Breaking: Trump in quarantine

Trump is in quarantine. I can't say much more.

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Forgot handle.
I'm the NIH annon from last week.

Ha looks like I was right after all you cocksuckers.
timestamp 2:00 and 4:00.

>B-But he always sounds like a weak retard

ITS OVER. We lost 2020

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The fire rises

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did that brazilian guy do him in?
>germs are worse than exercise

that's what I'm assuming.

We're fucked

Why was he still meeting with people? So foolish. Maybe it wasn’t his fault. Maybe he wanted to go in a bunker but he can’t.

I found a source for how long ago they met. He met the Brazilian dude on Saturday, so around 5 days ago and how he sounds like crap. He's done

What building do you work in? I'm in 10

Theres a 2 week incubation period retard

The virus is supposed to incubate for 2 weeks before showing symptoms. This thread is weaker than weaksauce.


Trump probably infected brazilian guy

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>For the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, health officials estimate an incubation period of between one and 14 days. Most people start showing symptoms about five days after becoming infected, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).


Stop being a follower and actually look things up for yourself

Nice email OP, now I’m about to send you some dank rare Pepe memes that will break your system

>low level pissant shithead bureaucrat taxpayer dollar sucking parasite says something

Get fucked. You live off extorting Americans at the point of a gun and the threat of jail time if they don't pay the salary you don't deserve with money they actually had to work for. You live in an artificial bubble economy that is based on nothing but extortion and threats. You're the lowest of the low.

Uh oh...

>The virus is supposed to incubate for 2 weeks before showing symptoms

even in the elderly?

Who cares? It's literally nothing. Trump has the Chuck Norris of immune systems. I hope he does get the virus, that way we can just use his blood as a cure.

go to bed grandpa. But before you do take your meds, schizo.

What I want to know is where are the videos coming out of Wuhan? Is anybody reporting within that area? Any filming of the hospitals like what was initially shown mid January?
I feel like if I can see what it is currently like there, I can get a better sense of how bad this thing really is. Italy is for sure making me a little...anxious.

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Fuck off parasite piece of shit

>our elderly senile obese retarded orange dipshit of a president (who is our only hope for 2020) has coronavirus
>its literally nothing
pick one and only one. Its gonna btfo him and you know it.

He'll get all the antiviral treatment necessary and will be fine.

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Is Pence in quarantine? Anyone else near the top?

5000IU Vitamin D3 per day and you're bombproof. Highly doubt a Billionaire with a healthnut wife and personal Doctors doesn't know this and have top grade nutrition. Trump isn't getting the CoronaHoax.

Streets littered with corpses, chinks in hazmat suits and flamethrowers going from pile to pile to burn them, more hazmat chinks with fumigators a bit further behind to cleanse the buildings.

k keep me posted

Trump will beat the corona virus like it was a bitch, win the next election with ease, and usher in an era of an all-white America.

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So you expect us to believe that a nation state with bioweapons labs was not able to produce an experimental vaccine for the leader? They couldn't find one flunky to man the laminar flow hood to culture enough virus for enough vaccine doses for the volunteer test subject and the president?

hes huffing and puffing words out that's not good.

The traffic on campus is shit whenever they shut stuff down. Glad I don't work there anymore.

i wouldn't be surprised if he got it.... but the idea he will die from it is retarded. I bet every politician in the United States will get it unless they become recluses for the next 6 months

He has been looking pretty ragged.

hes like 90 and obese bro he's done

Fuck off lolbertard piece of shit. It's because of your shitty markets that we're all going to fucking shit. I hope you lost all your money with the wall street crash.

Dont forget the right amount of Vitamin K2 and Magnesium along the D3 pls


Fuck u. Pence will take over after trump enacts Rex 84 protocol and then trump retreats to Mara Lago which is turned into a fortresses and elections are cancelled.

if pence becomes president he will give the USA to Israel

There was a compilation on YouTube from “@veganskeptic” or some shit that has since been removed. They also deleted a discord server for talking about the virus. My guess as to why theres no videos, is big brother doesnt want videos. There WERE videos, and i saw them. So i am buying ammo.

Lmao get pregnant.

>Fuck off lolbertard piece of shit. It's because of your shitty markets that we're all going to fucking shit. I hope you lost all your money with the wall street crash

Fuck off commie
>waaaaa markets go boom
>waaaa, we shouldn't have markets.

dilate longnose

Shit, now that you mention it, the last headline news I heard out of china was that building collapse.
The news focus sorta shifted to international cases after that.


Kill yourself shill rat.

That's too much. Vitamin d toxicity has pretty bad side effects. Even 2000iu for a long period of time could be bad for you


Maybe DRUMPF got it from CPAC. Not the first time CPUSA has sabotaged him.

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as i said before. you have to take k2 and magnesium along with it if you megadose.
BEFORE you do anything like that you should do a ton of research online.

Vitamin D Toxicity Rare in People Who Take Supplements, Mayo Clinic Researchers Report

HHMI here, its basically like h1n1 - everyone needs to calm down but some basic precautions to avoid everyone getting sick at once is necessary.

>trump is Qd
>pic shows no evidence of this at all

ok larping faggot

>trump is in quarantine
>no proof
>retards run with it
I for one wouldn't mind that shabbos cunt dying, but atleast have some dignity, don't succumb to plebeian hysteria.

Been taking 5-10,000 daily for over 20 years. Not had a cold, nevermind flu, in that time. Don't know who is saying you can have too much, but 5-10k for me is great for me and no side fx. It is also really good for teeth, an added bonus.

Did you ever had your D3 levels tested?


You work off the Pike?

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One can hope.

No, that's a pretty standard dose recommended throughout the functional medicine and naturopathic community. If 5k iu/day is too much for you, you have a pretty messed up Cytochrome P450 system. The know-nothing MD's prescribe 50k iu every 2-4 weeks for those in deficiency, which nearly everyone is. But I'd say those levels are far too high to give in a single dose and could cause problems. 5,000 a day, not so much.

Howard Hughes? In Chevy Chase.