Pol opinion about zoroastrianism

Looks legitimate

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Based but nowdays for larpers

Sad that zoroastrian community don't accept conversions

It's an inversion of the aryan religion which was a degeneration of original monotheism like all paganism. Return to Christ.

as if Christianity isn't just ancient jew larping

all religion is larping to make yourself feel better about death

Based. Islamokikes want to destroy the last remaining Aryan remnants of that region.

Are you a jewish troll or actually this mentally retarded?

I don't lie steppe-niggers spirituality, zoroastrianism have all what I like, good moral values, a good pantheon, good ryths, a holy book and a caucasian non abrahamistic origin.
According to Pliny the Elder, Zarathustra was the only man on Earth that born with a smile on his face and greeks identified Ahura Mazda with Zeus, Cyrus by her side was a good zoroastrian ruler.
+ that Iran (Persia) is the only country fighting jews right now.
So sad that their community don't let foreigners to convert.

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Zoroastrianism started supposedly 2000 BC, thats pretty much the same time Abraham made his covenant with God. Furthermore the 3 (zoroastrian) Magi that greeted Jesus came from the direction the northern Tribes were brought to in their captivity by Assyrians. Why would God send foreigner to greed the Messiah? Unless the Magi were of the northern Tribes, making this a reunion and Zoroastrianism just the pieces of records the northern Tribes preserved from the same source the southern got it from.

Don't forget getting laid - why do you think so many women join cults? Hell, I had a pair of women come to my door talking about a new cult around "God the Mother" from Korea lol


Modern Zoroastrianism is very different from the original form. Modern is strict orthodox zoroastrianism where as the original form didnt even have temples necessarily or even priests and was more of a philosophy than a strict orthodox organized religion

There is an old couple in Sydney that converts.

I recommend you read Werner Jaeger's Aristotle.

Zoroastrianism not Judaism is the true precursor to Christianity.

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>God the mother
>"Queen of Heaven"
>The serpent

top left of your pic is the finnish flag, really activates my almonds

Zorastrianism confused me. It's got 5 prayers, like Islam, it's rooted in this world, like islam, single God, like Islam. Yet, the holy spirit, spenta mainyu or whatever, went to Christianity.

Furthermore, Magi, the zorastrian priests, visited Jesus, yet Islam, and revelations talks about prohibitation of Magic. So either Jesus was a false prophet, or magic was just for the 'higher ups'. If that's the case, then Islam probably has it's own 'magis' directing them. Bunch of hypocrits but whatever. Also, the Daevas, were seen as 'not Gods' by Ahura, and alot of the 'Gods' of the vedas are false Gods in zorastrianism.

It's clear that it's some sort of squabble, and we have no idea whos telling the truth.

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Well, I would say, since God himself brought christianity, and it was Gods religion he brought to Abraham, that this too would be essentially christianity, and Zoroastrianism would be a group that was split of. But yes, Judaism is some heretical bullshit detached from anything related to God

Only Parsis. There are Iranian mobeds who seek out serious converts. They can't perform the ceremony in Iran itself but you can arrange for it in Europe

the parsis here are corrupt and decadent as fuck. a trust owns prime lands in bombay-- 1000s of acres. They dont want to divide the pie with new converts.

Fuck that garbage anyways Zarathustra inverted the indo-european religion

Who /Avestan/ here? I covered all the grammar over the summer but actually making sense of the Avesta is brutally hard, I need to get back into it and drill vocabulary more.

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It's just proto-Christianity. Zoroaster subverted the original aryan religion.

sure. if you do a shallow reading of Nietzsche. Plato and Aristotle were fascists, anti-demos and based. Both influenced by zarathustra.

>muh "milk and sugar", muh non-existent generic "Hindu king"

Zoroastrianism predated all 3 Abrahamic faiths as the first known monotheistic religion.

What the fuck is a fascist? Today that's a word used to attack anyone who isn't a communist

Zoroaster >> Plato >> Sad-sack semites. Its not so simple as you think you philistine eurothrash twink.

Its like liberal blaming nietzsche for hitlor

The three wise men that came to see Jesus were Zoroastrians more than likely. Makes me wonder if some of the revelations prior to that given were actually from God.

i mean it in a good sense. recognition of hierarchy, warrior caste exulted, higher spirituality over base materialisms.

Antifa faggots should be dealt with harshly. you twinks are slacking.

That's traditionalism though.

yea that folklore of parsi refugees cutting a deal with the patel motel king

look tyro twink--- traditionalism is new age fascism for low IQ faggots like you. Read the Republic if you want real fascism

After the Sasanian Empire got done in by the Muslim Conquests.The Zoroastrians that weren't killed or didn't convert to Islam modified their religion in order to be less of a threat to Islam and blend in more. They even made it so they can't take in new converts so over time their religion is dwindling. If you're going to describe something as "cucked" this would be it.

>Plato >> Zoroaster >> Sad-sack semites

Zoroaster instituted the belief in an eternal heaven and hell. He said salvation is through morality. He believed in a metaphysical good/evil, The Truth and The Lie. Zoroastrianism believes that ritual benefits carries over to the next life.

If you guys want an existing religion that closer to the ancient ways then I'd recommend Buddhism. The Buddha came to do away with all these before mentioned Wrong-Views which had started to influence Brahmanism in India after the Persian invasion.

Revilo P. Oliver had the hottest take on Zoroastrianism

Survive the Jive is cringe. larping is gay. Nomos not costume party.

The only thing Europeans should be following are Pagan beliefs that their fathers and their fathers held.
Modern cuck religions or Abrahamic religions have no place in Europe or its people.

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No. Max Muller does.

>Survive the Jive is cringe
>larping is gay.
technically all exoteric expressions of faith is larping
>pic related

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Better than worshipping weakness and communist bullshit like Christianity. Nigga said he was gonna save your soul but couldn't even save himself lmao

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Zoroaster was the first Straussian. Exoteric shit to tame the normies.


Ohhhh, so the 5 prayers came from islam to zorastrianism? Not zorastrianism to Islam?

I'm sorry, I'm confused. How is this much different than Catholicism and Orthodoxy?

High caste spotted

Christ is Gods judgement on jews. Repent kikes.

>How is this much different than Catholicism and Orthodoxy?
It's not. Which is why Zoroastrianism is just proto-Christianity.

It is obviously much better though because it was formulated by actual aryans as opposed to Jews but if you reject all those things in Christianity then it doesn't make much sense to convert to Zoroastrianism.

*blocks your path*

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hi jason

Zoroastrianism without a King doesnt work. It desperately needs a King. Diaspora Zoros are a weak, pathetic lot.

A new sect can easily be started.... just for R1a selectively bred with persian pussycats . Bypass the faggot parsis- they are halfbreeds anyway.

Thoughts on the Nordic race?

the three wise men were zoroastrian

gotta mix with some good persian blood to get a little aggression. Nords are fucking pansies

You're delusion mate look up the military history of the nords. I'm saying this because the nordic race is quite obviously the ideal and any caste system in place will have them at the top and not your people mate


definitely not you you goddamn northern monkey. All I said was nords should be bred with aggressive races. Germans and Nords is ideal. ABBA breeding program

Dumbest shit I've ever heard nords don't need breeding with anyone that's the whole point

Scots-Irish are the worst. Bottom of the barrel untouchables.

No Muhammad.

you cucks couldnt stop Himmler's men from impregnating your womons.

republic is communism with naked women gym, nothing else.

i wonder how many of them have the coofs now

Where did you get that from? (((Yaron Brook))) from the Ayn Rand Institute?

No idea

Miscegenation between varna is WAY worse than miscegenation between a marginally different R1 haplogroup, but most of Yas Forums isn't ready for that discussion.

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Its founder most likely never existed. And the fact that Zoroastrianism has come so close to extinction shows that Ahura Mazda, if he even exists, clearly doesn't give a shit about his own followers and religion.

Iranians should stop larping as arabs and return to their original religion.

from reading it, it's terrible. good thing based Svlla destroyed that wanker's academy.

it may be the oldest religion on Earth.

they are mostly mixed today, similar to italians.

All religion is shit but atleast its not (((abrahamic))).

It's not. Monotheism came about as the degeneration of polytheism.

Read History of Political Philosophy by Leo Strauss and What is Political Philosophy.

Read Ernst Junger's the Worker

I mean Shia is basically crypto-Zoroastrianism and everyone secretly knows it which is why Sunni Arabs hate them so much.

fellas--- avoid facefags like Curt Doolittle. Do your own reading and take what is useful to you.

Hell yeah, we should worship gods like Freyr or Priapus and start living as immoral savages with sexual cults and vampiric ryths as the cucks and liberals pagans of the elite, stfo, I want a normal spirituality, caucasian but not abrahamistic

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>Leo Strauss
That's a Jew.

Junger is a completely different thinker.

btw, junger is also a Svlla sympathizer.

Autistic jew. He was sad cuz he couldnt join the Nazi party. Read his lecture German Nihilism.

Iran is a huge melting pot with lots of different shits, but the core Persian population is still very similar to the bronze age population.

you are an utter idiot, kys.

>He was sad cuz he couldnt join the Nazi party.
Well that's a first.

and Junger said the the Soviet state is closest to his Worker. and you say Plato was a commie...