It's almost as bad as 2008

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It'll be closer to (Read: "worse than") the Great Depression.

It is worse
Look at the timespans

Except there were still businesses open and people could still go outside. And trade and travel was still open.

This is the GREAT happening. I wouldn't doubt to see martial law in the USA within 2 weeks.

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Thanks Trump

Correct. It might very well be worse.


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A 1.5 Trillion promise couldn't stop the drop!

it's worse because it's not over. The (((fed))) just announced putting another $1.5T into the repo market which caused a quick bump then all-gone, same day.

They literally just made all your money worth 98.5% of what it was yesterday.

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Get ready for 70-80% drop.
This shit is going to near 10k.
Remember that 2008 never ended. It was just printed to a halt and the money printing has been going on ever since.
There's going to be so many compounding problems as things drop it's going to get really ugly.

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Yes, Trump was responsible for the CCP mismanaging the outbreak for months, making containment impossible.
Take your meds.

Whew. But what about the time axis?

Coming to a currency near you!

>Get ready for 70-80% drop.
>This shit is going to near 10k.
I hope so, then buy buy buy

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That'sa bigga bubble.

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>Putting money on the table while they're putting the card deck back in the box

It was inevitable, user.

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well this is a great chance for poor people to invest what little they have, the usa isnt collapsing, they will get rich, i got rich off the recession and ill make bank off this plunge too, yall niggas is gay

Yas Forums btfo

Imagine caring about the market. You're either prepped or you're a retard. There is nothing else.

Can’t wait to buy 3 houses this time.

Just in time for an election too.

Thankfully, Trump still boasts largest unemployment numbers in history. Though I wouldn't put it past certain leftist corporations to do massive layoffs for added effect. Then you have to add the fact that this stock drop was caused by Democrats and liberal media panic over what will amount to a glorified flu, and it will probably because landslide for Trump.

Oh, plus incumbents win during "tragedies".

Finland fell 72% during our bank recession in the 90s and it was devastating.
Basically we had a cheap money debt based recession and now the same shit is unfolding on a global scale, except with even more debt than what Finns had back then.
Unemployment over here hit insane numbers and real estate fell up to 70%. Also about 45 banks were forced to be formed into one giga entity to survive the fall.
I can't wait to see this same craziness happen globally. It's going to present buying opportunities that happen only once in a century.

PRC is intervening in the election to get Trump out of office. We're at war.

everyone is to retarded to realize this desu, fuck the silver investment i invested in brass and lead

Depends on how you look at it. If you look at dollar value, then yes, since the drop is steeper than in 2008, but in terms of percentages, we're still nowhere near - although I'm pretty sure we haven't seen anything yet.

US economy was only a paper tiger after all.

This isnt because of the virus.
This is because of FED manipulation.
Stocks go up
>Banks get caught commiting fraud
Stocks go up
>no war
Stocks go up
>record number of bankruptcies
Stocks go up
Country leaves USD
Stocks go up
>supply chains cut off
Stocks go up

Well, people are finally catching on
Everything is disgustingly overvalued
The casino is shutting its doors
Good riddance

The global economy is fiat currency, user.
The whole damn thing was nothing but paper and computers flipping 1's and 0's.

stocks rise and fall and rise again and fall again... it's what they fucking do...

if you bought stock in Ford at the height of the recession it'd be worth triple what you paid for it

I tried to warn people back in fucking january but no one listened.

BCE didnt do anything for once, thats already a good thing

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3 * 0 = 0

I can only hope we dip that low. Im in a recession proof business and I would like to invest.

>t. Retard

Where were goods consumed by Americans made in the lead-up and during the Great Depression?

>28% drop now vs. 52% in 2008
>Almost as bad

Brainlets please go.

It has only just begun, smoothbrain.

28% in a month vs. 52% in 9 months.

The fed is literally pumping trillions in it to keep it afloat. In 2008 they were caught with their pants down. But 2008 never ended anyway, so this time the ship sinks for real, no amount of stimulation is gonna save this one.

seriously, those that can weather this will make new fortunes when they buy back in.

yeah, but look how much the line went up in between. we're all millionaires now right?


It's going to be a big red dildo down to 90's levels.

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Good fucking joke. "da libs making it look bad1!1". Italy is practically shut down. Ohio schools, a republican state, are now shut down.

Not everything is a conspiracy. Trump shit the bed in his response. It's over. Maybe /ptg/ will finally leave and you stupid fucking cultists will pretend you never supported trump in the first place.

I think this is actually worse given the last few days and the fact this didn't involve Lehman Brothers this time.

>Blaming it all on Trump

It doesn't matter who was president, they would be toast with something like this happening.

Not so fast.

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Investors and bankers are getting the money from weak hands. This is why they are richer than you.

Which makes you think, huh.
These drops are ridiculously large for the circumstances. I smell something fucky.

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A market correction was due for awhile now. We are in a tech bubble similar to the dotcom bubble

the coronavirus was just a catalyst

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>pretend you never supported trump in the first place.

No one actually supports Trump. Everyone knows the guy's a jackass - they just want to troll the libs, that's all. It's basically the political version of a Jim Sterling video on some Steam asset flip - it's low hanging fruit picking at its most inane.

And student bubble, car loan bubble, real estate bubble, credit card bubble...
This is the big one.

I disagree, this doesn't even look like a bubble burst. It seems calculated.

>banks fail
>nothing particular other than scare tactics and oil dump

the fed is a fucking JOKE

And after five years of trying, I finally got to the third interview for a position that would allow me to move back to Colorado and buy 60 acres. Fuck.

You'd be a millionaire if you actually knew. Hindsight is worth nothing.

The something fucky is the whole damn world economy setup like a house of cards [(((financialization)))]

Because it was. The media was jacking themselves off on tv a before the first stock market drop claiming that was was going to be Trump's Katrina.

The 2008 crisis never ended bro. It still ongoing, that's why they have to pump instantly this time.

A bank collapse this time will be a domino effect, a point of no return.

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Hopefully not. Banks have been forced to build up a financial buffer since 2013 in the event of a new crash. They’ll be able to keep lending businesses money and keep the economy going.

i fully expect it to go as low as 2015 levels, and it would still be considered a correction

I thought this crash was so fucking artificial even after the way the media has reacted to the fucking flu. Like those drops are just strange.

I also suspect maybe an eastern reason for the drops.


Almost as fucky as the Canadian government selling all of it's gold before all this bullshit.

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it's only just beginning

As did I. Everyone was all it's just a flu bro

These kinds of drops are where the big money and future billionaires are made.
Also lets the little guy climb up quite a bit with little money.
Problem is that you just need to have that wealth available at the bottom and banks won't give out loans easily.
Real estate auctions are the best and easiest way to make it big.

>Italy is practically shut down
How is that Trump's fault?