Trump is fucking finished isn't he?

The economy was his number one thing to run on for 2020... Now the US is crumbling under a massive pandemic and looking like the worst economic depression in history.
With how he's acting these days I'm reminded of the last days of Elvis / Nixon tbqh.

There is no way he can recover from this. He won 2016 by about 80k votes over a few key midwestern states. So it was kind of a 'miracle victory' in that sense.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself shill rat.

Ole Joe will pull us through.

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No, he has not done nearly as bad as msm has made it out to be. Has been as proactive as possible. This whole thing is a failure of neolib globalism. They are just trying to pin this on trump as usual

Recession is inevitable and will become official close to the election.

>Has been as proactive as possible.
No he hasn't, he's started being proactive once the horse has already bolted. Up until a few days ago he was on twitter saying 'it's nothing, the common cold is worse' and other stupid shit.
I assume Jared must have cornered him and talked some sense into him or something, but it's too late.

He is literally done. The executive branch needs to be taken over by the military

Imagine what a good position the democrats would be in, if Tulsi was their presumptive nominee, rather than the alzheimers patient or the commie.

When trump won in 2016 I thought trump would turn around to the center like a Reagon. Nope, he just doubled down on divisiveness and pumping his own ego. trump has zero long term plan, zero vision, zero leadership. Muh stocks was all he had besides the racist dog whistle.

Trump ended up being worse than even what people thought. There is literally no reason to vote for this guy in 2020. He has achieved nothing other than fake photo opt shit like "prototype walls" and summits with the DPRK that went no where. And we didn't even get a good economy, just a 4 year shit show. trump is an outdated meme now with no upside.

I said this 6 months ago and people called me a retard. "Running trillion dollar deficits is a terrible idea in a great economy." Now that shit is actually hitting the fan there's not much they can do anymore, Dems may be terrible but Trump is a fucking moron.

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Yeah, the dems shouldn't be running Biden, he's not as unlikeable as Hillary but he's up there.

If it was Tulsi then it would be no contest but apparently they're always going to push a generic neolib no matter what.

What exactly does a recession look like for someone who's already poor?

he'll be remembered as the trump bubble

There won't be any voting because martial law. Trump will stay in power.

Just a few weeks ago Ron Paul pointed this out on Faux News to the squirming host.

“A low C-minus is a tough grade, Congressman. I would maybe give him a B-plus,” Watters countered, quickly getting a second opinion on the record. “Tell me about his economic policy. Why do you stand on that in terms of the grade?”

“Partially I endorse,” Paul said, before praising Trump’s efforts to lower taxes and decrease regulations. But he then ripped Trump for publicly attacking the Federal Reserve chairman in an effort to have interest rates adjusted more to his liking. “You want interest rates designed by the marketplace, not by putting pressure on the Federal Reserve saying ‘Get those rates down!,'” Paul said, before blasting Trump’s failed promise to cut the deficit. “Zero rate interest rates is the craziest thing, ever. It’s not going to work. The biggest problem with that overall is what a lot of people are admitting now. It creates a lot of debt. It’s huge. Just this week, $14 trillion This is unsustainable.”

“Yeah, well, we’ve been saying that for decades, the debt is out of control and keeps getting bigger and bigger. Neither party is going to do anything about that,” Watters responding, blithely contradicting decades of Republican talking points and Trump’s own boasts. “What was the grade — what was the grade for economic policy? You got to admit it’s a job boom, right now.”

“C minus,” Paul said, not biting on Watters’ argument at all.

>Has been as proactive as possible

He's bungled everything by focusing on perception and the market

You democrat kikes are gonna get fucked in november. Watch the bounceback from Corona.

Trump and Biden both will die from corona soon.
>Brazilian Official Who Met Trump Last Weekend Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Less than 2 weeks ago, Obama claimed ownership of the economy, Obama bubble leads to Trump Recovery.

Nice discord pasta, cuck. Voting for Trump ;)


Less than .01% of Chinese are inefected why is this even a story

ok boomer

Republicans truly fucked up by not doubling down on Tea Party rhetoric and nominating Based Paul in 2012.

>shill slide thread
god do you faggots really not have anything better to be doing?

Stay pressed u pussy ass nigga

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I thought you shills said for the last 2 years "stock market isn't the economy"?

Which is it?

Trump is done. His "success" was basically just the stock market, something that he had nothing to do with.

He spent the last 2 weeks trying to convince people ITS JUST THE FLU BRO, because apparently the stock market is the most important thing to this crypto-Jew!

Close the borders you imbecile.

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>you shills
Calling someone a shill for disagreeing with you? Unthinkable!

He still has no new wars, to fall back on.

True to form for a TDS infected closeted communist homosexuals, retards are rejoicing that this is going to be some "finally finally finally here it comes its coming again" defeat of Trump the whole while they don't realize things are potentially so bad they will be in a FEMA camp or in the ground and won't have much time to rejoice that their 13 yo girl emotions have made them waste the last 3 years of their miserable existence.

At least us MAGA have had a good laugh at you miserable miscreants for our last 3...


What would the point have been? He's right but dickless and no leader.

>He spent the last 2 weeks trying to convince people ITS JUST THE FLU BRO,
What's weird is how fast he reversed on that. A few days ago he was saying it was just a flu, and then he's all of a sudden pretending to take it seriously.

Banning travel from the EU is pretty retarded given that it isn't banned from Iran or China fully.

If the Democrats had run a Bernie-Tulsi ticket, Trump would be finished, but since they're running Biden instead, Trump will be re-elected.

Can't really blame him for the virus dude. Jesus christ, what is wrong with liberal babies who are too scared to show their own flag

Minus the one with Iran and the one with Assad, or the one with Cartels.

The Democrats literally wont survive Coronachan.

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You can blame him for mishandling the virus, dude.

One of us!

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Trump is unbeatable.

His opponent is a senile pedophile. There could be a full on depression and trump would still win.

Democrats would have to be in the position of being perceived as the “sane” alternative, in order to capitalize on this global catastrophe, democrats are currently the irrational hysteria party.

Trump and Pence very likely have corona themselves.

Biden is a shit candidate but ultimately Trump is percieved as a complete dumpster fire at this point.

Rigged up economy was so weak a stiff breeze would have crashed it.

>can't blame him for the wind bro

it literally could have been anything with the fake shit propping up this market.

what is even trump's longer term economic vision? oh wait he doesn't have one. Its just short term pump and dump until 2020. But the virus came up and fucked him. So unfair to trump, meanwhile we're all living with the shit he dropped on us.

My vote has remained steady since this event. So, not sure what you are on about shadow nose.

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Nice try

>democrats are currently the irrational hysteria party.
AOC and co are that. Biden is the old guard neoliberal, same as Trump but without the fanfare.

you don't understand this pandemic is a gift for Trump because the economy would crash anyway and now he has the perfect excuse

>You can blame him for mishandling the virus, dude.
You mean the (((Experts))) at the CDC NIH.
You mean the faggot Democrats and Republicans, and Judges that wont let him secure the boarder and stop air travel because its racist.

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His opponents are a former sellout and a guy who manages to be less likeable then the former sellout

At least rich people have a buffer for the hard times ahead.


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> Now the US is crumbling under a massive pandemic and looking like the worst economic depression in history.
I assume the pandemic will be everywhere other than the USA too, so that wouldn't even make Trump look bad in itself.

Arguably that's the rational line of thinking, the US voter base may not agree.

all Trump has to do is reiterate his major positions that make international spread of disease limited

national manufacturing
fuck China

>The economy is finished hurr Durr

Yeah ok. All this pandemic will do is make an undefeatable argument for a massive increase in domestic production of goods since we now see huge over reliance on foreign imports for everything from medicine to weapons. The market will rebound hard as soon as the pandemic waned. Trump landslide 2020. Watch.

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

No, because he has not mishandled it you retard. We were screwed long ago. If trump failed then everyone failed as every leader has done pretty much the same shit and the virus kept spreading

Why are you shills covering for the chinks and others who are to blame?

I'm not trying.

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>With how he's acting these days I'm reminded of the last days of Elvis / Nixon tbqh.
what? what did he do wrong?

I would be more concerned if the Democrats were running someone even vaguely electable. Democrats are about to choose between a man with a Playdough brain but has the support of niggers and an actual unironic Socialist whose primary demographic can't be fucked to actually get off their asses and go vote for him.

You will blame EVERYONE but him. Amazing.

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You poor sack of shit you must believe that Trump is watching out for YOUR best interest and WONT bow down to the banks


>Trump is percieved as a complete dumpster fire at this point.

Iiterally only msm is saying this shit memeflag

Is this shopped? I've seen a few of these videos. There are definitely lizards among us.

Ignored the advice of the CDC and every medical expert for literally months because he didn't want to hurt his stock market.
Up till a few days ago was tweeting that it's just a flu and no big deal.

Decided to take 'drastic action' far too late for it to make any real difference.

The economy is crashing regardless now, it would have taken a hit if things had been dealt with early but ultimately it would have dealt with the virus. Now we're seeing the worst case scenario.


Say the line, cuck.

Lets pretend that Trump created global supply chains and just in time factory supply. The stock market is tanking because if China coughs the rest of the world catches cold. Neo cons and neo liberals laid the foundation for this global economic downturn.

Trump doesn't give a shit if he's reelected. He just does what he does.

Hey berniefag I saw the exact same posts in the saltmine threads awhile back. At least you shills are exposing yourselves

I could have sworn I said this was going to happen back in late January

Market will bounce back after corona blows over which it will long before november.

>he has not mishandled it
He distanced himself from Europe at the worst time possible, that's his fault.
>The lack of perceived conviction from ECB President Christine Lagarde that the central bank is willing to do whatever it takes to help euro asset markets. The remarks “we are not here to close spreads” do risk re-introducing a risk/credit premium into EUR assets and are reminiscent of pouring oil into the fire.
>The lack of coordination between the United States and Europe has never been more evident. The ECB has effectively left the Federal Reserve high and dry.
>This is unsurprising after four years of a protectionist Trump administration. But the president’s admission that he did not have time to contact European leaders (outside of the U.K.) before unveiling his new travel ban was deeply alarming for a Dow Jones that still correlates strongly with global risk appetite.
Also prove you're not a shill for Trump's campaign.

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Still people pouring in from the southern border and in the form of work visas to Indians and Chinese.

>National manufacturing
A total meme, manufacturing is still in recession in the US, it hasn't come back at all

>Fuck China
Trade war went no where near far enough to deal with China. You want to tackle China? That means tackling the big companies who moved all their work there, some of them years ago. Tackle the CEOs and you have 'tackled China'. Until then it's all fucking hot air.

China would be nothing if not for big business from the US using their cheap workers. (THANKS A LOT NIXON AND KISSINGER :^) )

> Voters are so retarded they'll blame Trump for a Chinese created, Chinese spread virus/ hoax's effect on the world economy.
Right around the 37 second mark, judge for yourself.

9 weeks
He will ded

>Banned China within weeks of the outbreak
>Other countries called him racist, now drowning in Corona cases

There is nothing Trump could've done that would've made you happy. There is very little a country can do to stifle this virus (just look at other countries around the world). Just admit you don't like Trump.

No he hasn’t you retard. He never ignored “the experts”. This sounds like a regurgitation of msm horseshit

When did he do any of what you listed?

>Trump doesn't give a shit if he's reelected.
Sure he does.

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>globalism will save us!

>don’t control the borders!

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Dude, it's a pandemic. Panic would ensue sooner or later regardless of what he would do and stock crash would follow and that's the whole point of this shitstorm. You think that Biden or Bernie would handle this situation any different? They'd just do some stupid shit like australian PM did and pour gasoline on this yet small panic fire. There's nothing that could be done about this except for delaying the panic which he did and acting like it could be any different is shareblue tier shilling.

>meme flag
>He's done this time!

Saturday morning cartoon villain strikes again.

He has the highest Republican approval rating in the history of the Republican party and overwhelmingly more supporters than in 2016. No president has had this much loyalty and dedication of their supporters ever. Not even Reagan. And we all know what happened with Reagan in 1984. He won 49 states in a landslide to win reelection and his opponent wasn't a senile pedo. And Trump is doubling the votes Reagan had in 1984
If I had a million dollars I'd put it all on Trump. Easy money

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>trump created corona

No the borders are tightening up. Yeah domestic manufacturing jobs have not increased drastically but some of the new trade laws will hopefully help ameliorate this.

Fuck off chink lover it was China who is to blame

Trump let in over 2 million beaners in 2017 and 2018 because muh business profits. He's a globalist. Accept that you're shilling for him and that there is no need to do so (unless you're being paid).

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Yes. The world is basically shutting down for a month. Even if the panic selling subsides, kikes will look at their earnings report in the coming months and react by cutting workers, and at a time when most can't even afford a car mortgage.

All incumbents are fucked. Only good thing is that we might see even more hitler-esque parties rising in the pozzed parts of Europe

He’s literally done better in all these categories than any of his opponents would. Context and comparison are important.

Never said that.
They will 100% blame Trump for his retarded response to the pandemic though.

Italy is basically a couple of weeks ahead of the rest of us. They just locked down sooner but everyone is going to do that soon.
Normies are still thinking it's nothing but bit by bit the gears of society are coming to a halt. Shops running out of stock, people being quarantined. Work having to run on skeleton crews.

We are in the beginning of the pandemic, not the end. That's what people don't get. They're thinking of it as if it's a typical disaster like an earthquake, where there's one big event and then everyone starts to pick up the pieces, this isn't like that. It's a snowball.

Yes he did.
Go look on his twitter, go look at his press conferences up until about a day or two ago. He was saying that it's just a flu bruh and all that other stupid shit. That's ignoring the experts.

Yet he has the lowest approval rating in the history of approval ratings of any US president.

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He intentionally let in 2 million illegals?

>There is very little a country can do to stifle this virus
Italy and Israel both shut down everything very rapidly (arguably not fast enough but still)

There is no way to stop it outright, I agree, but there are measures that can be taken to improve things. It's damage limitation.

Instead Trump and most governments have done as little as possible and now are reacting VERY slowly.

Lmao you niggers have been saying this for 5 years

I wonder if this just leftists memeing or if some of them actually blame trump for the corona virus

And keep in mind this is WITH the economy doing great. Now that it's in the shitter expect those numbers to decline.

In 2017 the courts were stonewalling most of the new legislation you twat

I can’t believe you ppl are still harping one about these voluntary polls. November will be a hard pill to swallow.

He intentionally let in over 2 million LEGALS. As in "can't be deported".

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>China who is to blame
China is to blame but China would be nothing if not for the US businesses.
Everything I said is true. The chamber of commerce was absolutely thrilled with opening up to China in the 70s. They LOVE all that cheap labor they have there.

China only grew that much because big business from the US wanted to go there to save money. And as a result we're all fucked.

Take down the chamber of commerce if you want to take down China.

fuck you and your picture

kike banking is doing this
kike banking
kike bioweapon

kike banking is completely worthless they fuck you over when things are good and stab you when things are bad

kike banking needs to be removed completely

a western non kike real money bank would be strong enough to help right now, instead we got these fake back stabbing worthless enslaving kike banks that kick you when down

FUCK YOU - burn this shit we will build something better from the rubble

filthy kike rats

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Show me any presidency the last 60 years that wain't run by Pentagon bonesmen

>He's a globalist.

Are legal immigrants not national citizens by definition?

he will win
the only person who could beat him would be someone running an openly anti-semitic platform.

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>Instead Trump and most governments have done as little as possible and now are reacting VERY slowly
Doing something requires stifling capitalism. Kikes would rather see us all die than let that happen

Then I guess he's totally useless then. Nice argument.

Maybe we should vote for Joe Biden and his open satanism instead

Locking down the country like Italy would've destroyed the economy. Worse than 1929.

I agree with you that Trump is probably doomed, but I don't agree that there was any president that could've survived this.

Wrong. George W had far lower and far less voters and stilk won. He's got 2020 in the bag. That's why I voted Biden. Got Bernie out the way now it's easy victory time for Trump.

4 years is literally "overnight" when it comes to dealing with the entrenched laws and policies existent in the US upon Trump's inauguration and years of "resistance" by ensconced power Washington power players

honestly, Trump was always just a pause, never a solution. the only way is real collapse. why do you think stripping self-defence as a natural right is so paramount to the enemies of decent people?

I don't fucking care. Beaners are replacing whites and Trump is letting it happen.

Attached: beaners.png (764x425, 20.64K)

only boomers say this by now

K just wanted to make sure you understood that a nation is not an ethnicity.

Time for president woplosi

>blame trump for the corona virus
Sounds like something someone based like Kek should will into existence.

>looking like the worst economic depression in history.
retard alert

I love cope posts like this. You act like everyone thinks the corona viruse is Trump's fault. Hilarious.

Which ever Demonrat he is against stands no chance, they all have history and a history of failures and policies which people disagree with and even hate. Trump sided with the people and some what followed their will.
The only chance the Demonrats have is to fold the party and rebuild from the ground up acknowledging their past failures and actually helping to follow the will of the people to regain trust.

Did you even look at the graph?

If the concrete data is painting a different picture than the abstract data it could be an indication of problems with how the abstract data is collected or interpreted.

He's a fucking retard that thinks a pandemic is an opportunity to campaign. Just fight for your life idiot.

>a nation is not an ethnicity

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Not a problem. He will just declare Marshall law. Cancel the elections. Arrest and execute Democrats as traitors and declare himself emperor.

you were warned about drumpf etc etc
anyways fuck capitalism, lets move on to a better system socialism

>first muh russians
>then muh impeachment
>now this in an election year
how timely and convenient

Liberals - Let’s make a pandemic a political game......

2 scoops
1 impeachment
1 term

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They can be comprised of multiple ethnicities.