Europeans get paid leave to stay at home

>Europeans get paid leave to stay at home
>Meanwhile in muttmerica
Oh no no no republimutts will defend this

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when you grow up you will understand how the world works a bit more. For now when you're young it can be confusing. It will get better

Shut the fuck up you boomer faggot fuck

Merryslave be proud of your merry wage

My work doesn't even take doctors notes, lmao.

who pays you when you stay at home?

Slave nationalist

I was a libertarian as a teenager. Then I joined the work force, grew up a little and realized that socialism was working prfectly for the rich. Im assuming yu think being 16 and edgy makes you a big boy?

>Mr shekelstein prefers to get also infected rather than lose money.

that memo is fake af. no employer would ever post something like that in public, and certainly not with that verbiage.

>I printed something and then took a picture.
>p please pay attention to me, senpai

It's not socialism to have decent workers rights.


Why are Americans like this? It looks so childish. Like they never developed moral reasoning, or philosophy. It's all about the money, and everything is run so tight.

>In English
Bullshit, if that sign was in America it would be in Spanish.

Meanwhile in Europe

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>I need to go to work sick to survive
what a fucking joke

Things are pretty crazy over here

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based boomer posting

You just don't know how many retards own companies
I have learned one thing in life, motivation can get you farther than actually being intelligent.
Because really it's not that hard in the world we live.

>Why are Americans like this?

Jews have corrupted any sense of morality we once had. Now we care only about money and fleeting pleasures.

>anti american thread by some pussy queer too much of a coward to show his own flag


No we don't retard.

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At least our industry is powering through this. You eurocucks can have fun starving at home and getting stabbed with butterknives over a roll of toilet paper.

reminder to vote conservative right, they care about worker's rights the most!

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>please see me only
just cough on that asshole

So are you a troll or are you so stupid as to not understand that this is because of people abusing their ability to call off?

Unskilled labor always suffers from this problem regardless of country. Everyone wants a job but no one wants to work.

bla bla i'm an old faggot

My job has the capacity to work from home. They just sent out a memo today that "no one is allowed to work from home unless you have received positive test results requiring self-quarantine."

Fucking boomers are too scared of technology to let me work from home, want me to risk my life instead.

I've stolen every bottle of hand sanitizer from the building. Will start sneezing around higher management. Fuck this place.

Europoors can't do anything right.

Italy is even doing good for now considering what could have happened. USA will be Italy but 10x times worse by the end of next week, mark my fucking words.

Is this a troll or do you trust this guy? Italian regions that are the most hit are the richest. Their healthcare system and personnel there is in the top 10 worldwide.

Fuck workers
Fuck poor people
Fuck niggers
Fuck Spaniards
Fuck Jews
Fuck mods
Fuck jannies

We don't have a party that cares about working class people.

bla bla im a menshevik kike that lives in 3rd world conditions

and sure arent european.

the cancerous homo faggot know as "The USA"

Absolutely based. If I wasn't already stocked, I'd have taken all sanitizer by now just to see the unrest


fuck people that don't want to work.

also, build a business and make those fucking peasants work for you!

Worked retail for a while. Signs and notes everywhere. And they all looked like that except my boss used a ton of passive aggressive smileys too.

I used to work at Walmart. They had straight points and it didn't matter what you had, if you went over those points in a year, you were gone. They didn't give a fuck about labor laws.

what's that can't afford to get tested for coronavirus, can't afford to skip work, can't afford the treatment? Ooooh should have voted in more neocons!

Yeah because our country is way more populated than any europoor nations. Leafs are gonna get theirs too.

>tfw smart mom
>inherited 2 hotels and a huge house from her
Currently going full neet to stay away from the chink flu seeing my bank accounts raise every day.
Is comfy being lucky.

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>working an hourly job

Get a real job you faggots.

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the most difficult part of owning a company is the relationship you have to maintain with your employees, you are completely beholden to them. anyone that runs a business knows this, even if they're retards.

>I-it's not t-that bad
The state of yuropoor damage control

well maybe you should create it yourselves
>republicans vs democrats
nevermind your shit is fucked right in the roots

I worked at walmart for almost a decade, I remember they fired a girl for being in the hospital after a car accident.

this is funny because it is specifically the gobohomo mulitculti economy that has caused the american work to death ethic.

If you have the virus just go to the faggot who made this note and cough in his fucking eyeballs.

You did fine without the kikes lmao
Jews were always welcome in anglo lands and the same applies for cucknada, they were allowed in because the anglos allowed them in.

Tocqueville speaks of that corrupted sense of morality based on monetary pragmatism and hedonism and he was alive like 200 years ago, this isn't new.
It's the basic of the US, everyone is equal on a political level, therefore your opinion is worth just as much as the next and is irrelevant. Jews are just well fit to survive in such an environment. They did bring you more niggers than you intended I can give you that. But the spiritual foundation of the US is rotten.

Then you get fired for spreading illness, so it's a damned if you do/don't situation.


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I’m glad I have a big boy job and can take sick leave or work remotely whenever I want. Whoever wrote this is probably a real loser gone mad with power over his entry level employees at the ice cream shop or whatever.

How hard are conservashits from america gonna cope with the fact that thoudands of us americans are going to die in their precious healthcaresystem lmao

I'm libertarian at 27. My life experience made me that way. You need to leave your liberal city to get real life experience outside of your bubble you entitled fuck wit.
>born the only white baby in a Southern CA hospital where parents had to special request form in english and hospital charged for bandaids because no spics paid their medical bill.
>mother divorced father and couldn't get government aid for her and 3 kids because there were too many spics already in the system
>move to majority white state that focuses on getting people in the workforce and empowering, not giving away shit.
>free care for elderly and special needs
>aid of every kind possible to the point if you are suffering financially in any way you are retarded.
>aid possible only because majority white population who actually want to work so those who need the aid can receive it.

>oh no I got fired from my soul-eating job what will I do now? ;_;

Yep. If the assistant manager doesn't like you for some reason or is an asshole, you're fucked. They let the points rack up until you max out and fire your ass. I saw it happen many times.

Fuck man same here.

We LITERALLY do everything off of fucking chrome, yet they said this week they don't want us working from home cuz of potential security risks.

It's absolutely astounding that boomers fear the internet to the point they actually come up with ways that completely defeat its entire purpose.

Wow, how’s that working out for you guys right now?

What job is this for? Flipping burgers?

If you've got any kind of skill and you can't be easily replaced they'll never try any of this shit.

What sort of libertarian are you? Hopefully not a free market cuck.

Even peasants could rest if they had a serious illness. Even the local, poorly educated, and disproportionately powerful village priest would understand if he couldn't pay the tithe.

Go to work and infect this boomer bootstrap fucker.

My friend just got fired because of the chink virus. His girlfriend is sick and his boss found out so they told him to leave and not come back.

>>I need to go to work sick to survive
>what a fucking joke

Whats your alternative?

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I had this one boss who was due in court and who never showed up and had enough of cash to just delay the procedures until he died.
Once called an old cunt who worked with us a lazy old cunt and she actually tried to sue him.
But personally I was fine with that guy.

I lost my newer job recently because the supervisor was a stack of shit and I had enough of him reporting him to my boss for being 3 minutes late and such when I do twice as much as his retarded boomer ass.
Here is how janitor companies operate here, they operate with less employee than they should have and when a place gets bad they send the person there although there should be someone everyday. This allows them to bid low for contracts and make good money while not even being able to pass the mob. For now I work for myself under the table but it would be really hard for me to steal serious contracts.
You faggots have to stop believing in a fair world.

God I hope you're right, you would look like such a faggot for the third year in a row if you aren't

>100% this is a restaurant
people itt who've never had to wrangle drug addicted faggots and teenagers for a living

not living in a third wolrd country and living in one where workers actually have rights