What’s the best way to pass the time at home while in quarantine Yas Forums?
What’s the best way to pass the time at home while in quarantine Yas Forums?
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Shitposting on the internet user.
better download those torrents before internet gets "updated" for "overload" due to people being home
Work out until your tired enough to sleep. Then sleep.
They’re literally trying to prevent a white baby-boom.
fucking jews, it's all so tiresome
It's a shit website but they're good at marketing.
based italia, don't do it paisan.
Clean up the house
get bike pedal battery chargers for exercise and oxygen levels
I'm masturbating to femdom joi clips. After that, I will then use the post-coom shame to motivate me to do something more productive, like playing vydia or watching animu.
Taking your anti-psychotic medication so this farce can end.
I am at so big panic that I can't even fap cause I can't get hard
here have some boner juices
Ok. So I never looked at it, cause I don't are about coomer propaganda, but who wrote that article saying masterbation will save you from corona cause it boosts immune system? I can only (((assume))). They want you weak so it kills you.
> pornhub trying to weaken italian people's immune system just in time for coronavirus
I’ve wasted more days shitposting, walking innawoods, fishing and getting high/drunk than I care to admit
I try my best man, porn is everywhere, free, immediate, nobody shames you anymore and now they even advertise it
I fucking hate it, it's a struggle
>BUY italian vpn
>enjoy FREE pornhub
How are you going to find a woman if you're not allowed to outside anyway you dingus
Play dwarf fortress.
Nothingburgerposting on Yas Forums, jerking off with my Fleshlight and playing EA Star Wars Battlefront 2
Path of exile new league starts tomorrow
Omega based bay12 poster.
>giving a shit about a 'premium' membership to a porn site when there is an abundance of free porn and an even bigger wealth of 2D porn which is superior to 3D
I seriously hope you pastarinos don't do this.
>Go on Pornhub
>Instantly get confronted with nigger dicks
>Type in "solo female"
>Nigger dicks
>Type in "solo female fingering herself"
>Nigger dicks
>White female getting fucked by nigger.
>tfw I've been living in self-imposed quarantine for years
I leave the house only for groceries, to go see my folks and for the occasional (once a month or less) meeting with clients.
What? People pay for pornhub?
I know isnt it amazing
Apparently some producers/websites post their full videos for subscribers or something like that
>What’s the best way to pass the time at home while in quarantine Yas Forums?
I don't know, but it must have something to do with toilet paper, because people are hoarding all of it.
Grinding woodcutting levels
>suggested for you
>nigger dicks
Tried this
>Type in "solo female fingering herself"
>Nigger dicks
Browsed the first 8 result pages, and got
>mostly white girls fingering herself
>first negress on page 2
>5 or 6 negresses in total, rest of them were either white or asian
>0 niggers and 0 men found
I think Pornhub is tailoring the search results to your preferences, you degenerate bong.
I recommend BFFs, POV with 2 or more females.
the algorithm take into account your previous searches
Is this real? They are trying to passify Italians and insult them.
It doesn't matter because all the good stuff stopped being produced
read the classics. work out. compose music or just sing.
How come it's an Israeli who knows how the most degenerate porn site online functions.
>have influenza that can permanently fuck up your lungs
>work out
nice advice leaf
not sick, user did not specify.
Nobody is gonna fuck ugly ass wh*te women
>tfw have already taken advantage of this
not sick. user did not specify.
Why is Feras Antoon underlined?
>checks flag
I really don't know how they're gonna enforce a proper quarantine in most of America - especially in my bumfuck small town and rural area. They're literally are not enough police and National Guards to enforce it. The Sheriff would have to mass deputize people.
I think some major cities will be put on lockdown but elsewhere they'll just close non-essential businesses and schools.In which case, I'l probably just take the free vacation to go camping.
this. get out of cities
The absolute STATE of muttistan, even the Yas Forums posters on nonwhite mutts, pathetic.
Don't. When is the last time a Jew gave you something for free? Porn is bad for you.
he's really into motorcycles
because you, sir, are a faggot.
Hmm really makes you think corona is a black op
It has already been confirmed that it is.
>pic related
(((they))) sign their crimes.
tits or gtfo
porn's for retards.
t. am a retard
you're gonna be a sexually-dysfunctional retard if you keep taking the Jew's porn
I hate these slimy manipulative porn kikes