x240, 24.35K)

Attached: 33-Sacrifice.png (780x592, 201.85K)

Based as fuck

Post more

in Gematria... letters=numbers

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 12.50.34 PM.png (535x661, 125.08K)

All timelines are unironically converging. We're about to enter a new paradigm that humanity has never witnessed.

Attached: 25-SB51.png (1049x593, 396.58K)

Attached: 17-Kill.png (663x254, 78K)

Attached: 23-Death.png (747x296, 54.28K)

I miss these threads
Thank you!

Attached: contrailscience.com_skitch_skitched_20130312_170814[2].jpg (788x508, 119.24K)

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Attached: 113Lies.png (849x243, 36.44K)

Your end is near

fuck sake the cure is mega dose vitamin c and ozone therapy. good luck asking god for help.

Take your meds, or don't I don't care either way. Just stop shitting up the board.

Your head is full of Jewish nonsense.

>The most important video you'll ever watch
>Literally 0.0001 seconds in, comes the cringiest incel I've ever seen in my life

any questions that thisdoesnt answer?
Are we all aware now where these numbers come from?
Still need to learn more numbers?
Play with the calculator
learn the 4 base alphabet ciphers

to do it in your head just do 27-# for reverse ciphers
A=26 in the reverse ordinal so

Attached: 113Lies two.png (935x653, 322.59K)

>Look up "The Book of Aquarius" written by user
>written by user

I think the meds are not enough on this one right here.
Call the psychiatric warden ASAP.

No answers or rebuttals are being given

Why do you think so? Doesnt this board believe the Jews have power? How else do you keep power if not secrets?

Ironically, secrets are ruled by Scorpio, and Scorpio on the Man represents the genitals. Many people in power commit sexual assault crimes

The irony is real. I mean a Yas Forums user, so if you ever have once gotten info from here, you're on the same level

Also plenty of other sources, read above

This is awesome, numerology is a big Jewish thing they use all the time


Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-03 at 11.23.23 PM.png (603x704, 226.9K)

>No answers or rebuttals are being given
You don't deserve any, go back to GLP.

checked pic related

Attached: Zachary K Hubbard 5c.png (1280x800, 333.52K)
4th book of the Bible

Damn u have to eat good
I’m out

this is pseudo-science garbage, mutt

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Attached: Screen Shot 2019-11-04 at 9.05.00 PM.png (1280x800, 611.95K)

>moon sign
You sound like a woman

letting /x/ and r/conspiracy schizos onto Yas Forums was the biggest mistake we ever made

Your medication seems to be way behind schedule.


Take your meds, OP.

Not a single one of you has ever heard of this because if you did, you'd be posting sources to debunk it.

Face it. You've never even heard of this before. You're just scared.

There is NO information mainstream about this, confirming OR denying, yet this information goes back for THOUSANDS of years.

You sound in denial

Jews in the thread

i wonder if they are even people, but then again its always ignored

If we were scared, we'd be grasping at retarded shit like this to save us from corona-chan.

If Yas Forums wants to be super special secret club to change the world still, then they need to dissolve this garbage echo chamber and take real action

There is some real truth to this

>retarded shit
Cuck leaf, I need your source m8

Anything to actually get you to look into it


Mercury was retrograding last couple of weeks, which can explain all these incidents. People acted more retarded than usual. I also felt pretty absent minded. Had way more luck than wits desu.

Take your meds, schizo!

>If Yas Forums wants to be super special secret club to change the world still,
thats why im here

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 11.14.29 PM.png (750x702, 115.7K)

Mercury retrograde absolutley is fucking us in the asshole right now

>inb4 that has no affect on us
Plasmic or Electric Universe Theory
Everything is Electricity (Masculine) and Magnetism (Feminine)
Each planet has these two forces, some more than others (Sun is Electric = Son Jesus Christ / Saturn or SATAN is Magnetic)
Without these planets and their influence, we would have not evolved or be able to have specific functions. Same with the Zodiac, because it's all GOD
Generation (Father) (Brahmin)
Oscillation (Son) (Vishnu)
Destruction (Holy Spirit) (Shiva)

Lolll at the amount of shills in this thread.

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>d-don't believe them! Keep going to church and giving them money! Youll go to heaven! Good goyim!

>Saturn or SATAN
>falling for Yas Forumseddit memes

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go fuck yourself and your retarded kabala shit!

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im 1000% energy on a full moon, explain pls.

Newfag detected