NY Just Shut Down! Any info?

Word on the street is NYC just shutdown. Took the train to work? You're fucked. Similar lock down if boroughs as 9/11

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>Word on the street is NYC just shutdown.
grow up, retard

Broadway is closed, that's it.

NYC here. Tried to get on the PATH to head back to Jersey and they won't let anyone in the station, but they aren't saying why, or we can use another, or when it will be open.


bullshit. that would be idiotic, it doesn't make any sense. they would shut down after 6 once everyone gets home.

some hobo probably got hit by a train or there's a dog on the tracks. when have they EVER told us why the PATH is down?

Prove it cunt

My dark self hopes the city gets hit hard. Imagine the drop in rent and all the rent controlled apartments that will become available?

The city will beg for people to move, but no one will want to risk it. They will actually have to lower taxes to give incentives for people to not flee.

Most jobs can be done from home anyway.

Also NYC here, can confirm. There's also army humvees on the northern side of Manhattan

suck muh balls faggot - live and learn you dumb cunt.


this is true. containment is coming this weekend. cap this, can't say anything more because i don't anything beyond what i just said.

yepper, shit is about to get real

We need real information. The time for shitposting is over

I worked in brooklyn today. Everyone seems fine. I even stopped for an apple pie doughnut from my favorite spot. It was as crowded as always.

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I got a real phone call from someone is NYC why don't you go back to sucking your boyfriends balls and let the grown ups chat

Oh yeah? Is that the word on the street? Dumbass
Manhattanon here nothing crazy is happening besides grocery stores packed and not many people on the streets

Did a helicopter drive by as well?

That’s a good lookin pie, hope whoever made that you shook their hand

sounds like you are the last to know.

All those poor suited up beaners trying to hug people in germ-fur costumes.

Yesterday I heard from a guy who heard from a guy that the national guard will be deployed in NYC

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NYC here apache helicopter spotted ice train station

All the liberal paradises where they embrace homeless camps, needle using, open borders and refuse to punish crime will be the first to fall. NYC, SF, LA are all going under.

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I heard from a stooge that heard from a guy who knew an insider at the club where the kid who delivers papers to the joint chief of staff's cousin's cousin drinks on Wednesday, that your mother is still selling for a ham sandwich and a bag of cheetos.

Wow I’m so sad that a bunch of niggers and city-fag neolib goobers are massively quarantined, I sure hope the niggers don’t chimp out and burn down the whole city.

Dude, my dad works at Nintendo and you're not invited to my coronavirus bunker

you must be 18 to post here son

God dammit. I've got to go downstate to Commack on the 21st. You fella think shit will hit the fan before then or can I get down there for the day and be good?

My bunker is awesome. Be jelly

I actually work at Nintendo, and that guy is absolutely allowed in your coronavirus bunker.

Not one pic of any of the supposed happening....baka..


Fuck NYC. I don't care if I go down with the ship. Watching this city burn is all I ever dreamed of.

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Any gathering with more than 250 people.
I assume that means most schools.

lying fucking retards

if they shut down the subway in NYC they would at least wait until later in the evening to do it, retard.

Nigga you walking.

Mayor dipshit is having a press conference now.


public schools are in the buiness of wasting money not planning for outages. They could have easily had an online school system in place but instead they wasted all their tax dollars on non-English speaking school. So if you are dumb enough to keep your kid in public after yesterday, your kid will be sick in no time.

>Word on the street
Who are you? Huggy Bear?

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via Yas Forums

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Insider info here, you won't be going to work, school or taking a subway on Tuesday latest.

Funny how defensive all the non-believers are. They just a devoted to nativity. Mayor is talking live now begging for Trumps help!

Cuomo has already put it in the works.

Looks to me like New Rochelle is a good staging area for the nasty girls if they need to lock down NYC.
What a shit detail to pull.

500, not 250.
And the subway is NOT shutdown.

NOOOOOOO, NYC is like the jewish mecca. All of them are supposed to run around coofing on each other until they're all dead.

What happens to retail though? We still need the grocery stores. People need to eat. You can't quarantine everyone for weeks because very, very few have enough food stockpiled.

I gave your mom an apple pie doughnut

My friend in Queens said he can't get toilet paper anywhere. He doesn't know how he's going to wipe his ass. Millions in NYC with shit filled asses.

>Broadway is closed,
fucking bloomberger and his retarded cafe bullshit

It's a welfare state. The people who take care of themselves will be left to fend for themselves. The people who don't will be given more gibs.

uh oh




Kinda defeats the purpose.

Military jet user here, a NYC just flew over my house

DC is getting quarantined now. All liberal shitholes are doomed, but at least you were inclusive to tranny faggots.

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Nice digits. Tell your dumb ass friend to get a wash cloth. It’s more sanitary anyway.

So they want widescale looting? Gangs of raiders? Because that's how you get it.

This will be worse than Snowmageddon in 2010 at the Safeway.

any nyc anons watching diblasio press conference? get in here