Yas Forums humor thread

Yas Forums humor thread

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try ur hardest to not laugh

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It's funny because it's not free and comes at a nigh-irreparable social cost.

Quite an improvement.

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I am have Corona melancholy, but I almost smiled. Good stuff user.

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fuckin kek

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cock sucker

Except we can’t fix our government, women, or kids because the Jews made it impossible too.

sauce on the Astolfo btw?

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Have you guys seen a Blacsian? They look just as white if not WHITER than the average White-African mix. Furthermore, they have SOFT asian eyes that makes the Blacsian woman hot and the Blacsian male to not be left behind.

We DON'T want any more Elliot Rodgers or (((racially pure))) Asian males because they look wimpy and women don't usually marry either.

Can someone shop this, to include a jew doing the exact same, claiming white people are opressing them and keeping them down, what is literally what jews belief.

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The perfect Aryan specimen

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I think it's trying to communicate

Indeed boogie1488 is /ourfattie/

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Why are we puting words in this big fella's mouth?

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Yea, everything's free until your kids are getting taught by a demon tranny at the local library

cause he's a fuckboy hated by all and it's kinda funny

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Oh. Okay.

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Damn astolfo has grandkids now?

the older I get the more I appreciate Watterson

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>and this is my widdle cuddlebug Ogran Shredder
>isn't he adorable?

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Cerberus is missing two of its heads.

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>mfw this thread
>mfw nu/pol/
Can’t believe I’m supposed to be afraid of you queers. Anyway, have some actual Yas Forums humor

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This is fucking cringe

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go to b

Sucks to suck, goy
Now you know how those niggers and redskins felt

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Yas Forums is a reality new board but the same shit gets posted, /gif/ pol threads are good though

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Can't Mossad the Assad!


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Dis she died?

go back to pissrael you filthy kike

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Thanks Australia, for giving us The Big Lez Show.

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But the niggers and redskins have plenty of opportunities to lift themselves up. Instead the government Jews steal money from people who work and give it to the niggers and redskins and deincentivize them to do anything proactive.

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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>jews blaming themselves
That's the best joke in the thread

n i g g e r

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Took me a second

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I do remember that one Nazi kid who kept going on about the Tiger meme

>if Hitler built more Tiger tanks

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Fuuuck youuu nigger REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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my fucking sides

fug :DDD

no problem yank, thanks for giving us coke and Megadeth

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>AR stands for Assault rifle

Good one.



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Is that a brand new PBF?