There is NO salvation outside the Catholic Church.
There is NO salvation outside the Catholic Church
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yes my boys
Any institution usurping the authority of god by injecting themselves as a middle-man between the man and the God is another fold in the experiment of human parasitic based life forms.
This building is not the house of God, the house of God is the convex hull of the man, or not.
Nice try, Abdul from Paris.
You will get slaughtered by the French Catholic Monarch soon.
If by salvation you mean sucking nigger toes and fucking little boys, then yes.
>wow pretty church, must be right
Religious Centralism>Decentralist unorganized prot shithole
I am unapologetically southern Baptist. The catholic church was been subverted by jesuits and satanists.
imgaine being a fucking protestant moron.
there is NO salvation outside Jesus Christ*
There is none inside either.
Faggot Pope said creationism is fake.
Your whole larping shit is about to die in some decades.
>You will get slaughtered by the French Catholic Monarch soon.
any days now!
>Bad humans make the teachings bad
Repent while you can.
>Hindoos, Buddhists, whatever
It's now or never.
>He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.
Orthodox refugee nigger
Man, Jesuits are getting to be a real problem.
Mutt didn’t even read the based magisterium. A catholic is free to believe in creationism or evolution idiot
Only Bum Ticklers inside the Catholic Church.
Keep well clear of such religious diseases.
this disgusting opulence was paid for by gullible morons and they claim to be altruistic.
>The absolute state of Pr*ts in MMXX
Mutt nigger, stay out of my lane.
And there ain't any salvation up Jesus Christ's ass hole.
>the clergy was made up of homophobic homosexuals
>homophobic homosexuals
>>X - Doubt
sounds like fag propaganda to me m888
>Born AGAIN!!! Believe my new age religion
My boy Martin Luther, who is very woke on the JQ, disagrees. You and your Jew loving pope can suck a dick.
Trade it for a Galaxy 20?
Presbyterians and Methodists are cucked as all hell. That is no secret. If you find can find a decent baptist church in a tightly knit, white community, they are quite based outside of the number of Israel worshippers. They don't make the connection mentally with Jews hating Christ and fail to see how you cannot reconcile that.
fuck cathcucks elizabeth I was based
>muh dead kike on a stick
>supporting a group of literal faggots that ass fuck children
Says who?
Yes, papists and other similar authoritarian religious sects subconsciously love to lick boots.
Religious centralism is what Jesus fought against.
Don't act like your own wasn't degenerate.
i think one of the saddest things ive ever done in my life is attempt to join the catholic church out of contrarian larping
the people were nice there but very obviously crazy and using christianity to validate a lot of superstitions they have
Also this, literally the Star of Repham is present on the Pope's wizard-looking hat.
Jesus fought against jews, not against the church he founded, moron.
Yes there is Whore of Babylon.
This is incorrect. Humani Generis gave permission for scholars to study the evidence for and against evolution but also calls it a myth. That's the last magisterial document on the subject.
The traditional teaching of the Church is creationism, taught by all of the Church fathers, and cannot be doubted. Oecumenical Council of Lateran IV also dogmatically defined creationism.
Evolution is NOT Catholic.
The rampant child molestation wasn't a clue?
Why? What are they doing?
Wow look a bunch of virgins.
The Church he supposedly founded became what he fought against. Hell, the Sanhedrin and Catholic higher-ups even dress in a similar fashion and are equally legalistic.
can’t wait till protestantism will end because of their unorganized structure
Subverting whatever institution they can find, that's literally a summary of their history.
The takeaway from the God emperor of Dune is just that fragmentation can be a strength.
Not a lot of kiddy-diddling among the protties or orthodox but the entirety of the cuckolic chuck is tainted by it.
Nothing more beta than worshipping a God
You mean they subvert the Catholic Church?
Also, have they been subverting since the start, or is it just a thing of, say, the second half of the 20th century and later?
You are misled
There is literally salvation outside of Christ.
Yes, we all know you papists want to dominate and have a monopoly on belief.
Pretty sadistic if you ask me.
Elaborate, preferably with Scripture.
You need to be saved from something the jews made up. For some reason. And it involves gibs and voting for jew puppets.
This is interesting...
The protestant propaganda is strong today, only fools would believe their 1500s bullshit
Yeah, there's none in it either. We're all fucking doomed.
Not all of Christ's followers worshiped him, but they definitely followed him. One only has to follow Christ to find salvation.
>There is NO salvation
>Worshipping a Amazonian nature goddess in the Vatican in the presence of the pope
They subvert EVERYTHING they can find, and it's been like that since the start. Jesuits were known for taking control of educational institutions during the Renaissance era.
>The catholic propaganda is strong today, only fools would believe their 400s bullshit
>Man, Jesuits are getting to be a real problem.
They've been off the rails for forever. Pic related
>It is said that Redbad was nearly baptised but refused when he was told that he would not be able to find any of his ancestors in Heaven after his death. He said he preferred spending eternity in Hell with his pagan ancestors than in Heaven with his enemies, especially the Franks.
Wouldn't want to spend eternity with Yeshoua bar-Joseph or the Danes anyway.
Everything is from oral tradition. Tradition+Bible.
1 Cor. 15:1,11 – faith comes from what is “preached” (not read). For non-Catholics to argue that oral tradition once existed but exists no longer, they must prove this from Scripture. But no where does Scripture say oral tradition died with the apostles. To the contrary, Scripture says the oral word abides forever.
Since at least Jesuits took control
Nothing to see here
kek, imagine actually believing this
Only Jesus Christ provides salvation, not a pagan cult hidden under the guise of Christianity.
Which was around 1500s I think
Oral tradition did exist, you're right. However, Scripture at the time was written down and read, a common tradition which was done at the time of Jesus. So no, not everything was passed down. You can't soley rely on oral tradition, since it could get messy after several generations.
Don't you think that Jesuits supported improvement of lives of ordinary people? And education? For example in South America they established stations and taught the Indians how to live.
>There is NO salvation outside of Jesus Christ
There is no biblical basis for your statement.
Besides, the Roman Catholic church has corrupted itself many times over and strayed further and further from the teaching of Christ. Mainly due to the fact that they believe the Pope to be infallible, so when one says some off-the-wall shit, you have to take it as fact. Add the fact that the office of the Bishop of Rome has largely been political for much of history rather than religious, it's a recipe for perversion and corruption.
It's through faith in Jesus Christ that you enter the Kingdom of Heaven, not the membership to a politicized church and the worship of Mary. God's not gonna throw you in Hell because you didn't follow X, Y, Z, A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 steps laid out by an organization that has numerous times throughout history, and still does, seek to consolidate power and control over the masses. Faith and living a virtuous life, trying your best to be Christ-like, is the way to Heaven.
Jesus Christ is GOD
Protestants deleted books from the Bible, that says enough.
Prot reveals SHOCKING truth
but jesus said salvation was from the jews!?!?
>Worshipping a Amazonian nature goddess in the Vatican in the presence of the pope
The Vatican calls her Mary.........
Or in it.
Salvation from what the Jewish god is going to do if I don't worship him? Fuck off.
The church has no mistakes in it’s traditions because its guided by the Holy Spirit.
They might've improved some aspects, but I'm sure it's not out of the goodness of their hearts. Education has been historically used as a propaganda tool, no doubt this was going on.
Many of your traditions literally contradict Scripture, that's a fact.
Also, who said the Church (which Jesus never said was an institution) has no mistakes?
absolutely based
Based. Keep up the good work protanon
>yes, unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam. How could you tell?
“Worship Mary”
Veneration is not worship, asking for interceding is no worship. That one mistake you made is enough for me
So what is the Jesuits' motivation and goal?
there is no peepee in your balls
>'scuse me suh
>do u have time to hear dawerd of our load and savior Jesus, of the Christship?
>Many of your traditions literally contradict Scripture, that's a fact.
They literally don't. Lol. Most of them are confirmed by scripture.
correct, and byzantine catholicism is the best.
orthodoxy has the best rites, but catholicism has the best theology. combine them and you get byzantine catholicism.
Prove it
I'll listen.
here's your shot.
All its teaching is from the Holy Spirit. What contradicts teaching?
Catholics don't care, they usually fall into one of two camps:
1. They were raised in the Church and are brainwashed nearly beyond salvation.
2. Trad-Fags who are only interested in the aesthetics and the strict religious aspect of it and don't care about the spiritual side.
just because you claim the holy spirit does not mean that you adhere to it
all denominations of christianity including catholicism have doctrine that is anti christ
There is no salvation outside your faggot pope HA HA HA HA HA
There’s also a whole lot less child fucking going on outside of the Vatican than inside. Fucking groomers. Kys.
Power and control, like most similar groups.
But who says these teachings are from the Holy Spirit? Church fathers?
your post reeks of matzah.
The Catholic Church is the only church today that can claim to be the one church founded by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. Other denominations can trace their origins back to various human founders at a later date in history.
Matthew 16:18 is key to understanding Christ’s intent to pass on the authority to lead the Church to Peter and the apostles. Christ tells Peter that he is the rock on which He will build His church.When Catholics use the term apostolic succession, they are referring to the line of bishops that stretches all the way back to the apostles—to Peter—the first Pope. Apostolic tradition (the authentic teaching of the apostles) was handed from Christ to the apostles, and from them to their successors. This unbroken line of popes (the bishops of Rome) and all other bishops have guided the Church for the past 2,000 years, just as Christ intended (Matthew 28:19-20).Christ sent His apostles out into the world with authority to teach and heal (Luke 9:1-2) and to forgive sins (John 20:23). This God-given authority is exercised by the bishops within the Catholic Church to this day.
Wrong and blasphemous. Read your bible.
Jesus. He gave the keys.
Thank the Catholic church
>redpilled African niggers
>created Arabs that don’t blow up
>teached Asians to eat normal food
>2K year old chad traditions
>no infighting
>no editting
>cleaned up Iberia
>killed jews before it was cool
To hell with the Roman Catholic Faggots and the Vatican baby-rape industrial complex. Priests get diplomatic immunity, rape kids with impunity, get caught and rotated to a different location. The "universal" (what Latin word means "universal", Anons?) church was created by a pagan Roman emperor with a christian facade. The church doesn't save, Jesus does. The LORD God Almighty does not reside in buildings made by human hands.
The original one or the protestant one?
Praying to the dead is in scripture? (in before Revelation)
Countless vain repetitive prayers is in scripture?
Having a high priest who you must practically kiss the ring of is in scripture?
Jesus never said to pray to the dead.
Jesus would've condemned the prayer of the rosary as he preached against repetitive prayers.
So are you sure about that?
They're literally synonyms
Pope Francis said creationism is a lie and God is not all powerful.
If you disagree with this how can you call yourself Catholic?
>You CANNOT have the Head without the Body
The Catholic Church IS the Mystical V
Body of Christ. Proof:
1. Jesus said He would never leave us forsaken, but would be with us until the end of the age and send the Holy Ghost to guide the Church
2. Therefore, the Church Jesus said He would found must go back to the first century AD
3. It's obvious to anyone who knows anything about history that the only two possible claimants for going back that far are the Catholic Church and the orthodox churches. It's too long to get into why orthos are wrong about the papacy and filioque.
4. Prots, which were invented in 1517 and later, obviously aren't the true Church, so don't have true teaching, true faith, or the real Christ.
They'll deny it, don't even bother.
good job, that's called logic. *pats you on the head*
Catholic priests infiltrating and destroying Protestant churches and doctrines, more like.
We don’t pray to the death, we asked Saints in Heaven to intercede for us.
Rosary is biblical, “Hail Mary...” It’s in the Bible prot, the Angel greeted Mary that way. Repetitive prayers are pagan prayers, the rosary is a meditation.
More kids are raped in heretical protestant sects than in the CatholicChurch.
Worship = God
Venerate = Like honoring your parents.
>Press X to Doubt
Who the fuck still believes in creationism in 2020? lol
Stop believing the news idiot, start reading church teaching
Weird, that's not what the bible says.
I believe the bible. don’t you?
The Hail Mary was never a prayer.
And you're also just playing linguistics, you're just calling the repetition "meditation" and "prayer" for "intercession".
These words are practically one and the same, you're either disengenous or dumb.
every action is worship of something, nothing can exist without worshiping something
catholics are not real christians and will be purged on the day of the rope
The Catholic Church holds no official position on the theory of creation or evolution, leaving the specifics of either theistic evolution or literal creationism to the individual within certain parameters established by the Church. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, any believer may accept either literal or special creation within the period of an actual six-day, twenty-four-hour period, or they may accept the belief that the earth evolved over time under the guidance of God. Catholicism holds that God initiated and continued the process of his evolutionary creation and that all humans, whether specially created or evolved, have and have always had specially created souls for each individual.
>(in before Revelation)
Congratulations, you played yourself. Also Maccabees (which is canon, btw)
>Countless vain repetitive prayers is in scripture?
>implying that repeatitve, meditative prayer is necessarily vain
>Having a high priest who you must practically kiss the ring of is in scripture?
I mean, yeah, there was a high priest in the Temple, so idk how this is so hard.
The Jesuits have completely taken over the Catholic Church, there is no salvation there, only damnation, but go on and keep supporting the Babylonian Whore. The only thing anyone should be interested in with them is what they have hidden away in the libraries under the Vatican.
we dont pray to the dead
"repetition" is a mistranslation, battalagesete means babbling, not simply repeating
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You prots have no mysticism and won’t understand. Fundamentalism is cancer