What is the point in full face filter masks?

The filters are for one time use when you have to deal with virus and bacteria.
You to use a new filter every time you leave the house. Did Raiders think about this?

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Filter lasts quite a while if you place them in a sealed bag once you get home no?

No, the particule filters are good as long as they are not full.

when they are full it's too late

Take cartridges out with gloves and disnfect with UV light if you're feeling paranoid. You need to clean and disinfect the mask as well, use warm water and bleach solution.

Yeah, it will take weeks and you will feel when it's time to change them.

the point is to be afraid and look dumb, because there is not a fucking flu

Particulate filters just get harder to breathe through as they accumulate stuff, they aren't like the chemical/gas filters where you start to get breakthrough.

Those are made for collecting a lot more shit than you're going to collect in a normal atmosphere. The virus only lives for so many days. Rotate filters and you'll probably be fine for months.

>this guy doesn't know how to make filters

Even if you take the filter off, it still prevents you from touch your face

Nigga, I thought you were supposed to be autistically smart, when it gets close to full, you have more trouble breathing through it, so yea, you would properly discard the filter as if it’s biohazard waste.

We used our gas mAsks in the army for a year without changing out shit, we did live drills with military grade teargas and shit.

>not dunking your filters into pure ethanol to kill the bacterial and then evaporate it away
yikes. Also, rate my mask senpai

Attached: themask.jpg (1368x1790, 251.86K)

sub human, brown eyes for sub hunand

theres some green in them, but it's hard to see with the mask.

The one and only scenario where you'd have to regularly change your NBC filters is the first letter, Nuclear warfare, only radiation will be able to pass through within a short time. Viruses die eventually and chemicals won't get through anyway.

>What is the point in full face filter masks?
Its only for people who want to survive.

Most of the filters have active coal, which will neutralize the biological compounds. Full face masks protect your eyes and skin from drop infections. Full face mask should be used with full suit. Filters shouldn't be as open as OP pic, but as a default military filter, so that you can cleanse it off easily. Active coal is used up if you can't hear the small rattle, in which case you have to exchange it.

Attached: APF_53_Apr15_CBRN_2.png (700x500, 259.62K)

>What is the point in full face filter masks?
That, coupled with an NBC suit will protect you from diseases.

>You to use a new filter every time you leave the house.
No, you use it until it's no longer effective.

>Exhale valve
>Attaching a filter with a hose clamp
A champion of Darwin!

>mass panic over virus
>"just dunk it in ethanol to kill the bacteria"
user I...

Negative canthal tilth, big prey eyes, bloated, no collagen, norwooding, no zygos, black lifeless eyes. ITS OVER BUDDY O BOYO ROPE NOW

I meant virus. whatever.
lol it's not attached with a hose clamp. that's part of the masks construction.

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tfw I use a full face mask for both spraying oil based stains and sand blasting. A filter will last a month sand blasting every single day. stains are a different story, but that is just because they are oil based and fuck shit up. For everyday use I wouldn't be surprised if they last a year.

>seething nomask snow nigger

t.big smurf

Using more than one filter.... Do you really need that amount of airflow for whatever activities you do? better to use one filter at a time and have the unused holes sealed up. 2. Need suit

1/10 for viral prevention.

Its a virus not a corrosive chemical weapon, you can know that a filter is full of shit well before it compromises you

>implying I actually use all of those filters at once and don't have suits
this is why we had to ban europoors from coming to the US

The best protection by far, if not a bit overkill, so long as you are capable of simple decontamination drills.

Attached: 1_irish-Defence-Forces.jpg (615x923, 98.35K)

MOPP 4 is a real fucking bitch.

I'll just jump across the border and steal some from g*rmoid sissies.

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The virus is embedded in the filter, you are going to shake it loose when you remove the filter

Well do you have suits?
And how do you plan to decontaminate before stepping in to your home ?
You have niggers, you should also have guns

an user made the above webpage, has links to decontamination procedures.


I'd rather die than MOPP up again

replace coronavirus with nerve gas and my answer wouldn't change

worst 4 hours of my life

in all of that gear, in the summer, in the sun.
fuck is it bad. and some normies think they are going to run around in it.

Ah lad tell me about it. We call it Category 4 Romeo or just Cat4R, and it's a fucking bitch, half our suits are put of date anyway but I dobt think that would matter with a virus, and the thought of doing that god damn shitting drill makes me far more afraid than the virus does lel

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stupidest shit i've read all day. how do you suppose you shake off virus particles off a HEPA filter before it even reaches the activated carbon.

yes I have suits. I also have guns. I also have enough alcohol to disinfect the shit out of things

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They ever make you lads play Chernobyl Football?

Ethanol attacks non-resistant plastic lmao

Lmao. Please tell me that drum is part of your company’s inventory, I hope you didn’t buy a 55gal drum

To look tacticool when you go raiding someone's toilet paper stash.

sell the barrel to poles for ammo.
they'll make beverages that make you go blind for top dollar.

at least my sand blasting gear has an air hose for some relief.

1. Virus lands on fiber
2. You remove the mask and set it down
3. The virus is shaken off

based and checked

use disposable pre filters and a bath of alcohol for your main ffp3 filter and it will last for a year or more.
unless you're breathing smog or something.

no shit?
what you didn't buy a 55 gallon drum?
yeah i'm not going to drink industrial ethanol....

How do you make filters that fit to the mask and filter virus

Wrong. The carbon layer in filters is primarily for gases and vapors. THAT'S the part that goes bad. Nuclear radiation in particulate form catches in standard filters. Wave radiation passes through pretty much everything except dense metals That's why they stick lead aprons on X-ray techs and patients.

For sure. I'd rather just die than wear that shit in Georgia in August ever again.

these guys really look like they are enjoying it right?

people who have never worn this shit and actually had to do something while wearing it are in for a heck of a wake up.

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Kek based blackpiller. It's over for that boyo.

>worst 4 hours of my life
>4 hours
oh so you had to wear full romeo on basic.... well done.

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That still wouldn't work, there's no way for it to go back out, it would die anyways after X hours.
whatever anyways.

absolutely dystopian, i need more footage of people doing this.

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That is the EXACT textbook reason why you decontaminate before entering a green zone. Learn what kills the virus and learn how to properly decontaminate yourself safely.

If I hook my ethanol drum up to my bidet can I be sure my braps wont spread the wu flu?

>no technical understanding whatsoever

Get. out.

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yes, thanks for bothering to elaborate. i have no energy right now. i just want to shitpost about my mask.


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That's a real message, those things are so fucking misrable, people dont even realise, I've seen lads getting full on panic attacks the first few times we did proper runs in Cat4, them filters really restrict your breathing.

Sounds foolproof