10 days ago Trump called COVID19 a Democrat hoax, now it's ass raping his precious stock market.
10 days ago Trump called COVID19 a Democrat hoax, now it's ass raping his precious stock market.
its a hoax
she's a HOax
you left out the part where you're jealous of the stock market
This is a guy isn't it?
I can't wait to drag shills like you from your homes and shoot you in the head!
My is this lanky skinny-fat camwhore all over the place lately?
>10 days ago Trump called COVID19 a Democrat hoax,
no he didn't, you disingenous dumbshit shill
he said the media reporting on it incorrectly was a hoax
No shit the establishment is run by CIA, media, and banks. It is a hoAx and this is exactly what would happen if it was a hoax.
extremely low quality thread mutt
qrd on 33?
lol, faggot.
The Democrats were trying to gaslight Americans to think Trump wasn't doing anything.
The hoax was the big lie Democrats were promoting.
Now they're bitching Trump is doing too much and will declare Martial Law...become First Dictator of America.
What an ugly spic
>muh blumpf called it a hoax
do you really think people here are going to fall for this bullshit narrative?
Instead let's make this thread about OP's cock-sucking ability. I believe congratulations are in order. Yes, here we have it - it's official.
congratulations, OP, you did it! Don't be modest!
Number 33 is a Master Number (Master Teacher).
Number 33 also relates to 3×3=9 which is the power of creation and the God of All or Truth. The Amon (AMEN).
33 is the numerical equivalent of AMEN: 1+13+5+14=33. Amen is the God of Truth.
33 represents Christ consciousness.
Jesus was crucified at Golgotha (place of the skull) at age 33 in the year 33 A.D.
God corresponds to 1/3 (33.3%) as seen in Revelation 12, where the great red dragon is sweeping 1/3 of the stars from heaven.
The number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA equals 33.
Mount Hermon is at 33 degrees latitude and longitude. (In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Grigori; “Watchers, Sons of God or the Nephilim,” a class of fallen angels descended to Earth.)
The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis.
The first Temple of Solomon stood for 33 years before being pillaged by King Shishak of Egypt.
King David ruled over Israel for 33 years in Jerusalem.
33 is the alleged age that Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedonia) had died.
The Grand Orient de France of Freemasonry founded in 1733.
33 is the highest degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
Harry S. Truman, a 33 degree Mason, became 33rd President of the United States.
1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
A normal human spine has 33 vertebrae.
Rare human spines have 34 vertebrae.
Jeremiah 33:3 – Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
Ezekiel 33:33 – And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.
why does the genone sequence ends in 33 a???
>To occultists and secret societies like the Freemasons, 33 is held in reverence. This supposedly magical number appears to pop up time and time again throughout many of history’s most significant and tumultuous events, from Biblical times through to the modern era.
Stuff be changing...
Kryon and others have stated that Gaia herself is entering fifth density. Come along or get kicked out and sent to alternate Earth.
>qrd on 33?
Freemasons laughing at you.
>10 days ago Trump called COVID19 a Democrat hoax
Except that did not even happen.
You are all just mindlessly repeating like you do with everything else.
Something about the promise of god to man
did she show her braphole on onlyfans yet?
To be fair, he did not call the virus itself a hoax. He called the media coverage of it (like blaming Trump for shit that happened in another country) a hoax.
"Propaganda" might have been a better word, but whatever.
>Trump called COVID19 a Democrat hoax
No he didn't you lying sack of shit. He said the demoshuts blaming him for it was a hoax.
He called the fake news propagandizing of it the hoax, tranny. Dilate.
And over a month ago he put travel restrictions on China, which the rest of the world called unnecessarily harsh.
>best girl of Election 2020
Also this
any feet pics?
take meds
>some lucky guy gets to cum deep inside her
its not fair!
Check the digits in the post you responded to, you cunt!!
Fresh from Portugal today lol
>10 days ago Trump called COVID19 a Democrat hoax
No he didn't.
translate, lusanon
>Trump called COVID19 a Democrat hoax
Trump called Democrat politicization of COVID19 a hoax.
Feels comfy user. Looking forward to it.
He was referring to how they were blamed corona on him. Meanwhile Cryin Chuck Schumer said on Twitter that Trump was racist for shutting down flight to China. That kike later deleted the tweet when it was blatant he made the right decision. I think he didn’t do it fast enough.
Ugh big brown fingers nope
The media and their short selling overlords are ass raping the stock market.
Who draws these?
I could kick her brittle twig legs in half.
Youre the only one who gives a shit
You expected them to behave differently?
He called Democrats shitting on his handling a hoax, and the economy is tanking because of leftyshits in the news calling this the plague and fearmongering.
I do
>Trump called COVID19 a Democrat hoax,
4 Chan is compromised I believe
Keep posting pls
huwite in murrika