They hamstrung the government, stifling popular healthcare policies...

They hamstrung the government, stifling popular healthcare policies, because they wanted maximum leverage over their employees lives.

They decried any public health spending as socialism and left us unprepared to deal with a pandemic. We have less tests and hospital capacity than shithole european countries, not only a complete national embarrassment but a deadly one.

Even in this time of crisis they're using it as an opportunity to increase market volatility to enhance their positions and increase their power.

While the world burns they've escaped to their safe houses, likely not even in the country they have pillaged but in new zealand and little known islands.

If you survive, don't forget who did this to us.

Attached: billionaires.png (391x327, 12.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Money shouldn't exist. In the post-virocalypse world, I plan to barter exclusively.

OP shouldn't exist

Didn't read

Also sage

>someone is rich
>this prevents me from getting richer
Can someone explain this logic to me?

Do not forget that the billionaires want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.

Attached: billionairepedos6x17.jpg (1050x550, 135.44K)

Have you seen what's happened to the world economy?

>billionaires shouldn't exist

Fucking hell lad they pretty much don't anymore. Which goes to show you how stupid the whole meme was to begin with because these people never had a billion dollars, they had equity valuations. Those equities are not liquid and trying to tax significant wealth held in financial instruments would be like squeezing water from a stone because there wouldn't be other buyers as all billionaires are being taxed similarly.

You're unironically better off nationalizing industries.

>You're unironically better off nationalizing industries.
that sounds national socialist

Attached: fran.gif (250x332, 2.95M)

slide it

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>While the world burns they've escaped to their safe houses, likely not even in the country they have pillaged but in new zealand and little known islands.

when you lay dying from an easily avoidable virus because the elites stripped the CDC of funding, it's fair to say that prevents you from getting richer.

good luck dealing with your insurance company.

Attached: trumpcare.jpg (1080x1474, 389.33K)

If the economy didn't print any money or had any other destabilizing scam, some sociopath retard accumulating his business money to send on bullshit later would reduce his worker's wages and, by consequence, how much money would be spent in the other businesses.
In other world, stealing everybody hurts his fellow businessman psychos given the market works "cleanly".
(this has many domino effects like reducing the improvement of products/services or introduction of new ones, so basic bitch math doesn't work)

And retarded.

*money to spend
*in other words

>Which goes to show you how stupid the whole meme was to begin with because these people never had a billion dollars, they had equity valuations.
Guys like zuck and bezos sold billions of dollars worth of stock in 2019. They are real billionaires, m8. The stock market isn't even that bad on a 3 year chart. Call me when it really crashes.

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yeah... what do you think competition is? I know it's just a capitalist meme and that real capitalists hate competition, love to establish monopolies and cartelization... but do you even care?

If it's not money then it's power or influence, even in a moneyless system, there's always vultures circling above the pyramid of hierarchy.

>b-but destroy hierarchies
Impossible, hierarchies are an integral and inseparable part of human societies and even when they are razed to the ground a new one organically forms and takes its place, even if it's a non-official one.

Now please fuck off.

Attached: 180px-DF-Underking_Face.png (180x180, 31.68K)

daily reminder that humans are the biggest carbon footprint on the planet
kys to save the planet ty

poor jeff bezos, dying of thirst, no liquids whatsoever :(
poor jeff bezzos doesn't even have nets, so he's can't even fish, he's starving :( poor jeff bezos

What's the problem with hierarchy based on merit?

even your internet daddy jp believed in flattening the hierarchy and that there was such thing as unstable hierarchies

boot lickers are fucking pathetic

Attached: boot.jpg (480x360, 32.08K)

If you tax those stones, they'll become distributed among people with more liquidity.

Thats like saying convert to judaism.
people like you need to hang.

Normies have a fetish for psyhotic idiots and this is the kind of people that they will always push to the top. This is the real problem with hierarchy.

its a scam.

It's a psychological test away of solving that problem.
Psycopaths should be forced to be publicly identified.

>If you survive, don't forget (((who))) did this to us.

Anyone defending billionaires is a cuckold. They collaborated with the jews. They all deserve to die. Not "be taxed" I mean executed. Kill them all.


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I thought the NatSocs only privatized a small minority of industries or companies, sounds more like a communist thing.

Republicans are the ones in the US that have been against a national healthcare system for the last 30 years at least.

Blame them.

It requires lots of tests and evaluations, but it's possible.
But they can jew the system and try to hide too, it's hard to deal with this part of the problem.

Why draw the line at billionaires? Why not millionaires? Thousandaires?

Yeah, you can see it at a more micro level with the ''leaders'' of the Alt-right. Spencer, Fuentes, TRS guys, JF, etc. all are at least sociopathic.

The amount of scamming needed to accumulate this amount of shekels.

I don't want to get richer. I am already comfy. I want to kill billionaires.

I'd like to redistribute the money to deserving White families, if I could.
But you could burn the money for all I care. Use their money to immolate the billionaires.

democrats didn't deliver on healthcare either

they're both completely under control of the billionaire class.

Attached: biden2020.png (739x800, 592.98K)

Do you unironically think you can earn a billion dollars without government assistance? Even libertarians are usually woke on the billionaire quesiton.

"Normal" people have issues dealing with political movements and all the scum they attract. It feels dirty, like managing a drug trafficking operation or a bordello.

billionaires buy politicians and control the government. millionaires buy jetskis and cars.

Attached: 7dP7uExwebRTjNH5cBunyLccB.png (749x920, 848.23K)

This, I just want a modest home, essentials like food, water, and a nice, folkish community. Don't understand people who want to get super rich and live in giga-mansions. Don't understand boomers at all.

stop giving them money op. how much shit do you by from them look were your making this statement. they change the world and you just act like a fag in it.

Correct. Billionaires are inherently anti-nationalist and seditious. Too much power so such an untrustworthy class.

>"Why should I care if they're billionaires as long as they don't affect me?"

Except they always affect you. That's like saying you don't cate about a gun pointed in your face as long as the holder doesn't pull the trigger.


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I bet they're throwing awesome parties while shorting the market and laughing at the proles.

Attached: billionairepedos617.jpg (742x960, 378.19K)

If consumerist garbage was cheap and required low maintenance/fuel/taxes/... I certainly would buy some, but boomers can destroy an entire city to buy their useless crap and attention whore with their braindead friends.

I was looking for that image, user. Thanks.

>They hamstrung the government
op wants 100% government control, deserves a helo ride.

Idiots think the economy is a zero sum game and that by a billionaire existing, they stash their money in a big vault and it never moves.

News Flash: Trump is not your friend!

Attached: trump boomer migapede cope.jpg (861x528, 163.64K)

>akshually wealth creation is [koch brothers talking point]

Yea, ok.

Attached: trumpbtfoo.jpg (216x234, 9.74K)

Fucking this.

Attached: zion don 2020 real maga capitalism has never been tried like communism.jpg (672x371, 74.81K)

Attached: marxism vs national socialism.jpg (720x636, 69.99K)

Leftists shouldnt exist either ...

Your idol Bernie just go blown the fuck out by a senile geriatric. Seethe & cope.

It is interesting.
One of many major differences between the "left" extremists and so called "right wing extremists" is that while shitlibs want to take other peoples' money to enrich themselves, most genuine nationalists don't give a shit about the money. We want revenge. Pure and simple.
There are many other points of difference but this recognition that there are more important things than materialism is one of the big distinctions between left-right larp-olitics and real politics.

>Billionaires shouldn't exist
Who are you to say that someone else shouldn't have a certain amount of money?

Don't worry, if SHTF and these idiots run to NZ, I plan on visiting these houses hidden in the hills for a cup of coffee one night.
They're not that well hidden, let alone secure. But uh, only for a visit mind you, on their minecraft servers that is.

>The economy is a zero sum game
>Billionaires have giant vaults of gold coins

The Koch brothers are neocons that support socialistic government interference and Keynesian economics.

OK, retard:
You are just parroting jewish bullshit.

money at that scale is just power and I don't believe in kings

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They probably don't after today.

What are you on about?

I think you shouldn't exist. have fun with this "natural" virus

Billionaires are TOO rich though. No one needs that much money. They should be obligated to give it to society for the greater good.

>money at that scale is just power and I don't believe in kings
So you're saying you and you alone should determine how much someone else has or can make?

>No one needs that much money.

> They should be obligated to give it to society for the greater good.
Via the government, right?

Wouldn't mind drawing the line at $200mil. Who needs more than that?

Fuck off faggot.
The government shouldn't use it's monopoly on violence to support corporate welfare which can cause a corrupt gain of wealth, but to argue that no one "Needs" a certain amount of money is just leftist nonsense.

>Billionaires are TOO rich though.
But the government, that taxes trillions and spends trillions and has trillions in debt isn't "too rich" though?

Hey dumbass, they're not powerful because of the number of zeroes in their bank accounts or the purchasing power of their monetary currency.

And that last part, currency, is important, because there is always something used as currency. Lock people naked in a warehouse and they'll be pimping women out, lending goons, and handing out beatdowns or protection.

The problem isn't personal power, it's what people do with it and the failure to hold them accountable. Sick cultures allow too much corruption and inevitably fail.

Also, bonus points for thinking socialized medicine is gonna give people better outcomes in a pandemic. All it means is that the powerful don't have to complete with the peasants for care and resources - since they control the system - while the peasants get shit all over by the incompetent cronies the powerful have installed to run it.