Pregnant 19-year-old die trying to climb US wall


>Houston - A 19-year-old pregnant woman from Guatemala died this week from injuries suffered when she fell trying to climb the U.S. border wall near El Paso, Texas, U.S. and Guatemalan authorities said Thursday.

Guatemala identified the woman as Mirian Stephany Girón Luna. Medical personnel tried to deliver her baby, but were unsuccessful, both governments said. The U.S. said Girón was eight months pregnant, while Guatemalan authorities said she was at seven months.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection blamed Girón’s death on human smugglers who encouraged her to try to climb the wall. In a statement, Gloria Chavez, the chief for the Border Patrol’s El Paso sector, said the authorities would work with Mexico “to find those responsible for placing these lives in danger.”

CBP Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan told reporters that Girón and her partner were taken to the border by smugglers and left there in the darkness. They were attempting to climb when she fell. Border Patrol agents reached her and called medical authorities, who took her to the hospital but “tragically, the mother and the child died from their injuries from the fall,” he said.

According to Guatemalan authorities, Girón fell more than 19 feet (6 meters) on Saturday. Her partner, who is believed to have been the baby’s father, eventually found Border Patrol agents who called for an ambulance.

Girón suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, a pelvis fracture, and liver and kidney lacerations. Guatemala says “surgical interventions” could not save her life and she died Tuesday afternoon.

Girón is from Guatemala’s San Marcos department, near the country’s border with Mexico. Her partner remains in Border Patrol custody, according to Guatemalan officials.

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>mexican dies

and that's a good thing.

2 Illegals 1 wall

>19 year old


Pick one

>tries to climb a wall while pregnant
Yeah, she doesn't give two shits about her kid.

ePIC Fail moment

How tragic. The wall did exactly what it was designed to do. Prevent criminals from entering the country. We should tear it down!

Well, didn't.
She's dead now.

Huh? But le news man told me Drumpf isn't building a wall.

...and the child inside her entrails.

Rookie numbers.

It's working. Tax dollars well spent

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Now they call it an "unborn child", yet they pretend it's just cells if it means the mother can suck it out of her pussy with a shredding vacuum tube at Dr. Goldenberg's office

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kek. but actually. free for all gibs from our tax money for the welfare state, handed out to every brown who shows up, is responsible for this woman's death. if we didn't hand free shit out like candy off our own backs this wouldn't have temped this spicette to try and come for the free gravy train.

why do we give gibs to non-birth-citizens to begin with? there is zero benefit. these...people...didn't help their own economy, so why would they be of help to ours? you've all been had. liberal policies destroy the very people they seek to help and protect.

Really.....this is comparable to "pregnant 19 year old dies trying to storm military base". You get what you deserve.

LMAO thank you japan, very cool!


So the wall works? I thought people were just going to dig under it.

The anchor baby shit needs to stop, too. If you're the spawn of illegal immigrants then you too are an illegal immigrant.

That's the whole purpose of the wall
Don't do it

Her fetus isnt human so why even mention it

working as intended. now if we end birthright citizenship for non-citizen parents that would stop this from ever happening again


Based wall. Based gravity

2 for 1 deal making a run for the border.

Good. Fuck Mexicans.

Fuck Mexicans, make YOUR country great already, kill cartel members at sight

Whether or not a fetus is a human depends on the identity of the person responsible for killing it.

>Leftists acknowledge the baby inside only when convenient

clumps of cells, thank you

Is this tax funded abortion?

Came to post this. What's it gonna be, dems? Tragic death of an unborn baby or she just happened to kill her tumor on the way out?

>walls don't work

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Noice. Someone posts something authentically un-PC (an empathetic defense of border controls) and the thread gets replaced post-haste with more obediently hateful dumbness.

Oh so the wall does work without barbed wire. Cool. Still could use a mine field in addition for ultimate scare tactics.

>Pregnant 19-year-old, child die

They call an unborn fetus a child when it serves their agenda.

The writer's name is literally (((Merchant))).

Good. Hope there's more.

>user discovers doublespeak.

why does it say she fell 19 feet when trump said the wall was 30 feet?

>brazilian monkey reading abilities in full effect
Do all of you have zika?

Woohoo. That should send a strong message to the invaders.

>US wall
>picture of a fence

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I dunno, that seems to be doing it's job regardless.

This is unironically the entire point of the super high wall.

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Scale the fence, get fucked by Pence

so it's good news? The wall is working then?

It's only a clump of cells if the parents are White

>19 year old gets a FREE abortion and FREE euthanasia at the wall
Seems like an absolute win for liberals and socialists.

>one less scumbag leech

good. fuck these disgusting parasites.

I dont find death funny and I understand that the woman was trying to escape a worse life, but why should I be happy that people who can't follow the rules of citizenship also want to drain my tax dollars and then give permanent citizenship to their unborn kid- who will likely grow up speaking little English and continuing a cycle of sneaking family over and stealing financial resources. If I am caught stealing a car should I be blaming the person who left the car on the street or myself for delinquent behavior? Follow the rules and reap the rewards of living in the US. Everyone hates us here as it is, and I'm sure they'd have grown up telling everyone how evil and racist we are for some exaggerated past ancestral sin also

Double kill

who cares lmao

Can we livestream this shit with deer cams?

All the same, spics

Liberal media literally gloated about how easy it is to climb the wall.
Her death is on them

Working already to stop the influx of anchor baby breeders.

God bless God Emperor Trump.

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That's double murder for most of the wall supporters

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Ideally, we’d just shoot them and the coyotes clean up the mess.

literally an anchor baby

>walls don’t work

Good. Brown people deserve to die.

>that’s what i call an anchor baby

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>my country is unsafe, I fear for my life, I need to leave immediately!
>fucks, gets pregnant
Are these people retarded

They make death funny by being an invasive species. Aliens create monsters lol.

get fucked lmao
no anchor baby for you slut

Its a clump when convienant

Imagine how many Cubans have drowned since Jimmy Carter offered sanctuary to anybody who made it to Florida without mentioning the distance, storms and sharks. He probably jacks off to videos of shanty boats full of families going down.

NOoo, mi Juanito Nooo!

2 droops


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>the wall doesn't wor-

They technically aren’t retarded. They have kike NGOs down there coaching them and filling their heads with propaganda.

Should've stated home.


>Woman killed by big, easy to see stationary object
Walls work. So does Darwinism

Her body. Her choice.

19 year olds exercise poor judgement nearly continuously.

you forgot
>climbs a huge wall while pregnant

Shut the fuck up you buck toothed muslim monkey. There is a global pandemic right now. These dirty, greasy spics need to stay on their side of the wall lest they spread yet more typhus, polio, measles, mumps, and god knows what else with their disgusting, rotting skins.


Sounds like it's working, but I am concerned that it's so short or climbable that a pregnant bitch thought she could do it.

Sounds like we need guard towers.

and the darker the poorer

The wall really does work

A twofer


Thanks for the good news, OP.

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There's your proof Gentlemen, The Wall Works.

To demonstrate, I’m 2000 miles from the border and there are more El Salvadorans here than there are in El Salvador. No way these people could get here without a lot of funding and organization. It’s biological warfare.

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"if you can get across the border, you and your baby win the immigration lottery!"
Every goo-goo border-hopper enabler in America.

Wall, bad! Abortion, good!
There's no squaring this circle, liberal.

Thank you Malaysia, very cool!


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>reddit spacing
>anti trump propaganda
Yeah alright shlomo

Glad someone noticed it, that's really funny

oh noooo

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How did a pregnant dirt poor Guat get all the way from there to the US border anyway?
Oh yeah.

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So... it work !