>> The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance. Without Christianity, we should not have had Islam. The Roman Empire, under Germanic influence, would have developed in the direction of world-domination, and humanity would not have extinguished fifteen centuries of civilisation at a single stroke. Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things. The result of the collapse of the Roman Empire was a night that lasted for centuries.
Christianity is the worst thing to happen to this world
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 Hitler was a Catholic!
Newfags read this. It is absolutely based and 100% correct
The Bible is White history.
This has been thoroughly disproven through genetic studies you retarded Christian Identity faggot. CI is just a massive cope
Atheism became popular in the 1900s and look at the world now go figure. Christianity on the other hand dominated Europe for over a thousand years and stayed virtually the same demographically. The Vatican is corrupt like all groups with big amounts of power, but the religion itself has good morals.
>inb4 turn the other cheek
That term was used by Jesus to oppose Jewish authority and the common practice of an eye for an eye, his entire meaning of it was to avoid senseless violence Jesus never meant for people to willingly be abused. He cleansed the temple so obviously he wasn't a complete pacifist like the communists and liberals who have infiltrated the Church have made him look. Society changes religion and either makes it more liberal or conservative it's like that with every religion.
Just because someone rejects Christianity doesn't make them an Atheist you fucking moron. The absolute state of Christcucks.
>What is this God who takes pleasure only in seeing men grovel before Him? Try to picture to yourselves the meaning of the following, quite simple story. God creates the conditions for sin. Later on He succeeds, with the help of the Devil, in causing man to sin. Then He employs a virgin to bring into the world a son who, by His death, will redeem humanity! I can imagine people being enthusiastic about the paradise of Mahomet, but as for the insipid paradise of the Christians!
lmao fuck off
Note the shill wave, and jannies aiding it.
Now note that during shill waves there are always antichristian threads. Hmmm
Yas Forums is a /natsoc/ board faggot. go back to T_D if you don't like it
>In the long run, National Socialism and religion will no longer be able to exist together. No, it does not mean a war. The ideal solution would be to leave the religions to devour themselves, without persecutions. But in that case we must not replace the Church by something equivalent. That would be terrifying!
Nigger the elites ultimately were planning a major face off of Christianity against atheism in order to rid both and bring in the luciferian order.
You are aiding them you twat. The west has rejected Christianity and look at where we are headed. We live in a “post Christian” society now. Enjoy
No it’s not you wignat goof
Very vile response, and vague too. The word of Yahweh either reaches you or it doesn't, I'm simply the messenger unconcerned with your hostile rebuttals. Given your nature you're exactly the result expected, and you'll wallow in your ignorance. Continue to seethe after I post this please, it seems very easy to do so
Race>Religion. Christianity destroyed the great Greco-Roman civilization and set us back 1500 years. The only redeeming aspects were the great Templar Orders which of course was eventually outlawed by the Church. Christianity is a cancer and a mind virus
yeah it is you fucking jewish LARPer
You're praising Hitler who is literally one of the biggest failures in the history of human history. Not to mention the Germans have literally caused every giant fucking problem in Europe. Hitler was literally put into power by kikes and guess what the "almighty savior of the white race" gave Jews the most power they've ever had.
I studied CI shit for like a month straight because James Mason endorsed it. In the end, I completely rejected it because it is PURE fantasy (and also now have a lesser opinion of the SIEGEman)
Embrace your own heritage. Not a Semitic one
typo on history whoops
>You're praising Hitler who is literally one of the biggest failures in the history of human history
So this would mean Jesus was one of the biggest failures in history too
>Hitler was literally put into power by kikes
Imagine actually believing this nonsense topkek. Did a Jewish banker or two donate to the NSDAP? Sure. But to say he was put in power by kikes is a MASSIVE COPE
Varg is unironically right about nearly everything. Although going back to old Germanic religions is a LARP
Sorry that happened, I got into tons of pagan, natsoc, and conspiracy stuff for years before reaching CI. It takes a long time to get the basics down, more than a month, but given what it's trying to prove it takes a lot of material covered. Listen, in the end if you're White you're my brother and I love you, CI or not. That's what CI teaches
that's fine with me. CI is by far the best option if you go down the Christcuck path so I do respect you for that.
imagine unironically using this word
what he said in that tweet is correct, though gitas may have been written at a time where they already started to mix
Found the jew shill
he ultimately gave the jew the power that they have today and was essentially controlled opposition. Christianity is alive and the biggest religion in the world so how did Jesus fail? His message has gone on for over 2000 years. Hitler failed ultimately you're just in denial. Society is to blame for all the degeneracy, communism, and sjws not christianity.
>Listen, in the end if you're White you're my brother and I love you, CI or not. That's what CI teaches
yeah we believe you
you re not just saying that while planning to stab all whites in the back
>he ultimately gave the jew the power that they have today and was essentially controlled opposition
such a brainlet take, I can tell you're a newfag.
>Christianity is alive and the biggest religion in the world so how did Jesus fail
Jesus tried to lead a revolution but the Jews and the Romans rounded him up and crucified him before he accomplished anything. We are only 75 years into Hitler's death buddy. Hitler will eventually win out over Jesus as the most significant man for Western man.
Keep coping though you fucking retard
Yes because not praising Hitler means I'm automatically Jewish? Hitler literally hated Americans I'd rather praise Andrew Jackson who literally killed the (((bank))).
checked. Varg is that you?
who funded Hitler?
Saved, thanks. What christcucks don't realize is that their ancestors didn't willingly accept christianity. The Elites were duped into it and the religion was forced upon the masses. Let's not forget that only the priests knew how to read the bible and used this for their own selfish ends.
Hitler thought America was great until the retarded Yankees thought it would be a good idea to abolish slavery and wage a war of aggression on the South. Hitler's racial ideas and policies literally all stem from America
You are just dodging my points by insulting me, you do realize that before WW2 Jews essentially were at the mercy of whites and after WW2 they virtually control us completely.
>Jesus tried to lead a revolution but the Jews and the Romans rounded him up and crucified him before he accomplished anything
His religion has lasted for over 2000 years and Hitler's didn't even last 20 years. Hitler was preaching the same things that figures have all throughout history his movement wasn't "special or unique".
It's funny how he calls himself Gandalf the white, Tolkien was a devout Catholic, those books heavily inspired by Christianity.
>You are just dodging my points by insulting me, you do realize that before WW2 Jews essentially were at the mercy of whites and after WW2 they virtually control us completely.
provide proof he was controlled op then. and to say that Jews were at the mercy of whites before WW2 shows your lack of historical knowledge. Read up and come back to me when you're ready for a real debate on such historical topics
>His religion has lasted for over 2000 years and Hitler's didn't even last 20 years
Christianity didn't even take hold till like 250 years after Jesus' death.
Admit that you've arrived here after 2018. ADMIT IT
Lincoln never wanted blacks to have the same social or political status as whites he literally stated that and intended for them to always stay below us. He was also extremely anti-bank which no one talks about, and literally had plans to deport the blacks back to Africa which was actually infinitely more better than keeping them in chains here in America. You know also that 40% of Jews in America owned slaves right?
Paganism was worse
Yeah but Gandalf is clearly based on Wotan
Sure Jewish banking families throughout history have had power, but nowhere near the level that they do now. Israel was literally created after WW2 thanks to the massive victim card they received. Besides there are better White Nationalist ideologies than NatSoc anyways.
The Bible is the most important document in Western culture. As a Westerner, by not reading it, not only are you uncultured, you're uncivilized. Barbaric even. Whether people here like to admit it or not, it's shaped Western history for two millennia. And especially in the case of the nations effected by the Protestant Reformation, Bible translations have vastly effected our languages as they are today. Now I'm not saying you have to believe any of it, but you can't truly call yourself a Westerner and/or educated until you've read and studied it thoroughly.
The Bible is the historical story of Israelites/Hebrews/Jews (in Part 1) and the deeds of the "Messiah" and a bunch of letters by opportunistic and subversive kikes (in Part 2). It has nothing to do with Western culture. It is entirely FOREIGN
Christianity has been a white washed so hard over the 2000 years that it has existed that even the original Israelites/Hebrews are practically extinct, the Jews of today literally infiltrated Judaism and made it what it is today, they weren't the original Hebrews/Israelites. Jesus on the other hand was essentially directly from David's line thanks to Joseph his step-dad.
>> The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity
Christian Euro countries were doing very well and even dominated the planet by 1900 constructing bigger empires than pagan whites ever did. Hitler's reich lasted for like 12 years, how long did the HRE last? If christianity is commie bolshevism why werent the middle ages communist and why were the bolsheviks so anti christian? All these quasi nietzschean larpagan "slave morality commies" theories sound good until you open a history book and notice that actual christian europeans were completely unlike what these anti christian authors wrote about them: they were warlike, restless, ambitious, creative, expansive like never before since ~1500 etc.
t. Atheist
cope larpcuck always cope
No one will take you seriously when you espouse shit like Hitler was controlled op and was propped up by kikes so they could get Israel.
>White Nationalist ideologies than NatSoc anyways
such as?
Ok schlomo
It has nothing to do with the history of the Jews as the Jewish people and religion didn't come into existence until after the birth of Christianity, but it does pertain to the Israelites/Hebrews.
But again, what you don't seem to understand, it has shaped a religion which in turn has shaped Western societies, culture, governments, laws, and morality for nearly two thousand years. Purposely ignoring this is foolish and downright ignorant. You can't truly begin to understand what the West is until you've read the Bible front to back and develop a proper understanding of the Christian religion.
the more visually ugly a meme is the more you can see the butthurt from the guy who made it
i could swear this was made by that italian pagan poster who is an admitted gay and hates catholics who hates gays
are you sure you being born wasn't the worst thing to happen to this world?
>It has nothing to do with the history of the Jews as the Jewish people
uh yes it 100% does. YOU don't seem to understand.
did you know that odin literally drinks cum
dilate harder mutt degenerate
All the culture, laws, governments stem from ROMAN civilization you absolute dunce
I swear the huge wave of newfags over the past 2 years has drastically lowered the IQ of Yas Forums by 20 or so points.
Piss on CI and I piss on you.
>t. shitskins itching for muh crusade
Look up his twitter. Varg explicitly claims Tolkien was actually a pagan even though JRR was a tradcath fanatic who wrote abiut his mystical christian expiriences. The absolute state of LARPagans
I wouldn't quickly trust anything from wikipedia or whatsoever, but do read Hitler's Table Talks. He said some interesting things about Christianity. He certainly wasn't one. Though I do must say, however, that no one can know if the contents are 100% true, but David Irving finds it believable, and nowhere does Hitler says anything that Jews accuse him of today, for example exterminating the Jews, only mass deportation, and this was said in private conversations, where he would definitely not hold back his language and true thoughts.
The only counter arguments you can have against the book is that Martin Bormann was allegedly a Soviet spy, but this has never been proven and seems highly unlikely, and one single female American historian doesn't find it believable. Judge for yourself.
he essentially gave the jew what they always wanted without even knowing it.
There is zero genetic linkage between Irish people and the Israelites. To believe such a fantasy means you are willingly deceiving yourself. You're never gonna make it brah.
we told you shalom why dont you answer us rabbi?
I agree about the Irving bit. If he says it's legit then it's probably legit.
the people who rail against Table Talks/Borman are christcucks 99% of the time because they cannot come to grips with reality that Hitler hated Christianity.
Apparently, a soviet spy "Lucy" was passing information to the soviets that only Martin Bormann had access to.
Judaism was born from the teachings of the Pharisees, a sort of reactionary movement to the rapid spread of Christianity in the 1st century. It more properly referred to Pharisaical Judaism, which in turn, gave birth to Rabbinical Judaism which has "blessed" us with the Satan worshiping Jews we have today. To say that the Bible pertains to them at all is again ignorant. Especially considering that the Jewish holy books, the Talmud, have absolutely nothing in common with the Bible.
>All the culture, laws, governments stem from ROMAN civilization you absolute dunce
If you understood history, you'd know this is completely false. But even if we were to take your statement as fact, Christianity shaped the latter stages of the Western Roman Empire for roughly 200 years until its demise at the hands of the Goths and the Eastern Roman Empire for well over 1000 years. The two were practically inseparable.
Ard = ar
>is that Martin Bormann was allegedly a Soviet spy
excuse me what the fuck?