"Children will STARVE under socialism!!!!"

>"Children will STARVE under socialism!!!!"
>Children are currently starving under capitalism
>"W-well lattes or some shit"

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Poor children come from poor parents, poor parents are low IQ, just kill them lmao

>Children deserve to eat
*White children deserve to eat

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Cannibalism is free.

i have 170iq and i'm still so poor i can barely get by, literally starving on some days. explain this.

Lots of shills all the sudden trying to promote their option of Marxist socialism/communism as the solution for out of control capitalism.

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Starvation is part of humanity.
You subsidies the masses to breed unrestrained whilst taxing the productive into demographic extinction you will drown under a mass of retards.


You dont seems to have 170 IQ xD

You doubled your actual iq you brainlet

>children don’t have control of their financial situation
This is the kind of thinking that makes each successive generation more weak and dependent on handouts. Children can make great workers, but these millennials are stopping them from getting necessary experience.

When did I say Marxism? I want true NATIONAL SOCIALISM

Natural selection

it's tested and i am also a member of mensa

Parents should feed their children

Do you want some children starving under capitalism, or all of them in socialist fantasy land?

Wont ever happen here unless we remove non whites and race traitors

entitled cunts

no you fucking troglodyte, they are starving under socialism. they would be eating under capitalism, if only we had it. don't post threads if you have an IQ below room temperature.

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We have robots to do their worr, your fetish for human suffering is just creepy now


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No other normal country feeds kids for free.

I don't listen to anyone who claps between words.

Because it's not all about IQ. It's about a solid structure of routine. You can have all the book smarts you want, but street smarts have to be taught. Why do you think so many people want life skills classes back in schools? We have literally doctors, scientists, etc who can't even balance a budget. We overglorify athletes. We allow so called teachers to bore children into not giving a fuck about their studies. We allow parents to just willingly neglect their kids, not doing anything beyond the bare minimum to feed and clothe, and then bitching when their kids end up sluts or incels or whatever. It used to be that men would teach their sons how to fix cars, women their daughters on how to care for a home, and so on, wasn't it? I mean, look at all the LARPers on here - they're proof positive of this shit.They LARP because they're living out the lives, in their fantasies, that they could never have because no one taught them a damn thing.
You can literally trace everything wrong with society to the destruction of the nuclear family. For example, the rape gangs in the UK - in Wales, there was a woman who engineered the gang rape of a girl and two boys, and a big mob tried to lynch her, no joke. Of course, the Anglo police sent them all away, but where's that level of outrage across the UK with all these rape gangs?
In the end, is right - you get the society you incentivize.

If you had that level of IQ, you wouldn't be looking to others for a bail out. You'd come up with your own plan of action.

So is everyone here now just an edgy 15 year old trying to rebel against dad?

Please show me starving Scandinavian children.

Why does that make you have a boner
So confusing

I had to buy my food at school. Everyone had to do that. I know of noone who got their food for free, yet noone complained.

They should be taken from their parents (mom) by child welfare services if the parent is so fucking lazy they can't even put food on the table

The suffering of browns brings a smile to my face and a bulge to my pants.

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The fuck does that have to do with anything? I understand the argument you're trying to make, but that isn't an argument it's a false equivalency. No all heroin users get addicted, but having one that doesn't does not make heroin addictive. that is what you are arguing, and considering socialism is about getting stuff for free without working for it by wealth distribution, it's a very good metaphor.

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False conclusion. Trannies are disgusting and degenerate products of modernity. Child labor is based and tradpilled.

>They should be taken from their parents (mom) by child welfare services if the parent is so fucking lazy they can't even put food on the table

So they can end up failed by the system like pic related?

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Stop blaming everything but the real asshole: THE PARENTS. These kids shouldn’t even exist. The parents can’t fucking parent or afford a 1.5 dollar lunch.

Poor kids already get free lunches. Rich and middle class kids are forced to pay.

I was a poor kid. I had breakfast at home, skipped school food, had light supper at home, and then dinner.

I was still fat despite being poor and the school food kind of sucked. It was all processed and out of a can. Couldn't have cost more than 1 dollar per student... probably 50 cents for the school to make. "Less poor kids" got charged 1 dollar or 50 cent for it.

Michelle Obama had a nice idea but it was impractical. School cafeteria workers are retarded. Expecting most to cook real meals is demanding too much.

Sounds like something Santa Clause would say

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>We have an obesity epidemic in America mostly affecting lower class people
>Also children will literally starve if they don't get their free lunch from school

really tickles my brain cells

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This girl was deliberately failed, it turned out, by her local child welfare services.

I agree with you, user, BUT we have to purge CWS first.

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Who will service the smaller robots when only little child hands will fit?

it does not make heroin *none addictive just because you find a guy who didn't get addicted.

many of you are so fucking cold hearted yet you think you deserve better than your current situation. seems odd to me.


Exactly. Indiscriminate procreation is the problem. My parents were the exact same:

>be poor as fuck
>have user anyway
>be poorer as fuck

Happens all the time.

>close the schools
>but but what about daycare and internet access and food
I thought the point of schooling was education

This is what happens when you try to pass off the existential buck to a kid who never asked to be born: you find all sorts of ways to cope.


show mensa card and timestamp

Don't you know?
Everything bad that happens under Capitalism is solely the fault of individuals while absolutely everything bad that happens under any other system can be attributed directly to the system itself.

Stop * funding * niggers* send * them * back * to * Africa *

What is that symbol between the words in the OP pic?

Absolutely this. Survival of the fittest.

I work in a school, and believe me, for the hopeless, poor kids it's just a daycare.

>>Children are currently starving under capitalism

lmao you have OBESE welfare niggers

Everyone who uses the clap emoticon deserves to be killed.

>angry negress clapping
And these are the people who complain about "cultural appropriation"

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>smart people end up rich, you'll get rich if you had a good genetic dice roll

Nope, and that’s what pisses me off about this push for global pre-K. There is no conclusive evidence that preschool helps at all in the longrun, but third worlders and heartless mothers salivate at the prospect of giving their child to the state one year earlier.

>Children are currently starving under capitalism
No one is starving in the U.S.

Modern school is daycare. A babysitter for the spicnig cycle.


Mensa is a scam for retards anyways.

>children are currently starving under capitalism

that is a lie and you are an evil person whose death would be a boon for the human race

I, too, remember all the news stories of hungry children keeling over and dying right in our classrooms across this terrible nazi nation
To be a liberal, is to kvetch

>heartless mothers salivate at the prospect of giving their child to the state one year earlier.

Because most of them didn't want them to begin with, so whatever keeps them out of their hair, the better.

>day after her birthday
>it's my birthday

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>talking to yourself
That was the actual mother though

The only people who are starving in the U.S. are the mentally ill or the unfortunate offspring of the mentally ill.

you know this has to be a slide thread. The oposition argument to children starving are assholes who want to see children starve (probably socialists).And the argument for socialism is that children are starving which doesn't mean anything because they are starving due to socialist policies (look at california, a socialist democrat run state).
free market capitalism is the only thing that rises quality of life, and rejection of that will lead to suffering on a scale that is scarcely imaginable to the limp wristed brainless cucks who willingly give it up. i for one will be pleased to see them suffer total economic ruin and hunger on the streets. After all they're dragging everyone else along with them.

yeah but this retarded nigger is clearly lying

True, but I’d rather not pay teachers’ unions with my taxes for the same result.

amerisharts could use a bit o starvation

Pre school kids all read earlier than kids who who don't attend preschool. The idea that you have to wait until their 5 or 6 to start teaching them shit is retarded.

>Imagine knowing people like this irl and not slapping the ever loving shit out them every time it even remotely looks like they're going to open their mouth to speak

Im saying that socialism has been working for decades in dozens of countries while you screech that poor children MUST starve or else the world woll end.

>free market capitalism is the only thing that rises quality of life
lolwut, citation needed

Still no proof of success later in life. Many kids get through elementary school being functionally illiterate.

he ran away

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i have 70iq and i'm still so rich i can get by, literally never starving. explain this.

>actual mother

She was an unfit one, and CWS didn't care - if you read up on that case, they basically claimed mistakes were made and tried to cover up their role in it. Victoria was never meant to end up as she did.


Neither would I. Teachers' unions should be abolished - they're full of perverts and horribly uncharismatic just there for the paycheck types anyway. Teachers today are like pic related - I remember this one webm that might have been circulating around on here: two nigger students in a brawl and the white teacher with the most stereotypical fag voice going STOP IT STOP IT as he watched from the sidelines.

All those studies about how less and less kids are reading books? Teachers who make learning anything so boring kids would rather just play Fortnite and vape all day. In an ideal world, parents would be doing much of the teaching and school would be for specialization or whatever.

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Nice child in the US is left to starve. More like their drug addict parents are selling their gov benefits to buy crack

wow so when we have 30% of the population left we can finally implement your ideology?

Jesus knee what kind of faggot you’d become long before you were even born.


This desu