Fuck The Last of Us

Neil Druckmann (a Jew) has forced race mixing, LGBT, feminist propaganda on my favourite franchises.

Druckmann picked a transgender to play an Asian guy in the Last Of Us 2. He made a character from Uncharted 2 into a lesbian. He made Nathan Drake and his brother get beaten up by a black woman. They made Nathan Drake’s a female.

These games are literally pieces of propaganda. You are paying $60 to be subject to brainwashing by someone who hates you.

When will people see this? Everyone circlejerks about videogames and the last of us, but they are overrated crap.

Read books and don’t watch TV/play games.

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Mad Max was the last game I really liked. I still do a run through every couple of months.

That was pretty good. The industry is getting worse and worse. Multiplayer is going more monetised, and singleplayer is becoming more more SJW.

Don't buy it then you fucking faggot

You Brits are always fucking crying about some shit, no wonder the alphas left to form America.

I guarantee your great great grandfather had a boyfriend you toothless fucking faggot suck my fucking dick you fat ass pos

That's just an oversight, and you're still gonna buy it.

>Buying (((western games)))
Lmao at ur life

>You are paying $60
I aint paying for shit, this is gay as fuck

Also mad Max was fucking ass but you're Canadian so you're a little fruit by default

>calls brit a faggot for crying
>asks him to suck your dick

Uncharted 4 was kino and he didn't get beaten up by the black woman he was literally cracking jokes and treating her with kid's gloves the entire fight.

Imagine getting triggered over everything and not being able to enjoy video games anymore.

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Stop playing video games. Or at least games made past 2006 (2007 was the start of the pozzing)

you ever look at the things that make you this mad and realize how silly you are

>Also mad Max was fucking ass

>forced race mixing
Fuck off alarmist schizo. Your memes are as weak.

>my . . . franchises

why do you SPEND MONEY on mass produced cattle entertainment brainwash media you cxck?

>they are releasing the multiplayer stand alone

feels good man, i can skip out on the pozzed sequel and instead just get the kick ass multiplayer, the absolute best part of the first game

>you play games written by a jew

>Ask him

I didn't ask him, I told him.

What are you a fucking traitor?

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Yeah, but good thing the multiplayer will be separate so we only have to pay for the multiplayer which might be like $30, and we'll be able to form nationalist factions in it and fuck niggers and faggots up. I hope.

I can get over the poz campaign, it sucks anyway just a ladder simulator. But no factions is retarded.

True, factions was where it was at

jappo garbage fetishist.
of course you will. It will be the flavor of the month
What does Halo 3 and The orange box have to do with this?

Risk of Rain 2 is pretty good. They changed a skin for a character from the tranny colors to something else when trannies started claiming it meant they supported trans shit.

checked but nevertheless jews have written some of the greatest tv shows out there so I dont have any problems with playing games written by one.

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>humanity being driven to extinction
>"wow I'm gay"
Thought that was weird too, still liked the game.
I'll probably wait to pick up the sequel in a year or two once the aftermarket price hits $20.
Btw did you play the DLC? She's proto-gay in that.


Having a hard time understanding the English language Pierre?

Get fucked pussy

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who cares?

Yep, and her girlfriend happened to be a minority despite most humans being wiped out

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're an anti-semite who is PAYING a Jew to play a game where you can pretend to beat up fake characters made from pixels on a screen while the ""'''elites""''' take everything you love from you.

Just Basedny thing "

That’s what they get for being Snoyfaggots.

Not at all. I just don't remember Max having sodomized anyone. I do remember him killing every sodomite in the game however.

this. literary giving money to people who hate you and deserve death.

>hey you know that little girl that the first game centered around protecting because she became your surrogate daughter? she likes to eat muff and act like a bull dike now
fuck off. western developers are all trash. force the same tired shit down people's throats until they accept it. it's a very worn out tactic. it doesn't work because it's inorganic. if you were believe demographics and sexual orientations as portrayed by media are representative of the real world, every other person would be transexual lesbian nigger. it's fucking stupid. nobody gives a fuck about this shit. they aren't fighting for any rights or anything. they are just shoving it down society's throat trying to get them to affirm their degeneracy because in reality, they know what they do is a direct affront to God and will suffer eternal damnation in hell for it. There's a reason I mostly play JRPGs and Japanese games in general. There isn't fucking fag shit in it.

Japan will continue to produce better games than the West and that's just how it is.
Even without Nintendo, there is From Software, Square Enix, Nippon Ichi, (some) Capcom games, SIE, Atlus, and a handful of others.

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Weeb shit and kike buisness model weeb shit. whoopieeeee.

how about you stop playing shitty games and play deus ex and red alert 2

How about play no games, like I stated at the end of my post?

Yep, I saw this when I watched the trailer a couple years ago. I liked the 1st one, but I'm not touching the 2nd. I can't believe faggots out there defend this bullshit.

how about i start reading posts to the end

Some games are pretty good though without that PC bullshit. Call of duty modern warfare 2019 is really good and the campaign is pretty realistic compared to the previous ones.

I'm retired, have my family. I have the time and $ to do what I wish.

Oh shit the polacks fucked up now..

And yet u gaymer fagz will buy day one. Just stop playing their gaynes

It really wasn't a good game. Generic open world shit.

>they are just shoving it down society's throat trying to get them to affirm their degeneracy because in reality, they know what they do is a direct affront to God
1 Peter 4: 4 They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you.

Put me in the screen cap

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For me, it was Medieval II Total War/Bully. Haven't bought/pirated/played new games since. If I feel like playing a game, I have more than enough to last a lifetime, so I'll just play one I already own. Or I just read a book like OP says.

hey man chill

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Because you cannot have a good character in a franchise to survive a long period being good , without some brainlet layman faggot who considers his urges ad fetishes "creativity" that needs to be shoved into other's work because these type of trashmen/women are incapable of creating shit , they only know to add their garbage to the work of another one , like a parasite attaching to a healthy human.

A game of pure fascism. Best $14.88 I ever spent.

>(((Neil Druckmann)))

jews hate us guys, we need to sort them out sooner or later or they'll destroy fucking everything

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I'll buy it anyway
I am a morally weak man and I'm contributing to the Jewish problem by buying propaganda garbage

But well.

kindly kys, shill

Why would you pay top dollar for AAA games? If you wait 2 weeks it'll drop 30%. Wait 2 months and it'll be free! And name me a game that had a sequel worth playing.

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I didn’t buy the first, why the fuck would I buy the second. Get a real game like Pathologic 2

> his favorite franchises are Western PlayStation exclusive movie games

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It's inevitable, user. Look at literature and the so called "young adult" craze. Once something becomes popular, it gets pozzed by the faggots you refer to.

Buttigieg taught me nogs hate queers

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You bought it, you funded them. You KNEW exactly what you were getting and what you were doing. Faggot.

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